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Islamic Extremists Behead An Off Duty British Soldier In London


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Cysko, what in the hell are you going on about. You're trying to say that I would claim the Muslim Brotherhood or Black Panthers are NOT racist? Get real. Learn to differentiate between extremists and non-extremists. I'll admit that Lanza wasn't a great example, but Breivik is a perfect example. You just made the claim that Breivik acted on his own and isn't representative of all white people. The "God-given right" part is irrelevant. Both the Islamic extremists and anti-immigration extremists have this idea that they're purifying the world and making it better for their version of a utopia, when really they're just being fucking assholes. I don't think that Britain should bend over backwards for Sharia law, I think they should prosecute anyone they catch who uses Sharia law to break the laws that Parliament upholds. It's what I'd expect out of the United States if this shit were to happen here.

You need to work on your comprehension, scientist. I didn't say get rid of all Muslims, although frankly I wouldn't shed a tear for the total destruction of the 'religion of peace'. I said put them in their place. Run them out. Wipe them out if they have to. Let it be known we will not bow to their sharia law no matter what Allah demands. If it were Christians I'd say that we won't live under their law no matter what Jesus demands. Just like I oppose religious opposition to gay marriage, but Christians aren't lopping off guys' heads for no reason on the streets of London are they?

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I don't think in general all police in the UK need to be armed, although there is a case for more armed police in places like London, Manchester and Liverpool.


In this particular case it wouldn't have saved the soldier either way.


The case of the Brazilian who was shot dead by police is slightly different in that the security services (wrongly) thought he was a possible suicide bomber who refused to stop when challenged.


With the information they were given and the situation they were in, it's understandable to a certain degree why they opened fire because a suicide bomber by definition is out to be taken alive.

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I really don't see how anyone can honestly argue that any other extremist group pose anything like the threat that Islamic fundamentals do. You simply can't reason with someone who lives his life to the letter of a book written in the middle ages and is willing to kill himself and anyone else who refuses to follow it also.


Obviously there are lunatics in all religions but the sheer scale of this problem is difficult to deal with.

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Your right, intolerance is taught by others, which is why allowing more and more Islamic schools to open is so frightening and a disaster waiting to happen.


These children will never mix with anyone other than Muslims and so be open to moulding into taking on any view their imam has, who themselves has often come here from Third World countries with ancient views. They don't marry outside their religion, largely live in Muslim areas so tell me how this is a recipe for mutual tolerance?


It isn't going to work and I guarantee things are going to get worse if nothing changes.

Anyone else find this a little funny?

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So you can name McVeigh and breivek. That's two. How many Islamic terrorists to those two?

I think you also have to consider the wrod 'terrorist' there - as they say, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

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Bosnian-Serb forces initiated their own version of Muslim ethnic cleansing during Bosnia War 1992-1995. Slick Willy Clinton freaked out while


dispatching special forces operatives to take down or return to trial for war crimes those he felt responsible. Had George W/Chaney been in office


I think we would have seen a more measured response. Timing is everything

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No, I said 'tolerance is taught by others'. I didn't say intolerance was necessarily bad if by tolerance you mean appeasement. Churchill once said 'The appeaser is the man who feeds the crocodile in the hope it eats him last'.


I'd rather there weren't any Muslims in England because that would solve the problem straight away. However this is obviously never going to be the case so the watered down option we are left with is the hope the Muslims that are here teach a moderate form of Islam rather than the dark age shit some are teaching now....got it yet?

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No, I said 'tolerance is taught by others'. I didn't say intolerance was necessarily bad if by tolerance you mean appeasement. Churchill once said 'The appeaser is the man who feeds the crocodile in the hope it eats him last'.


I'd rather there weren't any Muslims in England because that would solve the problem straight away. However this is obviously never going to be the case so the watered down option we are left with is the hope the Muslims that are here teach a moderate form of Islam rather than the dark age shit some are teaching now....got it yet?

I disagree with the 'all muslims are bad' philosophy you seem to have there. I know plenty of muslims who are just normal people, friends of mine. I agree that the sharia law crap is completely Neanderthal and has no place in modern society, but making britain a 'muslim-free zone' would be like cutting off a leg because you have a broken toe. Not to mention it would make britain a lightning rod for terrorist attacks in the future, probably even more so than america.

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You read it wrong, I didn't say I want to make it a 'Muslim free zone' nor do i say all muslims are bad. Both are sweeping generalisations that aren't factual or achievable in the real world.


I simply mean that if you weigh up the pros and cons of what Islam brings to the country it's no contest, so in a hypothetical argument do I prefer them here or not then I choose not.


My main point on the whole subject is, only they can get their own house in order and time will tell if they have either the willingness or ability to do it. In the meantime we don't have to continue to sweep under the carpet the fact we have a big problem by trying to blame it on a tiny minority, hated by the rest.

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You read it wrong, I didn't say I want to make it a 'Muslim free zone' nor do i say all muslims are bad. Both are sweeping generalisations that aren't factual or achievable in the real world.


I simply mean that if you weigh up the pros and cons of what Islam brings to the country it's no contest, so in a hypothetical argument do I prefer them here or not then I choose not.


My main point on the whole subject is, only they can get their own house in order and time will tell if they have either the willingness or ability to do it. In the meantime we don't have to continue to sweep under the carpet the fact we have a big problem by trying to blame it on a tiny minority, hated by the rest.

We do have a big problem, but it is the fault of a tiny minority hated by the rest.


I think if you start weighing up who's allowed in to the country based on what they contribute you'll fairly quickly end up with nobody in the country at all! Besides, you could certainly argue a case for having no religion in the country at all - but then that's illegal under EU human rights.

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I do agree though, the extreme Muslim community isn't going to respond at all to the infidels telling them they're doing it wrong, only they can sort themselves out. Unfortunately, while religion exists, we'll still have people doing terrible things in its name.

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so in England where are the bulk of the Muslims coming from? It would seem logical that you would have immigrants from India or Pakistan in the UK. and it seems logical enough that the French would have problems with Algerians. Is it relatively easy to get on the dole in the UK if you move there?


another question is the UK part of the European Union even though you still use the pound sterling as currency?



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Try not to put so much effort into it woody.

Eat a dick you sour old man


You want me to type what he said again and add filler? I agree with what he said, so boom, quote + repost



You ever planning on hopping back in the gay marriage thread and telling me why its a bad thing?

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The vast majority are Pakistani, no idea on exact numbers as there are official and unofficial figures, but your talking millions as opposed to thousands as its common par active to have an arranged marriage with someone from back in Pakistan. In the last 10/15 years though there has been a large rise in Iraqis, Somalis, Iranians and afghans, but in a city like London its full of every nation under the sun.


The UK is in the EU but we just kept the pound, getting into the county is relatively easy and once here deporting people takes years, due to a nice free legal system for anyone whose first language isn't English, meaning you lodge appeal after appeal and never leave. In the meantime you try your best to either get pregnant or impregnate a British national as they very rarely deport anyone with a child here (they are referred to as anchor babies).


This is why 50% of ALL children born in UK last year were to mothers born outside it. Add to that the British born mothers with foreign fathers and it give you a picture of the situation.

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Eat a dick you sour old man


You want me to type what he said again and add filler? I agree with what he said, so boom, quote + repost



You ever planning on hopping back in the gay marriage thread and telling me why its a bad thing?

Don't get angry woody. And, eat a dick? You sound 12 years old.

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