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Knives Vs Guns

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Well, baby bunker, many people feel the same way as you but ill bet any change in the status quo and you'd immediately be freaking out about "losing your freedoms" common sense gun control isn't Losing your freedom any more than mandating auto insurance was losing a freedom. I understand how you feel, but I don't agree with it.


Please define "common sense gun control" because that is a very vague statement. Harsher background checks are fine by me, but limiting which weapons you can buy and banning high capacity magazines is not.

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Then you aren't listening to the likes of Feinstein, Biden and all. It's been clearly stated, that for


universal background checks to work, there must be a national registry of all guns and gun owners.


And that, is worse than dangerous to our freedoms. See any other country who has ever gone that far.


They only go that far for good reason, and it isn't "to prevent whackos from getting guns"....

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Please define "common sense gun control" because that is a very vague statement. Harsher background checks are fine by me, but limiting which weapons you can buy and banning high capacity magazines is not.


Well largely it would have to do with background checks and mental health. I'm not really on board with the clip size issue. Seung-hui cho only used pistols and 10-15 round clips and he killed 32. Adults I might add. I can't see where clip size makes a damn bit of difference.

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Then you aren't listening to the likes of Feinstein, Biden and all. It's been clearly stated, that for


universal background checks to work, there must be a national registry of all guns and gun owners.


And that, is worse than dangerous to our freedoms. See any other country who has ever gone that far.


They only go that far for good reason, and it isn't "to prevent whackos from getting guns"....



Yeah yeah they're gonna put whitey in fema death camps. I've heard it all before and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. I'm not interested in your conspiracy theories at this time.

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How about Obamao's corrupt cohorts illegally and secretly getting ccw licensee lists from the Highway Patrol in Missouri,


who weren't supposed to have it either? Publishing gun owners in NY.... now Missouri...


and we aren't supposed to figure that a national gun registry won't be used for evil purposes?


Seems like Obamao's "IRS" is turning into his own "civilian security force"


(this article does refer to "revenue" part of Obamao's regime)



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"haha, yeah, Cal, the feds will go into a state, and illegally and secretly order that state's highway patrol to secretly and illegally get an entire electronic list of all


concealed carry licensees for secret nefarious reasons haha"






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NY again.


Police misusing the information now. Misusing,....or just a practice run....for gun confiscations?


Not one of the police involved noticed a different freaking ADDRESS ? Middle initial, maybe? Different spouses' name.....


They can take their "universal background checks" and "gun registration" and shove it right up their swastika in NY.


And Missouri..


and..... Conn.


The gov wants the gun information on gun owners, so they have the power to USE it, and MISUSE it.


and worse. Biden and co. even admit it.

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Yeah yeah they're gonna put whitey in fema death camps. I've heard it all before and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. I'm not interested in your conspiracy theories at this time. Cysko


Nobody here is saying that. Your emotional, irrational outburst responses go noticed. And to think you alleged that you were "so tired" of the gun subject,

that you bailed on talking about it anymore right when I seriously took the time to write you some serious points and serious questions.

Yep, sure enough, you bailed. Then you waited a little bit, and came right back to it. Should I repost my serious questions AGAIN now that

you've had your pouty-pouty rest ?

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Yeah yeah they're gonna put whitey in fema death camps. I've heard it all before and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. I'm not interested in your conspiracy theories at this time. Cysko


Nobody here is saying that. Your emotional, irrational outburst responses go noticed. And to think you alleged that you were "so tired" of the gun subject,

that you bailed on talking about it anymore right when I seriously took the time to write you some serious points and serious questions.

Yep, sure enough, you bailed. Then you waited a little bit, and came right back to it. Should I repost my serious questions AGAIN now that

you've had your pouty-pouty rest ?



I'll just go ahead and refer you to the post you quoted for an answer to this

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Saying that "violent psychopaths will kill people anyway so why bother even trying to stop them" makes no sense at all.


It's true that if someone nearby had a gun then they could have shot this guy and less people would have been stabbed. That would have been a favourable outcome in this case, I agree. However, there was really nothing stopping this guy from having a gun at all. By banning guns - either completely, or outside of gun ranges/hunting lodges or whatever - you reduce the amount of violent attacks that use a gun. At the moment, say 75% (just a pure guess) of attacks like this are with guns. If that figure goes down to just 74% by banning guns, then that's 1% of attacks with, in this example a knife, but it could equally be a crow bar or baseball bat, where people actually stand a chance of surviving, and isn't that something worth striving for?


I guess it comes down to whether you would rather have 10 people shot dead or 10,000 wounded in a knife attack. I know which I'd rather be.


And yes, your amendment gave you the right to bear arms. What's stopping you from amending that? People in America talk about the constitution and its amendments as if it's sacrosanct - but the original document was wrong, so it was amended.


just my 2 cents - tell me I'm an idiot, that I'm a British loser with bad teeth who knows nothing about America if you like. I just know that when I walk down the streets of London at night, on my own, in the dark, I'm worried I'll be mugged - not shot.

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Saying that "violent psychopaths will kill people anyway so why bother even trying to stop them" makes no sense at all.


It's true that if someone nearby had a gun then they could have shot this guy and less people would have been stabbed. That would have been a favourable outcome in this case, I agree. However, there was really nothing stopping this guy from having a gun at all. By banning guns - either completely, or outside of gun ranges/hunting lodges or whatever - you reduce the amount of violent attacks that use a gun. At the moment, say 75% (just a pure guess) of attacks like this are with guns. If that figure goes down to just 74% by banning guns, then that's 1% of attacks with, in this example a knife, but it could equally be a crow bar or baseball bat, where people actually stand a chance of surviving, and isn't that something worth striving for?


I guess it comes down to whether you would rather have 10 people shot dead or 10,000 wounded in a knife attack. I know which I'd rather be.


And yes, your amendment gave you the right to bear arms. What's stopping you from amending that? People in America talk about the constitution and its amendments as if it's sacrosanct - but the original document was wrong, so it was amended.


just my 2 cents - tell me I'm an idiot, that I'm a British loser with bad teeth who knows nothing about America if you like. I just know that when I walk down the streets of London at night, on my own, in the dark, I'm worried I'll be mugged - not shot.


I have no idea how anyone living in The UK could possibly be satisfied with the state of affairs in their nation.

With the regular stories of people being jailed simply for defending themselves and their families in their own homes. And now that the guns have been taken away, people are now pushing to limit sharp knives. People mugged in the street getting more severe penalties for defending themselves than the criminals mugging them and initiating the violence in the first place.


How about something like this.



Or the farmer Tony Martin from Norfolk who shot and killed a burglar in his own home and was charged with murder. In the US we still believe it is our right to defend ourselves from the violent not just hope that they will have mercy on us and only take our possessions and not our lives.


I can walk down the streets of my city at night knowing that if someone came to do me harm I have an option to defend myself, not submit to their will and pray that they will do me no harm.

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I have no idea how anyone living in The UK could possibly be satisfied with the state of affairs in their nation.

With the regular stories of people being jailed simply for defending themselves and their families in their own homes. And now that the guns have been taken away, people are now pushing to limit sharp knives. People mugged in the street getting more severe penalties for defending themselves than the criminals mugging them and initiating the violence in the first place.


How about something like this.



Or the farmer Tony Martin from Norfolk who shot and killed a burglar in his own home and was charged with murder. In the US we still believe it is our right to defend ourselves from the violent not just hope that they will have mercy on us and only take our possessions and not our lives.


I can walk down the streets of my city at night knowing that if someone came to do me harm I have an option to defend myself, not submit to their will and pray that they will do me no harm.


Please don't misinterpret me as saying that the UK is a shining beacon of utopian idealism, far from it! We have a lot of problems indeed, and we certainly have our fair share of violent crime, racism and general bigotry.


The case of Tony Martin is a difficult one, because he was just defending his property as you say and caused a lot of headlines for a very long time here. Ultimately, though, the message has to be that killing someone is wrong, surely? In this specific case I think it was reduced to manslaughter in the end, which is probably fairer than murder, but given that he had the shotgun illegally, that really didn't help his cause.


Indeed, it would seem that the general feeling here is that the law is too harsh on people defending their property and too lenient on those breaking in (or more generally, committing a crime). In my personal opinion, we seem to have gone too far towards "innocent until proven guilty" but that's just an opinion.


Still, the whole thing doesn't have much to do with the knives/guns debate. Or, we should say, guns/other. I mean, if we were to ban anything that dangerous we'd end up locked in padded rooms for the rest of our lives, so clearly there has to be an element of 'safe danger' - an acceptable level of risk. There's a reason guns have been outlawed in pretty much every other civilised country in the world. No, it's not because we're all hippy, liberals or lefties ;)

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Please don't misinterpret me as saying that the UK is a shining beacon of utopian idealism, far from it! We have a lot of problems indeed, and we certainly have our fair share of violent crime, racism and general bigotry.


The case of Tony Martin is a difficult one, because he was just defending his property as you say and caused a lot of headlines for a very long time here. Ultimately, though, the message has to be that killing someone is wrong, surely? In this specific case I think it was reduced to manslaughter in the end, which is probably fairer than murder, but given that he had the shotgun illegally, that really didn't help his cause.


Indeed, it would seem that the general feeling here is that the law is too harsh on people defending their property and too lenient on those breaking in (or more generally, committing a crime). In my personal opinion, we seem to have gone too far towards "innocent until proven guilty" but that's just an opinion.


Still, the whole thing doesn't have much to do with the knives/guns debate. Or, we should say, guns/other. I mean, if we were to ban anything that dangerous we'd end up locked in padded rooms for the rest of our lives, so clearly there has to be an element of 'safe danger' - an acceptable level of risk. There's a reason guns have been outlawed in pretty much every other civilised country in the world. No, it's not because we're all hippy, liberals or lefties ;)

The UK has made steps recently to correct past mistakes in the regard of punishing those that would defend themselves. Stories like those of Vincent Cooke being cleared of charges for homicide etc(should never have been charges in the first place). But it should never have come to that point, It is a basic human right to defend yourself. I would prefer to defend myself with the best tool available for the task and in the US that would be with a firearm. A right guaranteed to us by our constitution. While countries like Britain may have outlawed guns it has done nothing for violence in the country and violence is now just acted out with the next best thing, which seems to be knives. And the people unable to see reason are now trying to limit lengths on knives and remove points chasing an ideal that does not exist. People like myself would rather not repeat the mistakes of others who seem to be chasing dragons in our own country.

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Cysko, you didn't give up on "me". You still whine the same whines, and won't answer the legit questions I posted.


You still obviously have the energy to continue to whine about the issue irrationally.


And to the point about Great Britain: (the second shows that "only criminals will have the guns"









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Cysko, you didn't give up on "me". You still whine the same whines, and won't answer the legit questions I posted.


You still obviously have the energy to continue to whine about the issue irrationally.


And to the point about Great Britain: (the second shows that "only criminals will have the guns"








h ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/co. mmentisfree/2012/dec/18/great-gun-control-fallacy-thomas-sowell



You calling anyone irrational is a real hoot.

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