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Gun-Haters Eat Crow For Lying About The Nra And Boston Bombings


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Cysko, you are being ridiculous like you were when you, as you recently bragged, got T to

end up off the forum.


Won't work with anybody else here. You are a one trick pony.

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If that's what I am, cal, then what are you?


You of all people on here should know that I am not shy to insult you when I think you need insulting. You need insulting frequently because you are not very intelligent. Actually that's not necessarily true. You're not dumb but you are belligerent and you make no sense. Neither you or any of the other talking heads here have provided one shred of evidence to support your claim that somgone blamed the NRA for the Boston marathon bombings.


Also if you need to carry a gun you have some insecurity about yourself that you need to work on. It is what it is and the truth hurts but all I see are frightened rabbits that need a totem to feel safe. I feel for you. Like I've said many times before I own four guns. I feel the need to carry zero of them and I routinely go to some of the worst (and best) areas in a depressed rust belt city. If you really need to carry a gun around with a ccw you are somebody that deserves my pity.


As for some dumb idiots claim of e-thuggery which is stupid, saying that I am of a size to physically dominate most individuals I meet is not being a thug. You can't help who you are and neither can I. I see that threatens you and its likely because you're small and you feel weak, I can't help you with that. I didn't and don't threaten anyone but if you can't handle a simple observation sorry about your lot.


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its been pointed out to you already, if you fail or refuse to recognise it thats your problem.

No it hasn't. What's been pointed out is people blaming the NRA for blocking taggants in gunpowder. Those two things are not the same. I don't expect you're smart enough to realize that though, so I won't waste much time getting annoyed with you.

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Guns are the only product where new safety measures are completely ignored and decried.

huh? its not like you to talk out your ass,but guns have recalls all the time if something is deemed unsafe. guns have safeties on them. and you can also keep one out of the tube for added insurance.
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Cysko, you insult because you're arrogant and are emotionally venting for no apparent reason. You go ballistic at being disagreed with,

and you go berserk when you can't rationally back up anything you post, which is a lot of the time. You are making yourself look like a doped up

Michael Moore on stupid pills.


The time I was out in our woods, at dusk, and a nutcase was screaming that he should be allowed to hunt on our property,

and was angrily screaming that he was aiming and going to shoot a deer right next to my head...


There's a weird chill that goes through ya - and I don't ever want to feel that "chill" again, without a gun to protect me.


yeah, I was a good bit insecure, alright. I was defenseless.


When the sheriff came out, fast, he said

that anymore, you don't know who you might run into. Somebody on whatever drugs he mentioned, were frightening, and

don't even act human they are so violent and insane. He said that he would be out there, with a loaded pistol, and advised me

to get my concealed carry license. He followed up on the guy, and I have never had a problem over two years now.


He also said that he loves fishing with his family. But being alone at a public lake wasn't safe

like it used to be. He strongly supports ccw licenses.


The game warden who came out one night and cited some illegal hunters in the large field off our property...told me that, too.

And, said "open carry" on an ATV was not legal without a CCW permit.


So.... your asinine conclusions are based on emotion, not any kind of reason.


My ccw was Special Forces for 4 1/2 years. He was their weapons expert. He carries most all the time - trust me, Cysko, he's

no "frightened rabbit". But he is responsibly ready to protect his friends and family if the time ever comes.

You read, I think. That being probably....true, you know what we are talking about. Times are different, and in some ways,

times are more unpredictable.


Go read up on the missing Michigan mother.

Do you honestly think that "haha, she is just a frightened rabbit" with no gun to protect her? That "haha, her fears were unfounded" ???


You've pretty much admitted that you go off on these emotionally hateful binges online to badger people, and get them

kicked off the board - like T. You're just wasting everybody's time here, then.

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Cysko, you insult because you're arrogant and are emotionally venting for no apparent reason. You go ballistic at being disagreed with,

and you go berserk when you can't rationally back up anything you post, which is a lot of the time. You are making yourself look like a doped up

Michael Moore on stupid pills.


The time I was out in our woods, at dusk, and a nutcase was screaming that he should be allowed to hunt on our property,

and was angrily screaming that he was aiming and going to shoot a deer right next to my head...


There's a weird chill that goes through ya - and I don't ever want to feel that "chill" again, without a gun to protect me.


yeah, I was a good bit insecure, alright. I was defenseless.


When the sheriff came out, fast, he said

that anymore, you don't know who you might run into. Somebody on whatever drugs he mentioned, were frightening, and

don't even act human they are so violent and insane. He said that he would be out there, with a loaded pistol, and advised me

to get my concealed carry license. He followed up on the guy, and I have never had a problem over two years now.


He also said that he loves fishing with his family. But being alone at a public lake wasn't safe

like it used to be. He strongly supports ccw licenses.


The game warden who came out one night and cited some illegal hunters in the large field off our property...told me that, too.

And, said "open carry" on an ATV was not legal without a CCW permit.


So.... your asinine conclusions are based on emotion, not any kind of reason.


My ccw was Special Forces for 4 1/2 years. He was their weapons expert. He carries most all the time - trust me, Cysko, he's

no "frightened rabbit". But he is responsibly ready to protect his friends and family if the time ever comes.

You read, I think. That being probably....true, you know what we are talking about. Times are different, and in some ways,

times are more unpredictable.


Go read up on the missing Michigan mother.

Do you honestly think that "haha, she is just a frightened rabbit" with no gun to protect her? That "haha, her fears were unfounded" ???


You've pretty much admitted that you go off on these emotionally hateful binges online to badger people, and get them

kicked off the board - like T. You're just wasting everybody's time here, then.

No I insult you because a: you deserve it and b: you can take it. If it weren't for me being here to insult you almost nobody would bother to reply to anything you write, so I'm not wasting your time. I'm giving you the internet attention you crave. You might notice I only start threads when there's something interesting to start them about. If we looked back at the history of threads you've started I imagine they'd be quite repetitive.

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Nah if you need a ccw youre insecure with yourself no ifs ands and buts about it. Who cares if he was a special forces guy? Insecure guys with napoleon syndrome always feel like they have something to prove.

I believe this is what people in the mental health industry call projection.

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Nah if you need a ccw youre insecure with yourself no ifs ands and buts about it. Who cares if he was a special forces guy? Insecure guys with napoleon syndrome always feel like they have something to prove.

You mean like those pussies that get a burglar alarms installed in their homes?




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Burglars usually strike when there's no one home. Besides I only do intrusion alarms on a huge scale these days, unless its for my own house which is done up with everything the industry has to offer. Even I couldn't break into my house.

You have a burglar alarm on your house but people that carry are insecure weaklings?! Oh my god that's fucking classic! LOL!
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Typical Cysko. All bluff with nowhere to go in a converstion because he just emotionally vents all over the place.

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You guys are so incredibly dumb that sometimes I really wonder why I bother wasting any time talking to you. Let me outline this one last time for you slow mutants: I own 4 guns, stupid. I told you that multiple times including in this very thread. It's not owning the guns that shows your terrible paranoia and crippling insecurities, it's feeling the need to carry them wherever you go. That shows without a shadow of a doubt that you feel inadequate and weak and its all but a foregone conclusion you are. Carrying gun around with you means your default reaction to any stressful situation is to draw on someone.


Who produced some bullshit number once about how unlikely you are to just be shot at random? Nunboy I think, so why carry then? To feel safe because you don't. That's called insecurity. Sorry if you don't like the truth but I'm not going to mollycoddle you.


Here's six things a residential intrusion alarm can do that a gun never can and never will


1. It will call the authorities for you if your home is burgled and you are away (almost always)


2. It can automatically send the fire department to your home in the event of a fire thus maximizing your potential of saving your belongings


3. It can prevent something like what happened to Elizabeth Smart or Jessica Lunsford where some freak stole a child while the parents were home and unaware


4. It can monitor the level of carbon monoxide in the air so your whole family doesn't die in their sleep


5. It can control all your lights and power in your house so you can turn them on and off from your cell phone. If you leave the coffeemaker on in the morning, it can turn that off for you


6. It can interface with your cctv/dvr system allowing you to watch anything you have on camera from your cell phone.


So, no. Having a bad ass security system and carrying a gun everywhere you go are not comparable. Having a security system and having a gun at home that stays at home for defense are more comparable.


Carrying a gun everywhere you go doesn't make you safe, it doesn't make you a cowboy or a policeman. It makes you an insecure person carrying a gun around in public and more of a menace than a boon.

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oh i can see how that makes a difference...


How can I be a hypocrite when I already mentioned that I own guns, jackass? If I carried one around with me that would make me a hypocrite. Your reading comprehension and your knowledge of what words mean are exceedingly poor. You sound like you belong on a steelers board.

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Yes. Let's talk about your area of expertise so you can finally know what the hell you are talking about,



What, Cysko, you are emotionally exhausted from whining and emotionally outbursting all this time?


Yes, I'm not sure "outbursting" is a real word. Well, maybe... I just created it.

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