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Abortion "doctor" Charged With Murder

The Cysko Kid

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This shit sits ok with you pro abortion guys? This turns my stomach to be honest. Performed late term abortion and allegedly killed babies born live. That's a fuckin' choice, right?




They ought to hang these assholes by their nuts.

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Using the worst possible case as an example for why something should be allowed is foolish


Cysko, you have tried to do that with guns

Diehard does it with illegals



Living on the fringe points of any one issue isn't going to accomplish anything...



If what the guy is charged with is true, then no one can defend him. No one is going to try to come here and defend this guy, but that doesn't completely dismantle the pro-choice side of this issue.


I think it is a wise idea to do something about climate change. That doesn't mean I support blowing up factories and killing everyone inside. By not supporting the fringe part of the side I am on I'm not admitting my stance is wrong.

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Using the worst possible case as an example for why something should be allowed is foolish


Cysko, you have tried to do that with guns

Diehard does it with illegals



Living on the fringe points of any one issue isn't going to accomplish anything...



If what the guy is charged with is true, then no one can defend him. No one is going to try to come here and defend this guy, but that doesn't completely dismantle the pro-choice side of this issue.


I think it is a wise idea to do something about climate change. That doesn't mean I support blowing up factories and killing everyone inside. By not supporting the fringe part of the side I am on I'm not admitting my stance is wrong.


You're right, kind of, and I'm glad you wrote out a reply to it. The truth is someone would do this whether abortion is legal or illegal, but this is the choice you're supporting you should hear about it. 24 weeks is the cut off. There's not a profound difference from 24 -27 weeks, and it was probably the sepsis more than the late term abortions that got him busted. This is everything people hate about abortion. It's probably the most amoral thing I can imagine, and I hope this guy pays the ultimate price.

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You're right, kind of, and I'm glad you wrote out a reply to it. The truth is someone would do this whether abortion is legal or illegal, but this is the choice you're supporting you should hear about it. 24 weeks is the cut off. There's not a profound difference from 24 -27 weeks, and it was probably the sepsis more than the late term abortions that got him busted. This is everything people hate about abortion. It's probably the most amoral thing I can imagine, and I hope this guy pays the ultimate price.


Again, I'll write a reply out when I feel like it and if the post warrants it. Half the stuff said on this board is idiotic, one-sided, hate speech that doesn't deserve a real reply.


By saying I am pro-choice, how am I supporting this? Pro-choice doesn't mean "abort whenever you feel like it, even if you just gave birth". That's idiotic and plays back to my first point.



Also, FYI, no one is "pro abortion." They are pro choice. Everyone would rather see someone be in the position where they don't have to get an abortion. Calling the other side "pro-abortion" just because abortion is a dirty word and it makes the other side seem wrong is also idiotic. Along the same lines as just shoving pictures of aborted fetuses in people face and yelling "See!"


Its called pro choice. As in, give the woman the choice to do what she wants with her body.

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Well vapor its tough to say isn't it? I mean 24 weeks is ample time to get an abortion I'd think, but for some reason all these patients needed to go longer. I don't know what to pin that on I'd imagine the demand for late term abortion would remain about the same either way. The only real way, I think, to put the kibosh on it is to make examples of guys like this. But you know, this guy has been on trial for five weeks and somehow this is the first I've heard of it.

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