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Two Explosions At Boston Marathon Finish Line

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Someone who would know told me that if it was Al Qaeda, it's not the professional variety, but an amateurish or novice cell, or an "inspired-by" group. Said the bombs are not the much stronger brand that you'd routinely see in Iraq or Afghanistan, and the placement was poor. Thinks we're dealing with some sort of wannabe learning things off the net, whether foreign or domestic.

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That's your own fault. I explicitly said that they included graphic photos.


Even for someone who spent 25 years dealing with traumas in an inner city hospitals- wow, pretty gruesome. A couple of them rate up there with worst I've ever seen. Obviously ground level shrapnel blasts, to obliterate legs like that.


The perpetrators, if caught will get humane lethal injection. Can we make an exception for cruel and unusual punishment?

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White supremacists? They've been getting ballsier with the assassination of that DA and assistants. It's just a weird venue and time to bomb, everyone that got hurt was probably the family of someone running the race. And it's probably not aQ, as we've pretty much destroyed their ability to do anything except bomb Baghdad.


Sure lets blame the white supremacists, even though this coordinated attack is similar to what happens in Iraq and other countries in the area.

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I think security for the London marathon on Sunday may have just been ramped up by a power of ten. Disgraceful stuff, indiscriminate attacks like these serve absolutely no purpose but to engender hatred between two groups as the violence and retribution escalates.


The news reports say x dead and y injured - but you don't really get the sense of the level of sheer carnage from just that.

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The Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funeral of the casualties from the marathon. They claim "God sent the bombs to punish those that would want f*gs to get married. #PraiseGod" on their twitter. Real Christians would be on their knees praying for the victims; not picketing them. I don't know who is sicker, the bomber or Westboro Baptist Church.

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Sad, sad stuff.


Heck - glad your family is all ok.



And White supremacists? Has anybody ever been to Boston? WS would be unlikely.


Anybody else see the photo of the guy on the roof right as the explosion went off? Is that real or 'shopped?



Someone sent that to me. I don't know. Just from knowing the area lots of people go up on their roofs/roof decks for events like that.

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The Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funeral of the casualties from the marathon. They claim "God sent the bombs to punish those that would want f*gs to get married. #PraiseGod" on their twitter. Real Christians would be on their knees praying for the victims; not picketing them. I don't know who is sicker, the bomber or Westboro Baptist Church.

Hopefully they do it in near proximity to the Southies who I would expect to kick the living shit out of each and every one of them.


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Someone who would know told me that if it was Al Qaeda, it's not the professional variety, but an amateurish or novice cell, or an "inspired-by" group. Said the bombs are not the much stronger brand that you'd routinely see in Iraq or Afghanistan, and the placement was poor. Thinks we're dealing with some sort of wannabe learning things off the net, whether foreign or domestic.


If it was AQ, you'd think that they'd be taking credit through al-Jazeera. I'd expect them to go after something a little more symbolic than the Boston Marathon, but hey maybe we've decimated their leadership so badly that they're content with going after a place that a big crowd congregates.


Even for someone who spent 25 years dealing with traumas in an inner city hospitals- wow, pretty gruesome. A couple of them rate up there with worst I've ever seen. Obviously ground level shrapnel blasts, to obliterate legs like that.


The perpetrators, if caught will get humane lethal injection. Can we make an exception for cruel and unusual punishment?


Fuck that. We don't need another Patriot Act on the account of this bombing. The Atlanta bombing caused roughly the same loss of life, and we did just fine after that. More than anything right now, I don't want to compromise our civil liberties like we did after 9/11.


And White supremacists? Has anybody ever been to Boston? WS would be unlikely.


Anybody else see the photo of the guy on the roof right as the explosion went off? Is that real or 'shopped?



Did you see the enhanced version of the photo? Check it out.




Honestly, I'd be surprised if that guy wasn't just watching the race. You can detonate bombs at ground level without putting a gigantic bullseye on your back.


Sure lets blame the white supremacists, even though this coordinated attack is similar to what happens in Iraq and other countries in the area.


Sure it's similar, but it's different enough than what we've seen them do over here. Who knows. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but this smells domestic.


I think security for the London marathon on Sunday may have just been ramped up by a power of ten. Disgraceful stuff, indiscriminate attacks like these serve absolutely no purpose but to engender hatred between two groups as the violence and retribution escalates.


That's definitely not the only purpose. Part of it is to create paranoia in the general populace, which these people have done. My girlfriend told me she's going to a baseball game, and I'm slightly nervous for her safety. I haven't felt that way since the first WTC bombing when I was about 6 and it made me scared to go to any major city.

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That's definitely not the only purpose. Part of it is to create paranoia in the general populace, which these people have done. My girlfriend told me she's going to a baseball game, and I'm slightly nervous for her safety. I haven't felt that way since the first WTC bombing when I was about 6 and it made me scared to go to any major city.

Fair point, but I would argue that the end game there is basically anger towards those responsible. Either way, it's not going to 'teach anyone a lesson' or whatever the intention is from terrorists.

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If it was AQ, you'd think that they'd be taking credit through al-Jazeera. I'd expect them to go after something a little more symbolic than the Boston Marathon, but hey maybe we've decimated their leadership so badly that they're content with going after a place that a big crowd congregates.


Yeah, but if you look at the most recent failed attacks from affiliate groups/people you're looking at random acts of violence designed for body counts - underwear bomber, Times Sq., etc. And if it's an affiliate or an inspired-by they may not be working with the leadership at all.

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If it was AQ, you'd think that they'd be taking credit through al-Jazeera. I'd expect them to go after something a little more symbolic than the Boston Marathon, but hey maybe we've decimated their leadership so badly that they're content with going after a place that a big crowd congregates.


Sure it's similar, but it's different enough than what we've seen them do over here. Who knows. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but this smells domestic.

This just doesn't seem to fit domestic in nature, typically our home grown nutjobs tend to target federal targets and not crowds of civilians. this plays more like an Iraq level cafe bombing. I bet its some kind of wacko similar to the guy who planned to bomb times square.


Also I am pretty sure that AQ never actually took credit for the 9-11 attacks, I don't think they really care to take credit.

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This just doesn't seem to fit domestic in nature, typically our home grown nutjobs tend to target federal targets and not crowds of civilians. this plays more like an Iraq level cafe bombing. I bet its some kind of wacko similar to the guy who planned to bomb times square.


Also I am pretty sure that AQ never actually took credit for the 9-11 attacks, I don't think they really care to take credit.


Ummm. Did you not see bin Laden's response to 9/11.

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And so you're just ignoring his claims that he did commit them afterwards?




Anyways, here's another analysis of the roof man.


AQ admitted to it after we already linked them to it. Like I said it seems they do not care to claim the attacks.

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Why is Obama Deporting Boston Bombing ‘Person of Interest’ After Meeting with Saudi Minister?

by John Hill on APRIL 18, 2013 in BLOG, NEWS, OPINION


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been neutered by Barack Obama. He has forced them to release thousands of illegal alien criminals over the past four years – resulting in hundreds of crimes including 19 murders and 142 rapes. The ICE Union president has reported on how they have been told to delay and cancel deportations en masse.

But there is one foreign national that Obama seems to want to deport ASAP.

An expert on terrorism says the Saudi national here on a student visa who was the original “person of interest” in connection with Monday’s Boston Marathon bombing is going to be deported from the U.S. next week.

The foreign student from Revere, Mass., is identified as 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi.

“I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next Tuesday, which is very unusual,” Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism told Sean Hannity of Fox News Wednesday night.

Why suddenly is al-Harbi being sent out of the country as the terror investigation is yet, ongoing?

On Wednesday evening, Reuters reported that President Obama held an meeting this afternoon with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House. The meeting was not on the public schedule.

We also learned yesterday that Secretary of State John Kerry had met with the same minister on Tuesday, and the meeting was abruptly closed to the media.

Why is he being rushed out of the country, despite revelations that his family has ties to terrorists, including some currently detained at Gitmo?

Does this special treatment have anything to do with the fact that al-Harbi is part of a powerful Saudi family? ICE sources have reported that the deportation was set to be framed as a “voluntary” departure to be with his family.

UPDATE: Glenn Beck broke the news this morning that al-Harbi had his student visa revoked, and is in fact being deported under section 212 3B – “Security and related grounds” – “Terrorist activities”.


An FBI source has told TheBlaze that the Saudi Student was “taken into custody”. This means, when we he was reported as a person of interest, he was actually a suspect the entire time.

An “event”, or file, was created on the student three days ago. The file contains his deportation record and the reason he is being deported. According to ICE the reason is section 212 3B –”Security and related grounds” – “Terrorist activities”. The student’s visa has been revoked.

The FBI said a file was started “just in case he was found to be connected to the crime,” however, the file shows he was scheduled to be deported. This was not precautionary, it was listed as “orders.” The file was immediately classified. Sources are telling TheBlaze the deportation order will be classified as well – requiring a FOIA to access it.

One agent told TheBlaze he believes a “voluntary” departure has been signed – that means the Saudi student could be out of the country as early as today. While the official story was going to be “he wanted to go home,” the student was actually being deported.

TheBlaze has been told that by a source that this “looks like they were trying to make this a ‘lone wolf’ crime, so the Saudi government would be spared embarrassment and the U.S. would avoid explaining how a terror cell was active when we had AQ on the run.”

One source at the FBI and another at the Saudi Embassy referred to the student as connected to an important Saudi family.

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Since word has come out, several news agencies remained silent on this news of the Saudi student -


The Blaze tried to let other news orgs break the story....but there was only silence.


Now, the inside info, is that the deportation of the student may not happen after all.


Obamao and Holder suck. WHY would they want this student deported ???


And the news only came out on Fox.


Now wonder libs love their msnbc and cnn.

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