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It's Time To Avoid Gmo Corn For All The Right Reasons


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Okay, I have waited until I had some good, legit reasons to get upset about the gmo stuff.


gmo corn. That's if this report is legit....



Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn - the real statistics will astound you!
Sunday, May 05, 2013 by: Lance Devon
(NaturalNews) As Monsanto parades their genetically modified seed, throwing it out like candy into the fields,
future generations are being subjected to nutritionally void, disease-causing food. As the government protects
the GMO industry, with its recent signing of the "Monsanto Protection Act", the republic's health interests are being discarded.
A 2012 study, called the Corn Comparison Report, was recently released by Profit Pro and published on the
website for Moms Across America March to Label GMOs - a group dedicated to raising awareness about the
dangers of genetically modified organisms.
The Corn Comparison Report detailed the nutritional deficiencies of GMO corn compared to regular organic
corn. The report reveals the stunning levels of glyphosate in GMO corn and the amount of vital nutrients that
have been drawn out.
GMO corn: nutritionally void
The nutrition statistics for GMO corn are bone chilling. Here is what the report indicates:
• Organic corn has 14 ppm of manganese. GMO corn has only 2 ppm.
• Real corn has 7 times more manganese!
• Organic corn has 6130 ppm of calcium. GMO is stripped down to 14 ppm.
• Real corn has 437 times more calcium!
• Organic corn has 113 ppm of magnesium. GMO corn is vacant, with only 2 ppm.
• Real corn has 56 times more magnesium!
GMO corn contains alarming glyphosate levels
The amount of formaldehyde and glyphosate in GMO corn is unbelievable. To break it down, American EPA
standards allow glyphosate in water of up to .7ppm. European tests indicate that animals begin experiencing
liver damage at .0001 ppm of glyphosate in water. Putting these two statistics together, America's water levels
contain glyphosate that is 7,000 times greater than the amount required for animal liver damage!
GMO corn takes that statistic up yet another notch. GMO corn contains 13 ppm of glyphosate, or the
equivalent of 130,000 times more toxicity than EPA water standards!
The formaldehyde level of GMO corn is unspeakable
In a similar study on GMO corn, Dr. Huber found out that animals avoid GMO corn at all costs. When
given a choice between both GMO and non GMO varieties of corn, animals always go for the real
organic corn. Huber also found out that .97ppm of formaldehyde is toxic to animals. The GMO corn he tried
to give the animals contained 200 times that amount!
This begs the questions:
• Why is something this toxic fed to humans?
• Why would humans touch the stuff in the first place?
• Are people devolving?
• Have their instincts been shut down?
• Is their intuition numb?
• Are they distracted by pretty labels and promises of safety?
March against GMOs
Genetically modified organisms are an open invitation to disease, cancer, and infertility.
What a person consumes is what they become. Eating nutrient-void, formaldehyde-laden
GMO corn is beckoning a disease-ridden population. There is enough evidence out now
that explains the horror of genetically modified food. Any corporation that feeds this
genetically modified system to the people should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Sadly, Monsanto and other biotech giants may have just been pardoned from their
crimes against humanity. Through recent lobbying with the federal government,
Monsanto was able to protect their GMO industry and get Congress and
President Obama to pass a provision that exempts them from GMO liability.
This law was signed into motion on March 26 and allows biotech companies
like Monsanto to bypass federal approval tests and plant their GMO crops
despite well known health risks. This provision frees biotech companies
from their liability to the people and from judicial accountability.
This leaves justice, freedom, and the future of health in the people's hands.
A worldwide March against Monsanto is scheduled May 25th 1013.
Sources for this article include


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From the original site it was posted on




There has been quite a stir this past week about the 2012 Corn Comparison Report by Profit Pro posted on this site on March 15. Keep in mind this is a report, NOT a scientific peer reviewed study and I do not have any other information other than what is in this blo




Idk how much I'd trust this report

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No, there is heirloom corn. And hybrids are a natural combination.


But manipulating the genes of corn... I'm just not sure anymore.

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