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Same Sex Marriage Vote Passes In Mn


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There are legal, financial, etc, reasons for the govt. to recognize to individuals as married. If the govt. wants to call it a civil union and outside parties want to calk it "married" then go ahead.


But if the govt. is issuing marriages then I see no reason why both straight and gay couples shouldn't get the exact same treatment

No one gives a fuck what you think woody!

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This is stupid and I don't have time to read it all but let's look at it like this. Say you're a vegan right? You only eat vegetables. And then you tell two people they can't get married because they eat bacon. Does that make sense to you?

They don't eat bacon dumb ass, they eat tube steak.

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Let's try something else. Ok, say two people have been together for ten years and they're finally about to get married but they're swingers. They do wife swapping or whatever for fun. Do you get the right to deny them marriage because you disagree with wife swapping?

I'm not but are you proposing eliminating adultery from the list of grounds for divorce?



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Marriage itself has its traditional roots in family, clans, children et cetera.


The term "traditional" has such a wishy washy definition. Homosexuality has traditional roots too. Athens did pretty well for themselves considering the buttsex was rampant back then.

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No, but some people enjoy adultery together. Does that now mean we can tell them to not get married?

well that's kind of my point sir. How many requirements, rules, caveats et cetera can you eliminate from the marriage vows and have it remained actual marriage?

do we need to love honor or respect? Seems like we've already pissed away till death do us part. And I'm not being holier than thou here, I've been divorced twice. That means twice in my life I made firehouse, promises, in front of all those who are closest to me and I broke them in a fairly Cavalier manor.


maybe here is where morality should be paid more attention?

if you water it down too much it becomes meaningless.


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That's the point. You're worried that you might have to explain gay to them? You will and it doesn't matter if its at scouts or elsewhere. You brought it up as an issue of concern. Its fine and dandy to want your kids to have a innocent childhood, but try to be realistic. You're not going to neglect telling them about stranger danger because you don't want to upset them are you? Sometimes you've just got to explain hard shit to your kids, and frankly they're probably going to wonder about gays before the age when any scouts would be openly gay anyway. Unless you know any openly gay 8 year olds that might be in cub scouts.

Thats the point? So your Whole rant on me commenting on K. Kardashians ass and somehow trying to accuse me of being sexually impulsive at work was to point out that im afraid to explain stranger danger and sexuality to my kids?


You sir are an idiot. Or just flat out being a dumbass, IDK, or really care.

But no im not scared to have a talk with my kids about stranger danger or sexuality. They are to young for a sexuality talk and the stranger danger talk was at there level of comprehension. You don't give these talks to kids all at one time but in small amounts when understanding and the time is right.

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This is stupid and I don't have time to read it all but let's look at it like this. Say you're a vegan right? You only eat vegetables. And then you tell two people they can't get married because they eat bacon. Does that make sense to you?

try to make time then.

I thought the bigot thing was well in tune with you, and he made some fine points that seemed to have you and woody stumped?

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Thats the point? So your Whole rant on me commenting on K. Kardashians ass and somehow trying to accuse me of being sexually impulsive at work was to point out that im afraid to explain stranger danger and sexuality to my kids?


You sir are an idiot. Or just flat out being a dumbass, IDK, o r really care.

But no im not scared to have a talk with my kids about stranger danger or sexuality. They are to young for a sexuality talk and the stranger danger talk was at there level o. f comprehension. You don't give these talks to kids all at one time but in small amounts when understanding and the time is right.

No that was just to be a dick, because I felt like you are also just being a dick in your less clever way.


But there was a point hidden in there of you want to talk about it. Do you think the scouts will be openly gay before your kids know what gay is? Like, will the scouts in their troop be right years old and acting like they're in the west village? and, also, do you think gays in the scouts are somehow going to harrass and corrupt the other scouts? Or maybe, just maybe, they could enjoy hiking and tying knots too.

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Care to elaborate or is it going to be the old woody standby?


I "elaborate" all of the time. Its just nothing you guys ever like to hear.



I'll start with this. The beginning of that rant is focused around saying being gay is bad for you, this is false. He is trying to make it seem like people get sick and get HIV because they're gay, this is false. This happens through random, numerous and unprotected sex. That can happen regardless of your sexual orientation. He goes on from there to act like we need to "stop the gay" because its bad for society.


Not to mention the whole "being gay is a choice" thing. Its not, and the science is on my side here.


I read the rest of it but I can't remember exactly what he said. I could go on if you'd like

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well that's kind of my point sir. How many requirements, rules, caveats et cetera can you eliminate from the marriage vows and have it remained actual marriage?

do we need to love honor or respect? Seems like we've already pissed away till death do us part. And I'm not being holier than thou here, I've been divorced twice. That means twice in my life I made firehouse, promises, in front of all those who are closest to me and I broke them in a fairly Cavalier manor.


maybe here is where morality should be paid more attention?

if you water it down too much it becomes meaningless.


+1 Which has already happened(ing)

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well that's kind of my point sir. How many requirements, rules, caveats et cetera can you eliminate from the marriage vows and have it remained actual marriage?

do we need to love honor or respect? Seems like we've already pissed away till death do us part. And I'm not being holier than thou here, I've been divorced twice. That means twice in my life I made firehouse, promises, in front of all those who are closest to me and I broke them in a fairly Cavalier manor.


maybe here is where morality should be paid more attention?

if you water it down too much it becomes meaningless.


So yes you can deny swingers the right to get married or no you can't? Where are you going with this?

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YEs. It's a free country, why force the religious who refuse to honor the gay "marriage" farce...to be hypocrites?


No one is forcing you to do anything.


Why do you care? According to what you believe God isn't going to allow gays into heaven anyway

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I'm not but are you proposing eliminating adultery from the list of grounds for divorce?




sorry if I bring up the word "sin"..


but when homosexuality is legitimized , you might as well legitimize adultery of all kinds....


because they really are the same thing - a selfish desire!


so yes you would have to remove adultery as grounds for divorce... marriage has become a free for all!


but still, gay marriage has nothing to do with a traditional marriage or shouldnt really...


its a mind your own business kind of thing. so go ahead gay people - get married - i dont really care


BUT please (gays) do not create the hatred /reverse bigotry for the sole purpose of


soothing your conscience.

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I'm guessing you're confused. Adultery has really nothing to do with homosexuals behavior.

Cysko wanted to know if we shouldn't allow marriage to include fucking anybody else you wanted to. I say it kind of makes my point.



but if you think it has something to do with gays uh okay.


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sorry if I bring up the word "sin"..


but when homosexuality is legitimized , you might as well legitimize adultery of all kinds....


because they really are the same thing - a selfish desire!


so yes you would have to remove adultery as grounds for divorce... marriage has become a free for all!


but still, gay marriage has nothing to do with a traditional marriage or shouldnt really...


its a mind your own business kind of thing. so go ahead gay people - get married - i dont really care


BUT please (gays) do not create the hatred /reverse bigotry for the sole purpose of


soothing your conscience.

Fair, I generally respect your opinion and don't take you to task for much but this is pure bullshit. You mean to tell me you don't know anyone who is gay for real and not by choice? If you say yes I submit that you must not know very many people.

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Fair, I generally respect your opinion and don't take you to task for much but this is pure bullshit. You mean to tell me you don't know anyone who is gay for real and not by choice? If you say yes I submit that you must not know very many people.


yea , I guess I stepped into the wrong take (mine) into yours and WSS discussion sorry -


you guys say that homosexuality is a choice right?


well so is adultery... you know sex on the side ... and your wife doesnt know.. etc


so what is the distinction of selfish desire? I mean I include homosexuality as selfish as well...


and that is the point of contention, because I think homosexuality is just as much a sin as is adultery, murder, hate - gluttony etc...


sins we are all guilty of?

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I'm guessing you're confused. Adultery has really nothing to do with homosexuals behavior.

Cysko wanted to know if we shouldn't allow marriage to include fucking anybody else you wanted to. I say it kind of makes my point.



but if you think it has something to do with gays uh okay.


I'm not sure how it makes your point at all. Marriage us between a man and a woman according to some. Ok. Well is that the only restriction? Because of you want to deny marriage based on what you see as a questionable and immoral choice then there's many situations where the moral police should be stepping into a man and woman's marriage. So, uh, respectfully, that arguement is full of horse shit. Politicians and moral crusaders have no place in anyone's bedroom. That's crazy fascist shit right there, yet those same people accuse democrats of fascism if you suggest limiting access to guns. Interesting.

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yea , I guess I stepped into the wrong take (mine) into yours and WSS discussion sorry -


you guys say that homosexuality is a choice right?


well so is adultery... you know sex on the side ... and your wife doesnt know.. etc


so what is the distinction of selfish desire?


I only think homosexuality is a choice in some instances. In many I don't believe it is.


And my actual question is what of couples that knowingly engage in recreational adultery with other couples? Can we revoke their marriages or refuse to allow them to be married because we reject their sexual choices?

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Seriously - civil unions give those ...couples... the rights they seek...


why insist that marriage be an option?


So they can more like be .....what?


An awful lot of angst over 1 to 3 percent of the population.


"if you don't bake a cake for them, it's a 'hate crime'..."


"if you quit the boy scout troop because some guy kid wants in, it's a ...hate crime"


"if you refuse to go to a gay farce ceremony, etc etc


I think it's just anti-status quo win-the-lottery with litigation bs.

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Making wild claims and pretend people would call them hate crimes when they clearly aren't to cover up the other instances when you do act in a prejudicial way, classic


You really think people are doing this just to get at you? Just so they can shake the status quo? Wtf, really?


It must all boil back down to the core conservative value on this board: If it doesn't affect me, I don't care about it and won't go out of my way in any way to make it better

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Seriously - civil unions give those ...couples... the rights they seek...

why insist that marriage be an option?

So they can more like be .....what?

An awful lot of angst over 1 to 3 percent of the population.

"if you don't bake a cake for them, it's a 'hate crime'..."


So, pouty woody, answer the question in red.

Then, go search for the articles about the lawsuit by a gay "couple"...who

are suing a bakery for refusing to bake them a "wedding" cake.

The rest of my post, was a simple exaggeration, at least at this point, based

on the legit point about the cake.

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Here, and DO learn how to surf the freakin net, you whining whackmoley



Search Results
  1. Washington Attorney General Sues Florist Who Refused To Provide ...
    Apr 11, 2013 – Recently, a same-sex couple sued over an Oregon bakery's refusal to... an evangelical Christian hotel owner, the flower and cake makers can ...
  2. Lesbian Couple May Sue Christian Baker Who Refused to Make ...
    Nov 17, 2011 – Lesbian Couple May Sue Baker Over Refusal to Make Same Sex Wedding ..... Whether or not the actions of the cake maker run afoul of a legal ...
  3. Oregon Baker Investigated For Refusing Wedding Cake To Lesbian ...
    Feb 3, 2013 – If the Kleins can refuse to sell to a lesbian couple's wedding based on his ... And if cake-makers can do that, why not restaurants and hotels? ..... in all cases, I just sometimes question the political and legal strategy of suing.
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