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Cispa Passed The House Yesterday


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The Constitution is not simply a 250 year old document like the Bible is a 2000 year old document. We've been changing the Constitution for over 200 years, as needed, to keep up with the times. When the situation is dire enough, the Constitution bends to the will of its people.

Yeah sure and it can again on guns and free speech and the like, and that's why I don't really care about it or its defense, and why I say you can't lean on it as any absolute doctrine. Also, for what its worth, the bible has almost surely been amended just as much.
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Yeah sure and it can again on guns and free speech and the like, and that's why I don't really care about it or its defense, and why I say you can't lean on it as any absolute doctrine. Also, for what its worth, the bible has almost surely been amended just as much.


Yeah but no one cares much for what was changed in the Bible and why, whereas the amendments are arguably the most important part of the Constitution. The book that Dante's Inferno is based off of didn't make the latest cut of the Bible yet the prodigal son (dumbest story I've ever read) still makes the cut. There's not really much transparency when it comes to changes in the Bible, you can't say the same about the Constitution.

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And is the prodigal son really dumber than jonah and the whale? Or god shitting all over Job to prove a point to Satan?


And frankly where the amendments of the constitution are concerned some of the ones under the most fire ,such as the second, are still 250 years old and thusly should looked at for updating to apply to todays world, which is vastly different than 1776. If the founding fathers time traveled to the present day there's a good chance they'd all immediately shit their pants out of abject terror. Technology has a way of changing old timey values don't you think?

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And is the prodigal son really dumber than jonah and the whale? Or god shitting all over Job to prove a point to Satan?


And frankly where the amendments of the constitution are concerned some of the ones under the most fire ,such as the second, are still 250 years old and thusly should looked at for updating to apply to todays world, which is vastly different than 1776. If the founding fathers time traveled to the present day there's a good chance they'd all immediately shit their pants out of abject terror. Technology has a way of changing old timey values don't you think?


lol, as far as message goes, yes. Jonah and the Whale was about a guy whose dedication to prayer was good enough for Yahweh to command the whale to spit him out. The moral of Job's story is that Yahweh the sociopath doesn't want to lose a bet to Satan, so he lets Satan brutalize his family, but Yahweh provides a new one as a reward for his unrelenting faith. As crazy/stupid as those stories are, they are consistent with the message of the Old Testament where Yahweh takes names and kicks ass, and you'd better be on His side or else.


The prodigal son, on the other hand... Someone please tell me what that story is all about. The moral, as far as I can tell, is that not only should you forgive people for wasting their lives, but reward them for it. Those who are loyal and economical get the shit end of the stick. In my opinion, it really doesn't fit in with much else in either testament.

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CISPA won't even reach a floor vote in the Senate. Think the people in Washington are finally starting to get it? First shooting down anti-gun legislature and now CISPA. Some faith in humanity has been restored? I'd like to think so

Maybe we are finally getting beyond the post 9-11 mindset that had us willing to crush rights underfoot in our stampede to do something, anything to make ourselves feel comfortable.

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