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Islamic Extremists Behead An Off Duty British Soldier In London


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Think of the positives. With a crazy ass religion in the spotlight it allows Christians to look less crazy about some of their beliefs.


But I feel bad for the normal, good, everyday Muslims. They've got guys like this doing crazy shit with the main distinguishing characteristics to guys here being "he's Muslim". That's gotta suck and we're lucky we probably won't ever experience it.

Normal everyday good muslims. Unlike them bad christians that you hate so much right? Hypocrite.

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Normal everyday good muslims. Unlike them bad christians that you hate so much right? Hypocrite.

Lol ... no.... but good try.


Let me know where I say I hate Christians. Let me know where I'm asking them all to be kicked out of my country, or murdered, or whatever you guys have said about Muslims on here.


I know its difficult for you to understand. That's OK.


I think EVERY religion is silly. Christianity is just the most common here.



Point is you are generalizing about all the PEOPLE that follow a religion. You guys are making it seem like every Muslim is a violent, dangerous terrorist looking to convert all the good non muslims.

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I don't care about every Muslim. All I know is it's only Muslims threatening Jihad, killing innocent people on our streets and and preaching death to non believers and anyone who associates with them.


Everytime something like this happens you get the same old shit about it being a minority of Muslims and Islam being a religion of peace. Well until these moderate Muslims get their house in order and start reporting the others it's just words.

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Yet ALWAYS Muslims.





I don't care about every Muslim. All I know is it's only Muslims threatening Jihad, killing innocent people on our streets and and preaching death to non believers and anyone who associates with them.


Everytime something like this happens you get the same old shit about it being a minority of Muslims and Islam being a religion of peace. Well until these moderate Muslims get their house in order and start reporting the others it's just words.






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Those Nutjobs were one man bands, not radicalised by anyone but themselves and will get exactly what they deserve, but It's a totally different situation.


These people are being brain washed on a large scale both here and abroad to hate everything that's seen as non Muslim, but you keep telling yourself everytime someone blows themselves up on a bus or a train that they too were loan wolves, misguided and simply out of touch with others.

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For the most part the religion promotes extremism. supposedly civilised countries have archaic blasphemy laws, their treatment of woman and threats of violence against anyone, regardless of where in the world they may be, who dares question their interpetation of the holy book.


Take a look at how life would be under Sharia Law and tell me how you reason with someone who wishes to live by it and force others to do the same.


Until the moderates deal with their extremist problem nothing will change. The only problem is that like those in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the moderates tend the end up getting killed.

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Those Nutjobs were one man bands, not radicalised by anyone but themselves and will get exactly what they deserve, but It's a totally different situation.


These people are being brain washed on a large scale both here and abroad to hate everything that's seen as non Muslim, but you keep telling yourself everytime someone blows themselves up on a bus or a train that they too were loan wolves, misguided and simply out of touch with others.


So you're saying white supremacy groups aren't a problem in Europe.



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Not on any organised scale no. They lack numbers and finance, but like any other group, one man with a gun can do damage if they have the intention.


History shows that if the politicians fail to listen to the people, the people will listen to the far right, and they aren't listening now.

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Not on any organised scale no. They lack numbers and finance, but like any other group, one man with a gun can do damage if they have the intention.


History shows that if the politicians fail to listen to the people, the people will listen to the far right, and they aren't listening now.


Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. Look up groups like C18 or the EDL. If racism isn't a problem, then please explain to me why FIFA has spent tens of millions of dollars over the past decade on its anti-racism campaign? Oh it's because shit like this happens all the time.



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You obviously understand very little of the problem, proven by your Combat 18 comment. They were like the media bogeyman of a decade ago but in effect probably have numbers in the tens, who have neither achieved nor tried to achieve anything.


Likewise the EDL don't even openly advertise themselves as a far right organisation, simply an anti Muslim one, made up of nobody of influence or set goals whose numbers are insignificant compared to the number of Muslims in this country who regularly outnumber them at their own rallies.


Stop reading the silly scare stories on google as you really don't understand the lay of the land here. Only France in the western world faces similar issues as England.


The problem of Islamic extremism isn't easily solved here as you can't deport people who are born here. It has to be tackled in their own communities and until it is it will spread like a cancer.

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Likewise the EDL don't even openly advertise themselves as a far right organisation, simply an anti Muslim one, made up of nobody of influence or set goals whose numbers are insignificant compared to the number of Muslims in this country who regularly outnumber them at their own rallies.


The Nazis openly advertised themselves as a socialist party, that didn't make them any less fascist. The EDL are far right based on their actions. They're pretty good at claiming that they're a peaceful organization, but the reality is that they're a hotbed for extremists, including Breivik.

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You simply don't get the numbers involved do you? They pale into insignificance when compared to the extremist Islamists and those who either agree or at least sympathise with their views.


Like I said, the EDL is an unorganised bunch with no clear goals, who spend more time getting drunk and singing anti Muslim songs. It's a far cry from with the Nazi party of the early 30s who had political aspirations.


Their 'marches' number in the low hundreds and are often outnumbered by Muslim youths. What happens next tends to be a series or running 'battles' until the police disperse them to their own areas where each no doubt brag about their victories.

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it's only Muslims threatening Jihad


I hate taking quotes out of context but the redundancy/tautology this did make me laugh hysterically.


You obviously understand very little of the problem, proven by your Combat 18 comment. They were like the media bogeyman of a decade ago but in effect probably have numbers in the tens, who have neither achieved nor tried to achieve anything.


Likewise the EDL don't even openly advertise themselves as a far right organisation, simply an anti Muslim one, made up of nobody of influence or set goals whose numbers are insignificant compared to the number of Muslims in this country who regularly outnumber them at their own rallies.


This is a frequent occurrence and genuinely funny. The EDL is purely a hate group, 'organised' - and I use the term in its loosest sense - to "get rid of the muslims" with no other agenda. It's a group of uneducated, intolerant thugs who think 'England for the English' is a legitimate slogan and that because they fell out of their mother in one country it gives them a divine right to expel everyone else from it as they see fit.


Stop reading the silly scare stories on google as you really don't understand the lay of the land here. Only France in the western world faces similar issues as England. I'm not convinced it's only France but they certainly do have a similar scale of immigration and ethnic diversity. It's as big a problem there, for sure.


The problem of Islamic extremism isn't easily solved here as you can't deport people who are born here. It has to be tackled in their own communities and until it is it will spread like a cancer. Intolerance is not something we are born with, it's ingrained in us by society/parents/whoever, someone a young child looks up to and takes their word as authority. So all we need is one generation to grow up actually questioning the crap that is spouted about which religion is the 'right' religion - spoiler, it's more than likely to be none of them, but if there is a god, it's probably going to be the same fella that Christianity, Islam and Judaism all worship - and we'll be well on the way to a tolerant, peace-first environment. We seem to be headed that way at the moment, most young people are growing up basically not giving a shit about religion and you don't really see many of these attacks committed in the name of religion.

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I'm not arguing that the numbers are significant compared to the militant Islamists. And my comparison to the Nazi party was only to show that their name and what they claim to be is a far cry from what they actually are. Clearly, and I'd have to be crazy to think otherwise, the EDL's numbers and influence are not even close to those of the German Nazis and the current Sharia Islamists in Europe. The point I'm trying to make is that they do have influence, and that the group attracts the fringe nuts who do crazy shit like bomb Oslo and shoot children at a summer camp (along with much more less significant shit). Basically, all I've said has been a response to Cysko's comment that it's "always Muslims."

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I'm not arguing that the numbers are significant compared to the militant Islamists. And my comparison to the Nazi party was only to show that their name and what they claim to be is a far cry from what they actually are. Clearly, and I'd have to be crazy to think otherwise, the EDL's numbers and influence are not even close to those of the German Nazis and the current Sharia Islamists in Europe. The point I'm trying to make is that they do have influence, and that the group attracts the fringe nuts who do crazy shit like bomb Oslo and shoot children at a summer camp (along with much more less significant shit). Basically, all I've said has been a response to Cysko's comment that it's "always Muslims."

Those guys who had the bombs at the Boston marathon, about 6 weeks back, they weren't muslim, were they?

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Your right, intolerance is taught by others, which is why allowing more and more Islamic schools to open is so frightening and a disaster waiting to happen.


These children will never mix with anyone other than Muslims and so be open to moulding into taking on any view their imam has, who themselves has often come here from Third World countries with ancient views. They don't marry outside their religion, largely live in Muslim areas so tell me how this is a recipe for mutual tolerance?


It isn't going to work and I guarantee things are going to get worse if nothing changes.

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Those guys who had the bombs at the Boston marathon, about 6 weeks back, they weren't muslim, were they?


Wow. How dense can you be? Please tell me where I said that Islamic extremists don't commit acts of terrorism. Oh wait, I made a fucking thread about it!

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Exactly what I accused you of. If the whites stand up for themselves they're racists. Nobody bats an eye at this


black-panthers-flag-and-guns-300x200.jpg but white people! Get the anti racism crew out pronto! and why is that? Because white racists are nice easy targets and the other racists can accuse the anti racism league of being racist if they attempt to spotlight minority racism.


And your pointing out of Anders Brevik and Adam Lanza is stupid. Sorry. Different crimes in every way. Neither one of them professed to have a divine god given right to wage war on the world. You're being purposefully obtuse. If you want to roll over and put your ass in the air for Muslims so they don't think you're mean and racist that's your business. England owes them nothing. The Brits are under no obligation to give up their own rights and live under medieval Muslim Sharia law because they're afraid to look racist.


Cysko, what in the hell are you going on about. You're trying to say that I would claim the Muslim Brotherhood or Black Panthers are NOT racist? Get real. Learn to differentiate between extremists and non-extremists. I'll admit that Lanza wasn't a great example, but Breivik is a perfect example. You just made the claim that Breivik acted on his own and isn't representative of all white people. The "God-given right" part is irrelevant. Both the Islamic extremists and anti-immigration extremists have this idea that they're purifying the world and making it better for their version of a utopia, when really they're just being fucking assholes. I don't think that Britain should bend over backwards for Sharia law, I think they should prosecute anyone they catch who uses Sharia law to break the laws that Parliament upholds. It's what I'd expect out of the United States if this shit were to happen here.

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Wow. How dense can you be? Please tell me where I said that Islamic extremists don't commit acts of terrorism. Oh wait, I made a fucking thread about it!

I was trying to agree with your point that it isn't always Islamic extremists behind every attack...

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Lol. Well I seriously hoped yours was or talking to you on the subject would have been a bit of a struggle!

Yep, that's my bad, I didn't realise those guys were acting on religious grounds. Turns out my knowledge of Chechnya isn't up to scratch. Still, at least I know it's nowhere near Prague!

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I think that Britain should seriously consider arming all of their police force instead of only a few. They are nothing more then targets without being armed. If that had happened in the states those two would have been dead quite quickly.

I just can't see that happening. After the massive outcry when a tourist was shot after police thought he was a terrorist it would take a miracle for people to vote in favour of a government that wanted to arm the police on the street.


Of course, some/most (haven't done the research) police forces carry non-lethal weapons like tasers, for use in self defence cases. I think most people would be more than happy for all police to carry them, but that's just my feeling, English Brown may differ?

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Won't be long, my man. Except at least here we're armed. Given my feelings on guns that is difficult for me to reconcile.



Anders breivek did what he did to push his political manifesto. You could easily compare him to Timothy McVeigh but not so much against Islamic terror. Again you're being willfully obtuse in your attempt to reinforce the old Rodney King "can't we all get along" bullshit. The answer is no, we can't all get along. Islam is taught in such a way that it demands they be the enemy of any Non-Muslim. You're not talking about a breivek. You're talking about one of the major religions of the world re-enforcing time and again to their followers that its their right and religious duty to destroy and subjugate all other people.

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