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Obama Calls For Cigarette Tax Hike

The Cysko Kid

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Yeah, but what are any taxes for?

To cover government expenses.

But they like to use punitive sin taxes to try and mold behavior and claim that its for the better of society, and in the point of tobacco they claim its because smokers cost more. well that's not true. I was just pointing out the inevitable "good they cost more" statement is wrong.


hell considering the state of social security it might behoove them to send out a carton or two with each SSI check.

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To cover government expenses.

But they like to use punitive sin taxes to try and mold behavior and claim that its for the better of society, and in the point of tobacco they claim its because smokers cost more. well that's not true. I was just pointing out the inevitable "good they cost more" statement is wrong.


hell considering the state of social security it might behoove them to send out a carton or two with each SSI check.



They areore likely to incur certain medical expenses but on the whole I think the cigarette stuff is a bit of a witch hunt. I don't smoke BTW

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They areore likely to incur certain medical expenses but on the whole I think the cigarette stuff is a bit of a witch hunt. I don't smoke BTW

The anti smoking lobby was quite successful. Smokers are more likely to incur expenses earlier on, but they die faster and incur less overall. But people almost universally claim that smokers cost more without even questioning it. Same goes for the obese, and drinkers(though they exact a toll on life with DUI's)


I am known to have a good La Gloria Cubana or Cohiba from time to time.



Politicians see taxing these things as a way of getting "free" taxes, they claim its for your own good and then bend you over, the whole time villainizing you for doing it. It really is pretty clever.

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To cover government expenses.

But they like to use punitive sin taxes to try and mold behavior and claim that its for the better of society, and in the point of tobacco they claim its because smokers cost more. well that's not true. I was just pointing out the inevitable "good they cost more" statement is wrong.


hell considering the state of social security it might behoove them to send out a carton or two with each SSI check.




the new "patriotism" ?

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the new "patriotism" ?

Didn't you know that it's patriotic to pay taxes for a government that can't reign in it's spending. And mindlessly accepting their barely plausible reasoning on why the taxes are so high in the first place. Don't worry they are doing you a favor by taxing you.

/needless sarcasm







not directed at anyone in particular.

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Taxes on really bad things like cigarettes are better than taxes on really good things, like work and income. But they're also ways to get money when you can't figure out how to get it anywhere else. There's a limit to how much I'd pin everything on smokers, especially when you're using the revenue for unrelated items, like children's education. But there are also significant benefits to reducing smoking.


In general, all taxes suck, but we need the revenue, and it's better than raising other taxes.

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Taxes on really bad things like cigarettes are better than taxes on really good things, like work and income. But they're also ways to get money when you can't figure out how to get it anywhere else. There's a limit to how much I'd pin everything on smokers, especially when you're using the revenue for unrelated items, like children's education. But there are also significant benefits to reducing smoking.


In general, all taxes suck, but we need the revenue, and it's better than raising other taxes.

problem is we are paying taxes for this


and countless others like her.

And they have made it clear that they are not like us. they are exempt from being like us and we are to pay for all of it.

I could get into a long winded rant about the government but I will just leave it at they don't need more money, they need to work with what they got.

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Didn't you know that it's patriotic to pay taxes for a government that can't reign in it's spending. And mindlessly accepting their barely plausible reasoning on why the taxes are so high in the first place. Don't worry they are doing you a favor by taxing you.

/needless sarcasm






not directed at anyone in particular.



this place aint no place if we cant have snarky sarcasm! carry on.... that is all

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I'd be cool with a fat tax



There are fucking fat pride groups and fat rights and shit. That's just ridiculous...


How about an old tax. The tax for lingering on and on with dementia costing more than just about anyone?


You can't tax a person for being something whether it be fat or old or whatever.

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