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Stupid Things Stupid Conservatives Say

MLD Woody

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With libs, if they don't like you, you are guilty, and if you can't prove you


are innocent with no doubt, then you are still guilty.


Unless you are one of them, then you are innocent no matter what the evidence.


-That's my cal


Thats pretty accurate.


Libs are accusers...they accuse people that have a different opinion than theirs as "woman haters" "homophobes" "islamophobes" , "racists" etc.


They throw out accusations then put the burden on those they accuse to prove that they are innocent of the accusations.


You're a rapist Crisco. Prove to me you're not you piece of crap. Kinda get the idea?

I don't hate gays because I feel marriage is between a man and woman no more than I hate legally blind people because I feel they shouldn't be allowed to drive a car. Was that easier for you to understand?


Liberals also preach compassion, tolerance and open mindedness, yet are outraged when someone elses opinion differs from theirs...name calling and accusations are soon to follow.

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Westside Steve, on 28 May 2013 - 9:41 PM, said:snapback.png

Pat Roberts is the senator from Kansas.

Woody: "Oops. You know who I meant"


This exchange pretty much sums up this entire thread. BTW, Robertson is not a prominent Republican figure and isnt a "conservative".

He's a dingbat religious figure. The old phrase "nuttier than a fruitcake" applies.

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Westside Steve, on 28 May 2013 - 9:41 PM, said:snapback.png

Woody: "Oops. You know who I meant"


This exchange pretty much sums up this entire thread. BTW, Robertson is not a prominent Republican figure and isnt a "conservative".

He's a dingbat religious figure. The old phrase "nuttier than a fruitcake" applies.

Oh right. But Sheryl crow is.

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Conservatives do that too. Humans do that. Those in glass houses should not throw stones. We all live in some degree of glass houses.


Well of course everyone sins, but there you go again ...resorting to the "well, they do it too" defense to minimize behavior clearly more dominant within liberalism.


If I told you that liberal protests such as Occupy Wall Street are violent and uncivil, you would try and tell me "well, Tea Party protests are violent too so there". This massive protest got little media coverage. Ask your friend Heckles if the Tea Party behaved like this, how much media coverage they would receive.



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Lol that's what I was thinking



I'm guessing more conservatives follow the word of that religious ding bat than liberals follow Sheryl Crow


Yeah that dingbat is such a threat to freedom and the American way of life...more so than Muslim extremists.

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Have you ever thought about the average age of the occupy wall street gang vs the average age of the tea party gang? I'm guessing you have not.



What difference does it make if you refer to both of them as "gangs"?


Amazing what excuses you libs will come up with . The average age of a Wall Street protester was 33, which means some were older, and some younger. What you're telling me is that a 33 yr. old person of the liberal persuasion has not matured yet.

Thats not a surprise.

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Whoa there. Deflection much? Who compared hom to Muslim terrorists?


Whoa lol!? Boy nothing gets past you does it?

This wasn't meant as a deflection. just an observation..,. too bad you have difficulty reading between the lines.

Woody has expressed his disdain for religion, and I was just calling him out on his hypocrisy.

To ridicule those on the right who hate and fear Muslim extremists, while at the same time fearing and hating on Christian evangelists like PR, who incidentally, has done no harm to anyone, is hypocritical.

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What difference does it make if you refer to both of them as "gangs"?


Amazing what excuses you libs will come up with . The average age of a Wall Street protester was 33, which means some were older, and some younger. What you're telling me is that a 33 yr. old person of the liberal persuasion has not matured yet.

Thats not a surprise.

Don't think too much into it. Any group of people can be referred to as a gang.

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Sheryl Crow most certain IS a prominent Dem poltical figure. She's performed at Dem conventions, is a well know super liberal democrat.




  1. Crow, Matthews Rock Democratic Convention | Billboard
    Singing at the Democratic convention, Sheryl Crow dedicated her song "Strong ...Crow sang to her party's nominee and his newly announced running mate.
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    Sep 29, 2008 – ROME (CNS) -- The Democratic Party in the United States "risks ...Convention in Denver featured a guest appearance by Sheryl Crow, ...
  3. Archbp. Burke on Democrat Party: risks becoming “party of death ...
    Sep 29, 2008 – ... Convention in Denver featured a guest appearance by Sheryl Crow,... "At this point the Democratic Party risks transforming itself definitely ...
  4. Sheryl Crow's Religion and Political Views | The Hollowverse
    Jan 25, 2013 – Religion: Sheryl Crow is critical of Christians in her songs, and has an... Politics: She is a Democrat, and is particularly passionate about the environment ...She criticized the Tea Party for being an angry, uninformed group of ...
  5. Democrat Party Risks Becoming the “Party of Death”: US Vatican ...
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  7. Sheryl Crow used to at least be a good songwriter | Tabitha Hale
    Aug 18, 2010 – Sheryl Crow used to at least be a good songwriter ... We're not a third party. ... The Democrat Party marches in lockstep with all of the liberal ...
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