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Illegal Alien Murders Az Mom For Denying Him Sex With Her 13-Year Old Daughter

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Illegal Alien Murders AZ Mom For Denying Him Sex With Her 13-Year Old Daughter

Apr 3rd, 2013 @ 08:42 pm › John Hill




Monsters among us: yet another illegal alien pedophile strikes




Illegal aliens are leaving a trail of victims from coast to coast – a massive crime wave that most Americans don’t know about – because the media typically plays it down. And so frequently the victims are children or involve children – thanks to a perverse Mexican culture that virtually ensures the victimization of the young.


There was one such murder last night in Arizona. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriff’s detectives are are investigating the murder that happened late Monday night in Aquila, AZ, 45 miles Northwest of Phoenix.


Authorities say the suspect, 25-year-old Jose Zarate, went to 31-year-old Maria Saucedo’s home around 9:30 p.m. Zarate reportedly wanted to take Saucedo’s 13-year old daughter to his home, presumably for sex. When she refused, an argument ensued and Zarate pulled out a rifle and shot her in the chest at close range — in the presence of the teen.


According to MCSO, “One of several witnesses to the crime apparently disarmed Zarate before he fled the area on foot.” When they arrived at the scene, deputies administered CPR on Saucedo, but she was later pronounced dead.


“How awful this is that a mother loses her life in the process of defending her daughter’s honor,” said Sheriff Joe Arpaio.


On Wednesday, deputies arrested Zarate. He was found at his home.


The Fox 10 Phoenix report of the crime showed the apparent effects of the Associated Press ban on the term “illegal immigrant” just 24 hours earlier. Fox 10 reported that: “Sheriff’s deputies say Zarate is a non-U.S. citizen who has been living in the country without proper authorization.”


In other words, an illegal alien invader. So why not just SAY that? We don’t want to “stigmatize” illegal alien pedophile murderers?


Zarate was booked into the 4th Avenue Jail on the following charges: 2nd degree murder, two counts of aggravated assault and possession of a weapon by a prohibited person (an illegal).


This was just the latest crime involving underage children by an illegal alien. America has been savaged by illegal alien pedophile crimes. Why? Because the sick culture of Mexico, which disgustingly has a minimal age of consent for sex of TWELVE, and rarely prosecutes child rapes of even younger than that. Punishments for rape and sexual assaults are just minor slaps on the wrist. Many times the rapist just has to pay a small fine or sit in jail for a day. And if they marry the victim, they are completely let off the hook.


When we permit hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who reflect this sick culture to invade America we shouldn’t be surprised when there is a trail of victims from coast to coast.



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The dems cherish them for their future dem votes.


These stories are actually ignored on purpose by most of the left.


It doesn't fit their emotional narrative:


"Oh, gosh, they just want a better life, and to make money for food and shoes for their children and families back in Mexico"


The sad, sick truth comes out more and more.


And still, the left won't say a word about it. What a tragedy - crimes against humanity all too often,


and not a lib leftie progressive saying one word about the reality of illegal aliens inside our borders.

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You guys are...well, you just are... What is the point of this? To say illegal aliens are bad? That they murder people with guns? Who cares where they're from? Americans murder people with guns too, and in appalling ways. What difference does it make if its a black kid shooting a baby in the head or a Mexican? Or a white kid like jared loughner?


What's your point?

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You guys are...well, you just are... What is the point of this? To say illegal aliens are bad? That they murder people with guns? Who cares where they're from? Americans murder people with guns too, and in appalling ways. What difference does it make if its a black kid shooting a baby in the head or a Mexican? Or a white kid like jared loughner?


What's your point?



Difference is he is here illegally and shouldn't even be here to begin with. And yes, Illegal aliens are bad.



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Listen when I lived in new York I knew an illegal immigrant named Antonio. He worked under the table, for a Puerto rican, he was taking classes to get his citizenship and he did damn good work. I liked Antonio and your assertion that all Mexicans living in America are criminals is incorrect. This guy was a good guy he had a nice family and he was trying to make it somewhere besides the shit-hole he happened to be born in. I can't fault him for that, after all wasn't I in new York trying to do the same? Make it somewhere besides the shithole where I happened to be born?

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Listen when I lived in new York I knew an illegal immigrant named Antonio. He worked under the table, for a Puerto rican, he was taking classes to get his citizenship and he did damn good work. I liked Antonio and your assertion that all Mexicans living in America are criminals is incorrect. This guy was a good guy he had a nice family and he was trying to make it somewhere besides the shit-hole he happened to be born in. I can't fault him for that, after all wasn't I in new York trying to do the same? Make it somewhere besides the shithole where I happened to be born?


I think his assertion is all Mexicans living in America as illegal immigrants are criminals is correct. Hence the term, illegal immigrant. :)

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I think his assertion is all Mexicans living in America as illegal immigrants are criminals is correct. Hence the term, illegal immigrant. :)


Well you guys better strap up and get yo asses down to the boarder then because they're coming. They're already here, millions of them.



And they are living here illegally yes, but that does not make them a criminal. People do illegal shit all the time that doesn't make them criminals. I see people without seatbelts texting while driving. Are they now a criminal?


Illegal immigration is a civil matter not a criminal one its not heard in criminal court, but civil court so it is not actually a criminal matter and thus not a crime


From an article I was reading:


'During the 2008 president race, Rudy Giuliani said this about illegal immigration:


It’s not a crime. I know that’s very hard for people to understand, but it’s not a federal crime. I was U.S. attorney in the Southern district of New York. So believe me, I know this. In fact, when you throw an immigrant out of the country, it’s not a criminal proceeding. It’s a civil proceeding.


Last year, the U.S. Supreme said basically the same thing in overturning much of Arizona’s controversial immigration law. The court’s majority opinion said “it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.”


Even Justice Antonin Scalia, in his dissent from the court’s ruling on the Arizona law, said this of illegal immigration: “It is not a federal crime, to be sure.” '

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Well you guys better strap up and get yo asses down to the boarder then because they're coming. They're already here, millions of them.



And they are living here illegally yes, but that does not make them a criminal. People do illegal shit all the time that doesn't make them criminals. I see people without seatbelts texting while driving. Are they now a criminal?


Illegal immigration is a civil matter not a criminal one its not heard in criminal court, but civil court so it is not actually a criminal matter and thus not a crime


From an article I was reading:


'During the 2008 president race, Rudy Giuliani said this about illegal immigration:


It's not a crime. I know that's very hard for people to understand, but it's not a federal crime. I was U.S. attorney in the Southern district of New York. So believe me, I know this. In fact, when you throw an immigrant out of the country, it's not a criminal proceeding. It's a civil proceeding.


Last year, the U.S. Supreme said basically the same thing in overturning much of Arizona's controversial immigration law. The court's majority opinion said "it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States."


Even Justice Antonin Scalia, in his dissent from the court's ruling on the Arizona law, said this of illegal immigration: "It is not a federal crime, to be sure." '


Illegal is illegal. They lock them up in detention centers. Lots of gang members in the illegal population also. This guy wanted to have sex with a 13 year old girl (in Mexico the age of consent is 12) so I guess he thought it was cool. Mother didn't think so, so he killed her. Poor guy. Lets give him citizenship.

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So, all the illegals are fine to come here, even criminals,


as long as some of them aren't criminals (outside of being here illegally, of course) ?


The dem votes count that much to Obamao and co?

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So, all the illegals are fine to come here, even criminals,


as long as some of them aren't criminals (outside of being here illegally, of course) ?


The dem votes count that much to Obamao and co?




You might as well embrace it and get them on the books Cal. Your hatred, your god, or the border patrol...none of them are keeping them out. There is no keeping them out. The smarter thing to do would be to work out a deal to absorb the whole of Mexico into the united states. Go empire building.

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I wonder what that Lady in the video got a masters in and I wonder what her business was





She has an MS in Exercise Physiology from Arizona State and is/was the owner of Educational Rehabilitation Consulting

Just wondering, why were you curious about that?


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