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Fiscal Cliff Survival Pack

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Subject: Fiscal Cliff Survival Pack

Just wanted to let you know - today I received my Fiscal Cliff /
Sequestration Survival Pack from the White House.

It contained a parachute, an 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker,

a 'Bush's Fault' yard sign, a 'Blame Boehner' poster, a 'Tax the Rich'

banner, a picture of Nancy Pelosi, an application for unemployment,

an application for food stamps, a cell phone, a prayer rug, a letter

of assignation of debt to my grandchildren and if that was not enough,

there was a coupon for a machine that blows smoke up my ass.

Everything was made in "China" and all directions were in Spanish.

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It should be a gun. And a single bullet. And a nice illustration of how to put it in your mouth. Bang! No more worries about Nazi liberals and fiscal cliffs.


He might be put out of his misery but the Nazi liberals would still be here.

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I just saw this - It's a fact that we are heading toward a fiscal cliff.


There is no proof, legitimately, that we aren't.


The national debt - that libs on here were so "terrified" about?


yeah. Now they like that it is going to be nearly 20 trillion before


the marxist pig gets out of office.

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woodypeckerhead translation:


"I'm picking at my navel right now, and there is no national debt, and


I want to give ObaMao great big smoochies"

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Subject: Fiscal Cliff Survival Pack


Just wanted to let you know - today I received my Fiscal Cliff /

Sequestration Survival Pack from the White House.


It contained a parachute, an 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker,

a 'Bush's Fault' yard sign, a 'Blame Boehner' poster, a 'Tax the Rich'

banner, a picture of Nancy Pelosi, an application for unemployment,

an application for food stamps, a cell phone, a prayer rug, a letter

of assignation of debt to my grandchildren and if that was not enough,

there was a coupon for a machine that blows smoke up my ass.

Everything was made in "China" and all directions were in Spanish.


LOL, Are they sending these out in alphabetical order according to last name...

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I can make up all sorts of silly names for you, trust me.


But "woodypeckerhead" fits perfectly, at least until you grow up a little bit,


and start being a legit contributor to this forum, and stop all the personal crap


because you can't keep up with any subject of any thread..

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So growing up to you = saying all of your super conservative stuff?


Obamao is bad!

Liberals are bad!

If you disagree with me on any one thing you are a liberal and bad!

The world is black and white!

I am incapable of being a hypocrite!


Is that about it?

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No, stupid and immature. Vapor and I don't agree on much, but I respect his opinions.


In fact, I don't agree with anybody all the time. But everybody here has legit reasons for


how they figured out issues. You don't have opinions that are yours, and you don't defend


the opinions you see others elaborate on, that you agree with, on your own terms. You simply resort to excuses.


"I don't like the source of the story". "I have you on ignore, except I lie", "You are just a whiner blah blah blah"...


"Explain why you think "x" is wrong", "list ten reasons why "x" is right", "I x m in coleg in engineiring and I x m zmart"


"I don't have time to..." Fraud.

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Right... these aren't my opinions. I have nothing to back them up.


If only I created my opinions the legit way! You know, go to websites posting articles with angles you already after with and then posting them. If only I used reputable fair and balanced sources, like the blaze. I bet then I'd have very informative and constructive things to say... like putting the title president in quotes while I misspell Obama's name and call him an illegal socialist Muslim


You don't understand the concept of a non-biased source.


I also would love to put you in ignore, I just didn't see a way how

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I have posted from all sorts of sources. It never helps. What are your sources, that is, when you


grow some nads and start referring to any of them?

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