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The Irs Is Not Allowed To Get Access To Actual Medical Records


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Out of control. KGB kind of out of control. A green light from the Obamao regime to

do anything they want, to anybody who is on the Obamao "enemies list".

The IRS has become a political encorcement machine for the left.


Well, so has Homeland Security. And Holder's "INJustice Dept".


That's what happens when a corrupt radical "president" appoints


corrupt radical leftwing nutjobs to positions all over his gov.


it isn't our gov anymore, if this keeps up and Congress can't stop it.


Very serious trouble is just beginning to get here:






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the comments on that site...


and the ads, lol



"The Only Self Defense System Endorsed by Glenn Beck" oh boy! That guy says things I agree with, I should buy that!







P.S. Cal, I don't give a fuck that I'm not directly responding to your deranged rant

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