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Arrogant Illegal Alien Mocks Border Patrol Agent: 'obamas Gonna Let Me Go!"

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Arrogant Illegal Alien Mocks Border Patrol Agent: ‘Obama’s Gonna Let Me Go!’

by John Hill on APRIL 12, 2013 in BLOG, NEWS, OPINIONCBP-BorderPatrol-277x300.jpgAs you have read here before, illegal aliens are streaming into Texas like no time since 1986 – trying to get in on the Obama-Schumer-McCain-Rubio amnesty for 20 million (and counting) illegal aliens. And DHS’ own data of a massive increase in border crossings are making a mockery of claims that “

” by everyone from Obama to Napolitano to Schumer.


And the February release of thousands of criminal illegal aliens by ICE and talk of sequestration cuts to the Border Patrol has fueled the increase in crossings even more.


And now illegal invaders are becoming increasingly arrogant as well, assuming that Obama has stripped all power from ICE and border agents, and nothing will stop them from getting amnesty now.


Ranchers in South Texas – already under seige by violent cartels – are bearing much of the brunt of the tens of thousands of new arrivals.


Linda Vickers, who owns a ranch in Brooks County, which is Ground Zero for the immigration debate, pins the blame directly on talk of ‘amnesty’ and a ‘path to citizenship’ for people who entered the U.S. illegally.


She recalls one man being arrested on her ranch not long ago.


“The Border Patrol agent was loading one man up, and he told the officer in Spanish,
‘Obama’s gonna let me go’


Border Patrol agents report that immigrants are crossing the border, and in some cases surrendering while asking, “
Where do I go for my amnesty?”


When you have amnesty waving in the wind, you’re going to get an increase
,” Vickers says.


She says the current increase in illegal immigrant entries began last summer, at almost exactly the same time as Obama unilaterally announced plans to no longer deport young people who came to the U.S. as children with their illegal immigrant parents.


The Administration claimed that their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program – which is being challenged in a lawsuit by the ICE Union – would only apply to those who came here before the age of 15 who have been here for years. However evidence is mounting that thousands of illegals crossed with fraudulent documentation in order to get in on the DACA program.


We warned this would happen at the time, because DACA has almost no safeguards against fraud. Imagine how many illegals will come across (and clearly already are) as they did in 1986, after a new massive amnesty becomes law. We could be looking at a final amnesty total of well over 30 million illegal aliens. Such an event would hasten America’s decline towards Third World status.


If YOU stand with Gov. Brewer and Sheriff Joe and against illegal immigration and want to see the border secured, the rule of law upheld and amnesty for illegals stopped, then put your name where your heart is, and join the 170,000 who have signed the petition…


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Recent Diehard posts:


Arrogant Illegal Alien Mocks Border Patrol Agent: 'obamas Gonna Let Me Go!"


Judge Rules Illegal Alien Dui Killer Incompetent To Stand Trial, Cites 'unique Cultural Background'


Illegal Alien Murders Az Mom For Denying Him Sex With Her 13-Year Old Daughter


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U.s. Border Patrol Uniforms Manufactured In Mexico


Homeland Security Budget Cuts Not Impacting Perks At Illegal Alien Detention Centers


Two African American Teens Rob Woman, Shoot And Kill Infant



...And that's just in the last few weeks! I'm detecting a trend.

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The trend is reporting things that bother me and a lot of other people. Obviously you don't care that illegal's are committing crimes, etc. These stories are not even reported by the liberal media, and of course you would poke fun at me basically accusing me of being a racist because I post them on here. Well tough shit, I'll keep posting it. People need to know the truth and if you don't like it fuck off!laugh.gif

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they are just complaining because


they want the democratic votes in the next election.


There is no other reason for libs to not be outraged at the illegals crossing over, and all the crime that comes with it.


That goes back to the days when I was posting the widespread existence of drug cartel/gang members in our country.

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Recent Diehard posts:


Arrogant Illegal Alien Mocks Border Patrol Agent: 'obamas Gonna Let Me Go!"


Judge Rules Illegal Alien Dui Killer Incompetent To Stand Trial, Cites 'unique Cultural Background'


Illegal Alien Murders Az Mom For Denying Him Sex With Her 13-Year Old Daughter


Directv Technician - A Previously Deported Felon - Steals Prized Dog From Customer


Associated Press Bans Use Of Term 'illegal Immigrant'


Happy Cesar Chavez Day?


How Mexico Treats "undesirable" Foreigners


Senate Democrats Vote To Provide Obamacare To Illegal Aliens Under Immigration Plan


U.s. Border Patrol Uniforms Manufactured In Mexico


Homeland Security Budget Cuts Not Impacting Perks At Illegal Alien Detention Centers


Two African American Teens Rob Woman, Shoot And Kill Infant



...And that's just in the last few weeks! I'm detecting a trend.

I wonder if he knows what confirmation bias is?


Want to start posting links to natural citizens being asshats as a counter to them?



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I wonder if he knows what confirmation bias is?


Want to start posting links to natural citizens being asshats as a counter to them?




So lets welcome the illegals to do it also, what's fair is fair! Dumb ass.

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I'm just saying: when you wake up every morning and seek out daily confirmation that Mexican illegal immigrants are particularly unlawful, even when they're not, and then post news of individual criminal acts committed by Mexicans, while ignoring all the others ... it's not not racist.


If you were trying to start a discussing of immigration policy that would be one thing. But you're really just hating on Mexicans, and that's another.

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So lets welcome the illegals to do it also, what's fair is fair! Dumb ass.

I am just pointing out your confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs. And you are displaying it in the most classic sense you seek out every story you can find that involves an Illegal alien breaking a law while ignoring the ones who are just going about there business. Call me a dumb ass all you want for pointing out that natural citizens of our own country are perfectly capable of being criminals as well.

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Wow, clever. Bet being from Parma, you prefer beagles.

Don't even have a dog.

Whats the matter don't like it when someone uses your own logic against you.

By the way I have a ton of stories avaialable to me. I have a WTFlorida thread open in another forum.

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We are talking about the serious occurence of crime by illegals.



bout 3,130,000 results (0.27 seconds)

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We are talking about the serious occurence of crime by illegals.



bout 3,130,000 results (0.27 seconds)

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from one of your own links

Crimes committed by illegal immigrants


California has the largest immigrant population in the US, and immigrants (both legal and illegal) are under represented among California prison inmates.[104] The most recent research indicates approximately 35% of the California population consists of immigrants, while immigrants represent 17% of the prison population. In fact, U.S. born adult men are incarcerated at a rate over two-and-a-half times greater than that of foreign-born men

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Did you get disbarred Cysco for some problem, and thats why you are now a halon repairman?


Broski, I make more money as an engineer of suppression systems than you did in 22 years in the navy so hate all you want. I handle million dollar accounts regularly and get to go just about everywhere cool in Ohio.

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Don't even have a dog.

Whats the matter don't like it when someone uses your own logic against you.

By the way I have a ton of stories avaialable to me. I have a WTFlorida thread open in another forum.


Ha, okay, glad to hear it. I'm not angry, I could care less. I'm just trying to rise to debate, looks like I succeeded.

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I find it interesting that Cysko hates on these threads. Are they a little racist? Sure probably but Cysko has applied the same logic to his gun control arguments.


"If guns weren't so easily accessible, A,B, &C murders would not have happened."


"If illegal immigrants weren't here illegally, the crimes they commit wouldn't happen."



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I find it interesting that Cysko hates on these threads. Are they a little racist? Sure probably but Cysko has applied the same logic to his gun control arguments.


"If guns weren't so easily accessible, A,B, &C murders would not have happened."


"If illegal immigrants weren't here illegally, the crimes they commit wouldn't happen."





Yeah but I haven't started thirty identical threads in the last month. You can go ahead and check the threads I started if you want.

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Yeah but I haven't started thirty identical threads in the last month. You can go ahead and check the threads I started if you want.

I'm not stressing the threads you started.


And yeah I said that the "30 identical threads" were probably pretty racist - that's not the point. Look at the logic in the two arguments. Identical.


You can hate on the threads for targeting Mexicans but that's not the *real* reason diehard is posting them.


If you could find 30 identical "firearm mass murder" stories a month you'd sure as hell post them here. Kind of says something about where we should place some focus.

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I'm not stressing the threads you started.


And yeah I said that the "30 identical threads" were probably pretty racist - that's not the point. Look at the logic in the two arguments. Identical.


You can hate on the threads for targeting Mexicans but that's not the *real* reason diehard is posting them.


If you could find 30 identical "firearm mass murder" stories a month you'd sure as hell post them here. Kind of says something about where we should place some focus.



I could find plenty. Don't pretend you know me. Want a piece of information? I own four guns. Now, to be sure, I don't keep them at my house with the kids, but don't ever think you know me. I've told you guys time and again you only know what I want you to know. And you know what? My fuckin' threads get replies so I post them to do my part to keep the dialogue on this board as open as possible. No one wants to visit a dead board.

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