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Remember The Ukraine When You Read This


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Because marxist/communist gov's have to use any resource they can steal,


to compensate for how their ideas do NOT work. Research the Ukraine, formerly


used as the breadbasket of the Soviet Union.




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Is an apple a ginger root?


Is a pineapple a granite pebble?


Is a toad an alligator?


Liberals are morons when it comes to honest discussion.


Naturally, Cysko and Woodpecker happily go moronic to prove me correct again and again.

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The point, Cysko, was the marxist control of food allocation. AS in, millions and millions of the folks in the Ukraine,

were starved to death, to prop up the Soviet marxist/communist model. Because, their model didn't work. That's way

it broke, you dimwit. Stick to the point of a thread and you won't look like a dimwit.


Bush, using oil reserves...has nothing to do with food production/allocation. What not just change every

subject of every thread because you love your little would be marxist dictator, Obamao? Go give

your Obamao mural on the wall great big smoochies for heck and yourself. It's how you come across on this board.


And yes, Obamao did issue that order to be able to take over farm equipment, food allocation etc etc etc...

during PEACE TIME. Before, it was in case we were legitimately at war. Think about it with your BRAIN, after taking it out of your emotional


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It isn't dumb, Cysko. You just are unable to contribute to any kind of meaningful discussion on many subjects. Or even more than a couple of subjects.


Here, I'll help you to know what the subject is:


It isn't a dumbass joke. Not a rumor. A simple ten minutes of typing in "Ukraine starved" will get you pretty much

these same results, plus reading a little.





1,020,000 results (0.28 seconds)
Search Results
  1. Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The word Holodomor literally translated from Ukrainian means "death by hunger", or "to kill by hunger, to starve to death". Sometimes the expression is ...
  2. Stalin's Starvation of Ukraine - Seventy Years Later, World Still ...
    Stalin's Starvation of Ukraine – Seventy Years Later, World Still Largely Unaware Of Tragedy. By Askold Krushelnycky, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty ...
  3. Stalin's Forced Famine - The History Place
    Coincidentally, a drought occurred in the Ukraine, resulting in widespread starvationand a surge of popular resentment against Lenin and the Soviets. To lessen ...
  4. Holocaust by hunger: The truth behind Stalin's Great Famine | Mail ...
    Jul 25, 2008 – The Ukrainians call it the Holodomor - the Hunger. Millions starved as Soviet troops and secret policemen raided their villages, stole the harvest ...
  5. Ukraine Famine | United Human Rights Council
    When news of the Famine reached the Ukrainian Diaspora in the United States and Europe, food supplies were sent to Ukraine to assist the starving people.
  6. InfoUkes: Ukrainian History -- Black Famine in Ukraine 1932-33: A ...
    UKRAINE, "the breadbasket of Europe" is a land famous for its fertile black earth and its golden wheat. Yet, only forty years ago seven million Ukrainians starved ...
  7. Ukraine Famine - Famine - Genocide in Ukraine 1932
    An estimated 14 million people died of starvation, mostly in Ukraine but also in the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Russia. In a three-part series, RFE/RL ...
  8. Ukrainian Famine - Library of Congress
  9. www.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/ukra.html‎
    The dreadful famine that engulfed Ukraine, the northern Caucasus, and the lower ...used to implement it condemned millions of peasants to death by starvation.
  10. Remembering Ukraine's Unknown Holocaust - The Wisdom Fund
    Dec 13, 1998 – During the bitter winter of 1932-33, mass starvation created by Kaganovitch and OGPU hit full force. Ukrainians ate their pets, boots, belts, bark, ...
  11. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCe5hWovvnw
    Dec 21, 2009 - Uploaded by stagtripdotcom
    A short documentary on the Soviet induced holocaust against theUkrainian Nation in the early 1930's. 25 ...
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So, look at all those pictures and let us all know if you think they are funny


and don't matter because they don't fit your lefty political narrative.


I don't believe anybody else on this board sees any kind of "haha" in them.

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You are an idiot. Your own first article also pointed the finger of blame at Bush. You don't even know who you're accusing of what, you're hysterical and getting worked up over nothing. When the article claims any president "betrayed America' you can pretty much stop reading because its hysterical nonsense.


You are seriously the worst offender I've ever met of believing nonsense because somebody wrote it on the internet. Hey, I own this bridge in Brooklyn and do I have a business proposition for you...

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I didn't even read the links, dumbass. I just showed you how quickly you can

stop being a balless, witless coward, and start doing your own research before you

run your mouth and on the way, kiss heckbunkers rear end.


Apparently, that makes you and woodypeckerhead happy. No surprise here.

As always, it's fun to bring up subjects that you can't understand. No paranoia here,

just sayin, Obamao's regime is teetering on the edge of complete failure. Changing

that martial law provision is a first in our history. Or do you think he "accidently" did it?


You two would have made good nazi's back in the day. Anything to belong to your party.

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Right. Because Bush's administration did SO WELL, but NOW that a person who embodies all you hate and fear is in office we're going to collapse ZOMG! GET YOUR GUN AND TEA PARTY TRI CORNER HAT! The n-words and liberals are getting uppity, end times are here!

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