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This Is Your Democrat Obamaocare Train Wreck


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Yep. Obamaocare, another "we just HAVE to do SOMETHING, even if it's a DISASTER" moment.


Heck should sing the "I'm so sorry" song to the entire board. Yeah, Heck,


it must have been fun defending the "factual :wacko: " democrat talking points.


"It will save so much money" ..."lower costs"...and the infamous "everybody will have medical insurance"....


"premiums will go down a lot" and that blockbuster of Obamao lies: "it will even lower our deficit"...


Reminds me of the Lovin Spoonful "Ya Gotta Believe in Magic"....


til the truth comes out...



Democrat Senators Harry Reid, Jay Rockefeller, and Max Baucus, all agree…
ObamaCare is a looming train wreck and they need a lot more taxpayer money to avoid a complete disaster. And, of course, it’s the nasty Republicans’ fault for being so uncooperative. How very pathetic and how very predictable!
Please see my important update below – Mat.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who rammed ObamaCare through Congress, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), a chief architect of the law, and Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), another mainspring in the law’s enactment, all agree: ObamaCare is in serious trouble.
++ObamaCare is “beyond comprehension.”
Jay Rockefeller recently issued this alert to the Obama administration…
“I believe that the Affordable Care Act is probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress. Tax reform obviously has been huge too, but up to this point it is just beyond comprehension... [The ACA is] so complicated and if it isn't done right the first time, it will just simply get worse.”
Senator Max Baucus recently told Kathleen Sebelius, the HHS Secretary, that “I just see a huge train wreck coming down.”
And yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who employed legislative trickery, bribery, backroom deals, phony promises, overt deception, and extreme coercion to pass ObamaCare into law publically agreed with Senator Baucus…
“Max said unless we implement this properly it’s going to be a train wreck and I agree with him.”
++Reid’s solution: Get more tax-payer money. A lot more!
I don’t want to appear cynical, but hasn’t every Obama administration problem required far more funding than originally promised? And isn’t it always part of the administration narrative that cranky Republican legislators are really to blame?
The Achilles Heel of ObamaCare’s implementation has always been that the price tag was ridiculously underestimated in order to make the “sale.” Massive cost overruns were always inevitable.
++The Obama strategy: Sell, sell, sell!
Apparently, the way Harry Reid is suggesting to first spend more taxpayer dollars is to invest in propagandist campaigns to “educate” American citizens on the benefits of ObamaCare!
In fact, Kathleen Sebelius has already engaged a swank Madison Avenue advertising agency to begin repackaging ObamaCare for public consumption. One can almost forgive her attempt to further brainwash tax-payers since recent polls say that her product’s popularity has reached its all-time low of just 35% public approval!
So, get ready for a tidal wave of smarmy, heart-warming television and radio ads telling us how wonderful the Affordable Care Act is (first step in process – give the product a warm and fuzzy name to set the right mood) and how we would all love it if we only knew how to take advantage of its wondrous benefits.
In other words, tell America: The problem isn’t with the program. It’s in your perception of the program!
Barack Obama can always be counted upon to sell form over function and style over substance. He is truly the greatest Campaigner-in-Chief and salesman of impossible dreams in America’s history!
And, lest we forget, that’s the Left’s SOP: Spend money on indoctrination – then push forward the hidden agenda.
Here’s the painful reality just a few months before the ObamaCare “enrollment period” is supposed to begin: About half the American public says they don’t have enough information about the health reform law to understand how it will impact their family, let alone enroll in it.
++ObamaCare’s house of cards is beginning to collapse.
We are now finding out, as former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously suggested, what’s actually in the law – more than 700 new directives so far without any congressional oversight or accountability.
Unless ObamaCare is stopped in court, on January 1, 2014, this nightmarish law will be in full force – ushering in the totality of a new era of health care in America that is the most invasive intrusion upon American liberty in our nation’s history, implemented by our own government.
our world-class healthcare system, if not our entire economy, is in a downward “death spiral” – and ObamaCare is the principal cause.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. ObamaCare is a “train wreck” and “beyond comprehension,” even to its principal supporters in the Senate! It is a law of broken promises and unconstitutional and immoral mandates.
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Right-wing talking points are lies. But, hey, it makes you feel good - so it must be true!


You want to throw out the phrase "broken economy?" The single biggest federal bill is George Bush's Medicare Part B - over 900 billion dollars.


The two biggest increases to the debt are the gratuitous wars started by George Bush - at a cost of upwards of 4 trillion dollars.


Outside of fox news and other right-wing spam websites, none of these assertions are remotely verifiable.. and ultimately not at all even in the same universe with the reality of how the precert and reimbursement systems work for hospitals and doctors offices.


1) You want to claim a cost overrun? Show the original data to demonstrate what it would have been, and then show this new data, and finally demonstrate why the new data shows an "overrun." Otherwise you, just like everything from Paul Ryan's mouth, are lying.


2) "About Half" the public says something? Show the hundreds of polls that must have happened to back this assertion up.

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Do your own research. All you're doing now is being is all totally soaked in Egypt.


Defense of this abysmal Obamao regime won't work anymore. We, as a country, are past that now.


Go ahead, do your own research on the disaster that ObaMaocare already is, and is going to be.


Then I won't be smug when you come back and sing the "I'm so sorry" song.

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Don't waste your time listening to liberals or union workers those turds are a burden on the taxpayers and love everything ever passed by Obama and his band of cummunists.


2014 they will say that Obama's plan worked when unemployment is under 6% and the majority of American workers are working multiple part time jobs while the government I mean the tax payers make up the difference. Does anyone really believe that corporations are going to lay down and take it up the ass? Hell no they will cut all full time employees and hire twice as many partimers to produce the work or just move the all manufacturing to a country where they will not have to put up with this bullshit.



Just wait until you people have to buy government insurance.



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Yep. Now all that's left is for you to sing the "I'm So Sorry" song....


Cysko and Woodypeckerhead.


It's the Dems who are frantically admitting Obamaocare is a disaster.


It's just the morons who want to throw MORE MONEY after over the cliff, after it.

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Yeah, except I already have insurance. Oops. It doesn't apply to me. Also, yeah, my job can't be outsourced to China because, ha ha, every single city mandates that every business needs my services in some way. So. Sucks to be you unskilled folks, I guess.

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Cysko, isn't it funny how Cal comes up with some phrase or one liner he thinks is clever then it ends up in all of his posts at that time?


I guess we're the same now cuz we both think Cal's an idiot?


I guess the majority of the country is the same too then

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Yeah, except I already have insurance. Oops. It doesn't apply to me. Also, yeah, my job can't be outsourced to China because, ha ha, every single city mandates that every business needs my services in some way. So. Sucks to be you unskilled folks, I guess.

It will apply to you when your premiums go up. Who do you think will underwrite this single payer plan?

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It will apply to you when your premiums go up. Who do you think will underwrite this single payer plan?

You mean without obamacare my premiums have been going down? Newsflash legacy, they raise the premiums at every single opportunity. You deal with insurance you should know that.

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Do my own research? All I have to do is turn on my computer. I have line item GL, PR, and balance sheet access at my current hospital and have copies of the same from my previous hospitals.



1) The premium you are charged by Wall Street - aka your insurance company - has absolutely zero correlation to the cost they pay hospitals and doctors for the care you receive. So, when they increase your premium.. that is because they look for excuses to increase the cash they are siphoning from you into their pockets, not because they are seeing an increase in their bills.


2) The contracts negotiated between hospitals and insurance companies have not changed -- despite the lies you are assuming as truth.


3) CMS [aka Medicare, aka the US government] is the basis for 100% of all insurance reimbursement.



You are being lied to by the Republican party - because they are the party of the Wall Street insurance companies. The expenses of health care insurance companies are not changing. However, those companies are increasing your premium vastly more than inflation. ACA is a giveaway to insurance companies -- and nothing more. It's not socialized medicine -- not even close.

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a couple of comments if I may.

even though there are various systems world wide this is most certainly a great deal like socialized medicine.

since the Supreme Court found the buy in included in the mandate to be a tax and that tax is being used to subsidize a service for other citizens I don't know what else you might call it.


and doesn't it seem odd that those who rail against wall Street are the same ones to boast about the president's policies when the Dow hits a new high?


for the record the greatest part of my father's savings is in insurance backed annuities as well as a portion of mine, soon to be more.


I'm certainly hoping that my return will be better then whatever the government is getting for Social Security. in other words I guess I'm saying I hope Wall Street continues to prosper. Don't you?



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You mean without obamacare my premiums have been going down? Newsflash legacy, they raise the premiums at every single opportunity. You deal with insurance you should know that.

No newsflash here. Just saying 'wait & see' the increases you'll start to see with OC added.


Remember when we didn't get "fuel surcharge" on everything we purchased?

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The problem is, the interference in the private sector med insurance area, that Obamaocare brings with it.


That alone will drive premiums up. And, that is by intent of the Obamaocare people.



  1. macare: A Toxic Remedy | The American Conservative
    3 days ago – But they reasoned that as the benefits started to kick in, Obamacarewould become more popular. .... How about undoing the “medical progress” of the last 100+ ... Those with private group insurance from employers probably won't see .... and more govt. interference in our lives while all the drones cheer.
  2. The Obamacare Revolt: Physicians Fight Back Against the ...
    Mar 13, 2013 – Politicians and Private Lives ... This is happening just as the federal government is poised to interfere with the health care market in many new and ... Health "insurance" is more than just insurance; it's also "a payment plan for ... have also led to the "bureaucratization of medical care," Friedman wrote in a ...
  3. [PDF] What's Wrong with Obamacare? Download PDF - Fort Wayne 9-12
    costs;" "improve care with computerized medical records." What is not to ...Obamacare dictates the care of everyone, including the privately insured. Doctors will no ... Either your body is protected from government interference or it's not. The ...
  4. Medical Loss Ratio Requirement Could Raise Insurer Profits
    Apr 26, 2013 – The Medical Loss Ratio formula calculates the amount leftover for ... of people will be eligible for ObamaCare subsidies to cover private insurance ... Byinterfering with the insurance industry, ObamaCare may raise health care ...
  5. Smoking: A Pre-existing Condition Under Obamacare ...
    Apr 12, 2013 – So charging smokers more for medical insurance isn't conducive to helping ... that we have a private system in which private consumers buy insurancefrom ... incredibly perverse incentives to interfere with the lives of adults.
  6. Is the passing of ObamaCare bad for the American public? – Debate ...
    www.debate.org › OpinionsHealth
    Obamacare will by law, allow these unqualified medical people to practice ... Medicare already pays 50% less than private insurance, doctors are starting to not ...... When the government interferes with the economy it takes away money from it ...
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Yeah, except I already have insurance. Oops. It doesn't apply to me. Also, yeah, my job can't be outsourced to China because, ha ha, every single city mandates that every business needs my services in some way. So. Sucks to be you unskilled folks, I guess.

You have mad skills little man. Now finish the job we pay you to perform you lazy bastard.


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a couple of comments if I may.

even though there are various systems world wide this is most certainly a great deal like socialized medicine.

since the Supreme Court found the buy in included in the mandate to be a tax and that tax is being used to subsidize a service for other citizens I don't know what else you might call it.


and doesn't it seem odd that those who rail against wall Street are the same ones to boast about the president's policies when the Dow hits a new high?


for the record the greatest part of my father's savings is in insurance backed annuities as well as a portion of mine, soon to be more.


I'm certainly hoping that my return will be better then whatever the government is getting for Social Security. in other words I guess I'm saying I hope Wall Street continues to prosper. Don't you?



When corporations are able to cut the costs on labor you will see new all time highs on Wall Street. With Obamacare in place we now have a good reason to cut out fulltime employee benefits. This will not only happen in the private sector you will also see this happen with city employees.



People are stupid.

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New Obamacare Tax Form Mandates Americans Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS

Here's why the IRS will require Americans to disclose their personal health ID information starting in 2014

When Obamacare’s individual mandate takes effect in 2014, all Americans who file income tax returns must complete an additional IRS tax form. The new form will require disclosure of a taxpayer’s personal identifying health information in order to determine compliance with the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

As confirmed by IRS testimony to the tax-writing House Committee on Ways and Means, “taxpayers will file their tax returns reporting their health insurance coverage, and/or making a payment”.

So why will the Obama IRS require your personal identifying health information?

Simply put, there is no way for the IRS to enforce Obamacare’s individual mandate without such an invasive reporting scheme. Every January, health insurance companies across America will send out tax documents to each insured individual. This tax document—a copy of which will be furnished to the IRS—must contain sufficient information for taxpayers to prove that they purchased qualifying health insurance under Obamacare.

Read more: http://atr.org/new-obamacare-tax-form-mandates-americans-a7285#ixzz2TF7dydo5

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