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Who Said This, Cal?

The Cysko Kid

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You seem fond of these whole "who said this" thing, so who said this?


The government is afraid of the guns people have because they have to have control of the people at all times. Once you take away the guns, you can do anything to the people. You give them an inch and they take a mile. I believe we are slowly turning into a socialist government. The government is continually growing bigger and more powerful and the people need to prepare to defend themselves against government control.

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No, I'm not. Why do you think I am fond of "who said this" stuff?


You apparently are confused.


But, I do read a lot, and I think you are talking about Timothy McVeigh.


He had mental problems, was socially aloof,


Was an anarchist. Was BULLIED as a kid. Didn't like black people.


Tried to advance in his career in the military, but was rejected for psychological reasons.


He was paranoid, delusional, and was just smart enough to say stuff that he hoped


would give him respect. But, he was just violent and messed up. I think one militia either kicked him out,


or wouldn't let him join. Your point is....what?

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You won. I am surprised. It was indeed Timothy McVeigh. My point? Nothing ulterior.


Well, this is a lot less free country than it was about 40 years ago, but then again we didn't have guys like McVeigh running around blowing up buildings either. Can't remember who said "those who would trade freedom for security will have neither." But regardless of the security or freedom issue- what happened in Boston proves no way we live in a totally secure world. (A concealed carry permit wouldn't have helped you much) McVeigh did do one good deed- it's infinitely harder now (though not impossible) to get your hands on efficient bomb making materials. Back in the 60s- if you had a mind- it would have been zero problem to get everything you needed to whip up as much nitroglycerin as you cared to make. Want to imagine the carnage if someone had detonated a Tim style truck bomb @ the Boston finish line yesterday?

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There are strict controls on aluminum nitrate - used as a farm fertilizer.


The alternatives are more expansive, but that's the way it goes. Psychopaths


who act out in this horrible violence ... will use any tool they want to get access to.


outlaw them all, and the violent nutjobs will either get them black market, or make them,


or have them made. The rest of all of us will have no defense.

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I guess Obamao and co. must make pressure cookers hard to acquire.


Background checks, license requirements and fees, required training,



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