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Islamic Extremists Behead An Off Duty British Soldier In London


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No I'm suggesting they rid themselves of the Muslim factions that are openly trying to force sharia law on the u.k. or are you saying this is the first you've heard of this? I'm also suggesting people would jump right to 'racism' and 'ethnic cleansing' if the brits were to force those Muslims out because they are ethnics, and look, you just did.

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The point is if ethnics invade white countries and neighborhoods and impose sharia law white people are automatically branded Nazis and racists if we fight back. Whites are the ONLY ethnicity this is true for. Goodluck Jonathon and Nigeria are fighting off Islamic invaders and no one says a word. If England does it what do you think will be said, and why? Stop playing dumb. Muslims come as invaders like their religion demands, and the longer everyone else mollycoddles them so as not to be seen as discriminatory the closer you are to living under Sharia law.

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See how they are trying to whitewash this so it sounds tame enough that people don't investigate it? The headline is "one dead in attack near London barracks" instead of "Muslims chop a British citizen's head off in broad daylight in London"


The whole article is trying to whitewash what actually happened because we can't be seen as being discriminatory to Muslims. Especially black ones.

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According to the TV network, in a segment of the film not broadcast, the man also says we swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you"


Islam is a problem and it needs to be put in its place. Muslims need to be shown that they are to have no power in England. No power in America and that we won't be pushed around by their fanaticism.

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This country is full of foreign Muslim scum like these two who would love to do the same.


The PC press won't blame muslims in general even though a lot turn a blind eye to the extremists, yet if I or anyone else in our office dared air our views we'd be fired for racism.


We continue to let more in every day who start preaching behind closed doors in local mosques converting more to their backward medieval ideas.


You can't reason with someone who thinks he's going to get 30 virgins in heaven for blowing up a bus full of people. All you can do is kick them out the country or better still stop them being able to breed before kicking them out.

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This country is full of foreign Muslim scum like these two who would love to do the same.


The PC press won't blame muslims in general even though a lot turn a blind eye to the extremists, yet if I or anyone else in our office dared air our views we'd be fired for racism.


We continue to let more in every day who start preaching behind closed doors in local mosques converting more to their backward medieval ideas.


You can't reason with someone who thinks he's going to get 30 virgins in heaven for blowing up a bus full of people. All you can do is kick them out the country or better still stop them being able to breed before kicking them out.

Did you actually listen to the guy in the video? He had an English accent.

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He also said this happens everyday in OUR country and now its going to in YOURS....


It's only going to get worse now they are free to run their own schools teaching Fuck knows what to the kids.


For the most part they have no interest in intergrating, they kill their own children in the name of 'Honour Killings' for daring to go out with non Muslims.


Who in their right mind would entertain that idea? Yet we have then walking our streets living happily on benefit hand outs.

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Think of the positives. With a crazy ass religion in the spotlight it allows Christians to look less crazy about some of their beliefs.


But I feel bad for the normal, good, everyday Muslims. They've got guys like this doing crazy shit with the main distinguishing characteristics to guys here being "he's Muslim". That's gotta suck and we're lucky we probably won't ever experience it.

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Which dangerous situations in particular would not have been better had the good guys all been armed?


The Batman movie theater shooting. A dark area like that. The bad guy starts shooting and then a dozen or so wanna be vigilantes try to fire back. Soon no one knows who's who and all hell breaks loose.

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