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On another note, the Cleveland Police and Prosecutors office look like a bunch of clowns. They are getting criticized right and left by all all the networks, and rightly so. They are obviously not used to being in the International spotlight to often.

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On another note, the Cleveland Police and Prosecutors office look like a bunch of clowns. They are getting criticized right and left by all all the networks, and rightly so. They are obviously not used to being in the International spotlight to often.

Should have gotten their shit together after Sowell.

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What exactly do you expect the Police to do? They had a two minute response time to the 911 call, they got the rest of the people out and tracked down Castro in minutes.


People in those neighborhoods don't talk, they look at the Police as the enemy... there's that keep your mouth shut mentality. Now we are learning that most of the stuff coming out by "witnesses" as to some of the events that may have transpired at the property are just complete bs by people just wanting to get on TV.



I was listening to the Triv Show yesterday and he said it best.


Police can go knocking door to door looking for them and you would yell COMMUNISM!!! COMMUNISM!!! INVASION OF PRIVACY!!! FOURTH AMENDMENT!



Then something like this happens and you say WHY DIDN'T POLICE GO KNOCKING DOOR 2 DOOR!

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Talking about the lack of professionalism. The prosecutor who was Puerto Rican seemed more concerned about the suspect being Puerto Rican then the charges. The Police in Cleveland are not the best in my opinion. My Uncle and Grandfather both retired from the CPD so I'm pretty familiar with them. Look at the fuck up with the chase that killed those two in Cleveland a few months ago with 172 shots being fired and Police ignoring orders and chasing the car anyway.

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Well that's a different story altogether and the Police called for aerial support in that chase but the city only has 1 police chopper and it would have taken 45 minutes to even get it out there, so that's not the PD's fault.



They also managed to block off all streets so those crackheads didn't kill anyone while speeding down whatever street it was that the chase occurred.



Sure it was excessive but what if someone you love was in the cross hairs of that speeding car? Anyhow, I agree that that case is a bad example but it's a totally different topic.



One of the officers under review for that chase was the first responder to rescue Dejesus,Berry and Knight.

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Well badnews it reflects poorly on them to think they were at castros home twice while the girls were there. Also they visited Sowell's home before 11 bodies were discovered there. Not saying they did wrong necessarily but in hindsight it looks bad.

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