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Unions Angry About Obamaocare ...


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So, NOW the unions know what we knew before Obamaocare. They were too busy being


locked into membership of the Democratic Party. Now? We told ya, bad things will be happening


because of this debacle. Thanks for nothin, stupid dem unions.




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Unions were useful at one time. Now they are mostly corrupt. Having to join a union to get hired isn't fair for one thing. In between the Army and the Navy I drove a yellow cab for a few months in Cleveland. Had to join the Teamsters union and pay dues. It was an all commission job, so I didn't make much money to say the least.

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Which, btw, reminds me of a story.


I went to my knee surgeon a couple of weeks ago. According to the xrays, I need

a new knee. It's worn out. About Nov/Dec. But, I opted for another big freakin shot into my knee to

hold me over for the summer.


So, I get the bill. $177 bucks for radiology. Check.

$20 for the meds that this big shot put into my knee. Check.


And then, because of rising Obamaocare-induced changes, the doctor's

office is considered a branch of the local hospital group. So, the shot into my knee is now considered a

"minor outpatient hospital surgery". Yep. $682 bucks. For use of the "hospital room", and the "minor outpatient hospital



We can afford it, but how many can? And we are retired. But wait, there's more ! Because of recent changes..."ahem"...

our deductable changed from 500 to 1000 when we retired...... I just found this out in my calls to the insurance co, the dr office.



Thanks for nothin, Obamaocare union mugs. You'll be hit a whole lot more than we will. The angry unions just found out

that the Obamaocare fiasco is a fiasco? They're probly' going to get more and more disgusted over the next couple of years -

you disagree with the leftists in our president's regime, and they will use the IRS and other groups to "get you", too..

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Well I'm just saying that saying "thanks for nothing" is incorrect.


My only experience with unions has been not working with them. At my co-op last winter the automotive company I worked for didn't have a union. I was able to go down onto the line and work with the equipment and stuff along those lines without any backlash. It was great and a lot of the engineers there mentioned it as one of the big differences from the big three.


One of my buddies last summer interned in Barberton and he said the unions in the place where he worked sucked, and they basically prevented him from doing a lot of things

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You don't have an imagination, 7th grade one liner.


It's PRINCIPLE. You referred to your experience that was relevant in

backing up how you see an issue. I've spoken of this before.


The next time you do the same, and conclude in the liberal direction,


I will also commend you for the above. You really are a pouter. You make yourself


look like you really are in the seventh grade.

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Here ya go, Woody:


"Giving and receiving compliments is easier with high self-esteem. But like all behaviors that interact with self-esteem, compliments are both cause and effect. That is, high self-esteem makes it easier to give and receive compliments, AND giving and receiving compliments supports higher self-esteem."

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So, NOW the unions know what we knew before Obamaocare. They were too busy being


locked into membership of the Democratic Party. Now? We told ya, bad things will be happening


because of this debacle. Thanks for nothin, stupid dem unions.





The 2 party system has to go, bottom line. I'm Union, and am disgusted by this Obamacare myself.


That being said, there's no way I would embrace the Republicans. I used to lean a tad right politically until the Rs went totally insane.

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I wish the Republicans old guard would go away, and the Tea Party ruled.


Seems that there will come a time when a new political party will come around,


assuming it would be legit enough to win. Down the road a good ways....

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so besides the stuff that some members of the opposing media have made up, exactly what is it about what the people theee claim to stand for bothers you guys? As far as I can see it's basically a lower taxes lowered deficent lower spending smaller government basic kind of belief system. I don't see anything officially about religion or anything else.


is it just that that bothers you? Or is it something we don't know about?



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The fact that religion seems to play a big role in their policy making is a big deterrent for me. Is Rick Perry considered to be in the Tea Party? Didn't he hold a state pray session to ask for rain or something crazy like that?


Add in the instances of racism and ignorance, and the fact the base of the group basically seems like old, pissed off rednecks and religious extremists and they're further away from me.


IMO they're a fringe political group and I don't want to associate with either extreme.


I also am on the other side of most of their stances on social issues.

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have you seen anything from the official Tea Party movement that places fundamentalist religion as a platform? I don't think you have. Yes I believe there are people who are favored by the Tea Party who are fundamentalist Christians but that is not part of the platform. someone could just as easily be an atheist and want smaller government lower taxes and reducing the deficit.Barack Obama was a member of a fundamentalist Christian Church until it no longersuited his political agenda. Should I then assume that the Democratic Party is a fundamentalist Christian organization? Indeed just about every black politician is a member of a fundamentalist Christian Church. These churches are as conservative and strict and God fearing as anything amongst the whole white Baptist community. Does that lead you to think that the Democratic Party is an arm of the Christian movement? Of course not.


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Why, did Obama say his faith guided his policies? Is this one of those "gotcha" posts you're always trying to get at?


First of all, there are a lot of reasons I don't side with the Tea Party that I already listed. I'm not sure why you aren't trying to go after those


Second of all I realize politicians have to say and act a certain way to appease the public. Sadly we live in a country where a non Christian candidate wouldn't get elected. Eventually that will change but as of now you'll need to show you're in with that crowd to at least not get completely isolated. Obama especially had to because half the country thought he was a Muslim, and as we all know Muslim = bad


Finally, occasionally mentioning your faith and religion is different than holding a govt sermon to pray for rain. Its different than talking about Satan and the end times and what not. Its different than straight up pulling a phrase out of the Bible and saying "See, this is exactly how it should be."





For me to not like a politician strictly on his religious views it would have to be some ridiculous shit (evolution is a lie, all gays burn in hell, praying for rain, etc). But again, that alone isn't why I dislike the tea party. I mentioned other reasons

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so besides the stuff that some members of the opposing media have made up, exactly what is it about what the people theee claim to stand for bothers you guys? As far as I can see it's basically a lower taxes lowered deficent lower spending smaller government basic kind of belief system. I don't see anything officially about religion or anything else.


is it just that that bothers you? Or is it something we don't know about?



For me its the fucking three corner hats and the teabags and people holding signs with pictures of Obama dressed like a tribesmen, and yelling "you lie" at him when he's on the podium speaking. No president in my lifetime has gotten so little respect, no, not even bush. They look crazy like Alex Jones and glen beck and Michele Bachman, and they're making a spectacle of it on television and the internet. At least in the olden days when the opposition got fucking wacky you didn't have it go viral in five minutes. They just printed it in the paper and half the damn population couldnt read anyway.


I guess it just boils down to I won't side with a crazy eyed idiot wearing a three corner hat with tea bags hanging off it reading from a scroll like Benjamin Franklin.

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When did he get heckled at the podium? Once an Arab threw shoes at him but there's no accounting for other cultures. Yes, Obama gets less respect than even Bush did. And as a former military guy whether its air force, navy , Army or Marines you've got to be a little disgusted about the lack of respect for the commander in chief.

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