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Stupid Things Stupid Conservatives Say

MLD Woody

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Cutting back on foreign aid is one thing. Being reimbursed by nations that we have liberated is another, We should look to Iraq, and Libya, to reimburse us for part of what we have done to liberate these nations.


Michele Bachmann.



Can you imagine? Going to Iraq and charging them money for what we did there.

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Cutting back on foreign aid is one thing. Being reimbursed by nations that we have liberated is another, We should look to Iraq, and Libya, to reimburse us for part of what we have done to liberate these nations.


Michele Bachmann.



Can you imagine? Going to Iraq and charging them money for what we did there.

Exactly what is wrong with what we did there? Got rid of a dictator. Got rid of the sanctions. Modernized their army and killed a lot of bad guys.

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Right. Killed a lot of people. It's convenient for you to think of them as all "bad guys" but that's not quite the truth is it? Killed a lot of regular guys too. Destroyed the infrastructure. Left them in terror of religious fanaticism and chaos. Hey you fuckers owe us big time for this.

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We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil and it was scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.


Michele Bachmann.


Except that they didn't. It was like 100 years later.even the youngest founder was dead.

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Right. Killed a lot of people. It's convenient for you to think of them as all "bad guys" but that's not quite the truth is it? Killed a lot of regular guys too. Destroyed the infrastructure. Left them in terror of religious fanaticism and chaos. Hey you fuckers owe us big time for this.

Big miscalculation on US intelligence behalf not recognizing that once Sadaam was out of the picture in Iraq the sectarian violence escalation


was going to be off the charts. Shia, Sunni, Kurds took advantage of power vacuum to settle some long simmering scores. Could be the tunnel


vision created by the singular priority of capturing OBL clouded the big picture and as you say left Iraq in a giant shitstorm.


Liberation came with wall to wall chaos rather than the proliferation of equal rights.

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I'm surprised some of our conservative fellows haven't come here to defend some of these quotes. Some, like bush, are simple but hilarious mistakes. Most are wild eyed craziness and I know some of the guys here don't disagree with them.

give me a couple that concern you mostly. Non mistakes actually.

I'll give you one defense in particular: Rand Paul saying that we need to pay more for health care. Yes we do. We are insulated from the actual costs by a bloated system of insurance Medicare and Medicaid, we have no idea what services we are consuming nor what they actually cost.

which other quotes bother you the most?


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I'm not talking about health insurance I'm talking about paying for actual health services which we don't do. There have been about a million studies talking about the inconsistencies about what you pay for insurance and what actual services are delivered. And I pay $750 a month.and I get no prescription Dental or vision.


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How about Glen Beck's assertion that Barry is a white-hating racist. Some people here have quasi made that claim before. Anyone want to tackle it now?

Maybe you have never heard any of Jeremiah Wrights rants.

and maybe Obama doesn't feel exactly that way (actually I would not believe that he does) but he most certainly had no problem co-oting that particular vision in order to win power amongst people who do dislike white people. So does that make him racist?

what would you think of a white candid it who joined the Klan in order to win in a Southern District, even if he didn't agree with everything they said? Would you be outraged if someone called him a racist?


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Greed exists, sure. A lot of really bad things exist.


The smaller bad things some people do take a great damage to


society in general.


That is far from saying that "all" or "most" people do bad things.


It's pretty tough to keep a thread going just based on "stupid things conservatives say" I reckon !

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Greed exists, sure. A lot of really bad things exist.


The smaller bad things some people do take a great damage to


society in general.


That is far from saying that "all" or "most" people do bad things.


It's pretty tough to keep a thread going just based on "stupid things conservatives say" I reckon !

No its not at all. There's so much fodder I could literally keep it going for months. You guys are afraid to post here and defend your heroes though, because trying to defend these nutjobs would be kicking your own ass. No help needed from me.

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Well I don't believe anybody really thinks that way.


Well look at me for example Steve. My work directly results in thousands of pounds of ozone depleting and global warming hydrocarbons being pumped into the atmosphere. Scientists reckon 1/3 of the species on earth will become extinct if the temperature rises just a couple of degrees, but do I put a bunch of penguins before my family's need to eat? I do not.

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LOL.. lame thread. Listing misstatements and botched phrases by conservatives? That's the best you people can do? Liberals are the epitome of stupidity, just deal with it.




The irony.... I can't take it... it is too much

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What ever happened to the subject of this thread? A few quotes? really????


Meanwhile, at the thread where we have been listing dozens. soon to be hundreds. of really


stupid things liberals emote without using their not-working brains...


we have a whole LOT of material. At the rate liberals say stupid stuff, it may go on


for a long time.

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