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Foot In The Door, Camel's Nose In Under The Tent...


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sad part is, you aren't kidding.


You are just venting, and refusing to admit your emotional outbursts are invalid.


You don't offer ANY kind of legit solution to the PROBLEM. NONE. zero any.






But go ahead and scream that making magazines smaller by 5 or 10 rounds will stop even one violent murder from happening.


You know it won't, but the emotions are all that matter, lib style.


Too bad. It's knee jerks like the anti-gunners that are reponsible for the impasse of finding genuine solutions to this violence with guns problem.


And going after millions and milions of gun owners who are not the problem....is knee jerk.

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I don't care about Pierre. Members of the NRA care about their freakin RIGHTS that they will NEVER GIVE UP.


That's it. That's all.


I'm fine with background checks. But kids who get their hands on guns that aren't theirs....


and go violent and shoot and murder people....


can any lib on this board see how background checks don't stop the kid?


So, if it doesn't stop the kid, doesn't stop criminals,


what in the HELL is the point then?


The only reasonable answer is....


anti gun foot in the door, Cass Sunstein "Nudge" disarming of Americans. That's the logical conclusion.


And don't bother disagreeing unless you have a genuine explanation about the hypocrisy of


"wanting a solution" that doesn't solve any alleged problem.



Good. Let's disarm America then. I'm all in for that.


I'm done talking about this with you. We'll agree that our points of view can not and must not ever be rectified because I simply can't understand where your head is. It's in a dark place, that's for sure. I'll leave it to your imagination to decide where that dark place may be.


I've offered numerous small measures which could add up to a large reduction, but before we talk about any more of them I want you to just go ahead and admit that you won't support any single measure that would force any responsibility on any gun owner at all. Once we both admit that that is your position, we can talk about why there hasn't been a single positive step forward. It will be a short conversation.

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sad part is, you aren't kidding.


You are just venting, and refusing to admit your emotional outbursts are invalid.


You don't offer ANY kind of legit solution to the PROBLEM. NONE. zero any.






But go ahead and scream that making magazines smaller by 5 or 10 rounds will stop even one violent murder from happening.


You know it won't, but the emotions are all that matter, lib style.


Too bad. It's knee jerks like the anti-gunners that are reponsible for the impasse of finding genuine solutions to this violence with guns problem.


And going after millions and milions of gun owners who are not the problem....is knee jerk.



The emotion that I have is terrible terrible sadness for the parents of the newtown GUN massacre, coupled with anger at those who think their toy is more important than those children's lives. The one you have is anger coupled with insecurity and crippling paranoia that the evil Marxist brownshirts are going to take your toy away.


So when you're complaining about EMOTING feel free to read that above statement which is an amalgram of everything you say on every subject. Useless, emoting, spouting rhetoric. I don't think ill accept your EMOTING arguement anymore. It would imply that you're logical. You're anything but logical.

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American gun owners have absolutely NO responsibility for these murders.


No more than you are responsible for some nutjob crashing his car into a bunch of school children on a picnic.


Or, would you feel that "something must be done" so you would give up your car, because that killer used one,


and you'd go through your life on a tricycle?


Of course, I'd say that is inane, but you might actually consider it seriously to make a difference.


After all, pass all sorts of laws against transportation, especially cars.


The killer will have a car anyways.


So, you getting rid of your car was all for nothing. If you won't see this, then continue emoting and lashing out hysterically on the issue -


but you haven't even for a sec, considered a genuine SOLUTION to the problem.


Perhaps a tricycle is more your style, emoter and lashingouter.

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American gun owners have absolutely NO responsibility for these murders.


No more than you are responsible for some nutjob crashing his car into a bunch of school children on a picnic.


Or, would you feel that "something must be done" so you would give up your car, because that killer used one,


and you'd go through your life on a tricycle?


Of course, I'd say that is inane, but you might actually consider it seriously to make a difference.


After all, pass all sorts of laws against transportation, especially cars.


The killer will have a car anyways.


So, you getting rid of your car was all for nothing. If you won't see this, then continue emoting and lashing out hysterically on the issue -


but you haven't even for a sec, considered a genuine SOLUTION to the problem.


Perhaps a tricycle is more your style, emoter and lashingouter.



A little test for you:


1. I believe barack Obama is a Marxist freedom hating Nazi who wants to erode all my rights to fulfill his lust for power.


A: yes

B: no


2. I consider myself a rational person and a logical thinker.


A: yes

B: no

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You've essentially stated (paraphrasing) laPierre only seeks to arm and control the citizens of the US "with those toys" because he's in the gun manufacturers pocket.


Scholars such as Lawrence Aronsen, Richard Pipes, Leopold Labedz, Franz Borkenau, Walter Laqueur, Karl Popper, Eckhard Jesse, Leonard Schapiro, Adam Ulam, Raymond Aron, Claude Lefort, Richard Löwenthal, Hannah Arendt, Robert Conquest, Karl Dietrich Bracher, Carl Joachim Friedrich and Juan Linz describe totalitarianism in slightly different ways. They all agree, however, that totalitarianism seeks to mobilize entire populations in support of an official state ideology, and is intolerant of activities which are not directed towards the goals of the state, entailing repression or state control of business, labour unions, churches or political parties.


Is it that hard for you to separate the NRA organization and political "state" in your imagination? They share similar structure and mechanisms. Not everyone on this board is trying to immediately compare everything with Hitler, Mao, or Stalin.


Try and keep up.


It was also a joke pointing out your emotionally induced hysteria is no different from the constant barrage of ObamMao etc.


Holy shit.

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You've essentially stated (paraphrasing) laPierre only seeks to arm and control the citizens of the US "with those toys" because he's in the gun manufacturers pocket.




Is it that hard for you to separate the NRA organization and political "state" in your imagination? They share similar structure and mechanisms. Not everyone on this board is trying to immediately compare everything with Hitler, Mao, or Stalin.


Try and keep up.


It was also a joke pointing out your emotionally induced hysteria is no different from the constant barrage of ObamMao etc.


Holy shit.



Good try, still doesn't work.

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You've essentially stated (paraphrasing) laPierre only seeks to arm and control the citizens of the US "with those toys" because he's in the gun manufacturers pocket.




Is it that hard for you to separate the NRA organization and political "state" in your imagination? They share similar structure and mechanisms. Not everyone on this board is trying to immediately compare everything with Hitler, Mao, or Stalin.


Try and keep up.


It was also a joke pointing out your emotionally induced hysteria is no different from the constant barrage of ObamMao etc.


Holy shit.



What exactly is my emotionally induced hysteria? If you try and mention me taking the gun ban position please go back and find a post where I mention banning guns. My position has always been that that is impossible. You will not be able to find any evidence of me calling to ban guns, except in response to cal's actual hysteria that guns might be banned.


Yes I hate lapierre and see him as a scumbag. That's not hysterical my friend. Most people view him as a scumbag. He's highly, highly, unsympathetic.

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If you try and mention me taking the gun ban position please go back and find a post where I mention banning guns. cysko



Good. Let's disarm America then. I'm all in for that. cysko

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If you try and mention me taking the gun ban position please go back and find a post where I mention banning guns. cysko



Good. Let's disarm America then. I'm all in for that. cysko



Ah, but then you didn't read the next sentance did you? Big fail.

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Typical emotional knee jerk -


say you stand for something, but then you don't,


but you vote for the marxist pig who does, but you disagree with it


except you....


I don't get how libs get away with this crap. :)

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Maybe - you voted for the other idiot who was running as a libertarian, I think. Ron Paul.


Your gun control nonsense made me figure Obamao the Terrible. He's the idiot that ran for the dems....


I voted for the not as much an idiot who ran for the Reps. Romney.


All three sucked. "sigh"

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Maybe - you voted for the other idiot who was running as a libertarian, I think. Ron Paul.


Your gun control nonsense made me figure Obamao the Terrible. He's the idiot that ran for the dems....


I voted for the not as much an idiot who ran for the Reps. Romney.


All three sucked. "sigh"



Nope. I voted for mittens.

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Fiscal conservative means little to me when you support extravagant liberal causes,


especially funding to do gun control that won't have anything to do with lessening


these hideous gun crimes.


Admit it - criminals don't do background checks. they have their guns made, or they


buy them from other criminals. From mexico. From "Fast and Furious" after the fact.


They carry guns into places that don't allow them. Harrassing millions of gun owners is worthless


to your alleged emotional "causes". You're either stupid, or you know that is true.


So, why the gun control talking points?


Gaining a foothold on Grampas leaving their guns to their grandsons does nothing but


to lead to licenses, exhorbitant fees, and red tape to intimidate legal gun owners,


and eventual gun banning.


It does NOT LEAD TO lessening these crimes. Go ahead, refuse to admit it,


but regardless of intent - you are willingly or unwillingly a fool and a tool of the left.


Fiscal that.


Your alls' phoney gun control crap only serves to make money for the leftwing causes for funding.


It's the same thing with "global warming".


The UN needs more money, Obamao needs more money, the left always needs more money.


And their causes are for that money making.

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We are a free people, us Americans.


There are those who want to stop us from being free, with "gun control" and "global warming"


as economic weapons of choice to accomplishing those ends.


Hey, "Agenda 21" isn't a fraud. It's a global attempt at....


controlling everything, and makinig money via ...controlling everything..


You decide whose side you are on.



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I have your fraudulent "background checks" and "gun registration" right here:




money, money, money. The left uses money as a weapon.


"do what we say, or we'll make you pay".


You see this crap on owning a car? Nope. The left would have to pay too. Fancy that.


But they can't make gun owners pay...until they find out where the guns are and who owns them.


So, there ya go.


"gun control" is a dangerous fraud.


It has nothing to do with the tragedies. The left is happy with tragedies -


"Never let a tragedy go to waste"


the left needs money. They need people to dumb down and believe in global warming, gun control,


farm control (see Obamao's exec order on martial law),


you betcha.

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Cysko, Don't worry I'm not picking on you but I am curious.

Anybody can answer if you care to.

I understand that 1 reason not to try to ban handguns is that it probably wouldn't work. Too complicated. Too hard to enforce.


If it were completely up to you, and you know that it would eliminate every handgun in society ( except those owned by government officials, law enforcement etcetera) would you make that call?


We are talking about it tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives.


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Cysko, Don't worry I'm not picking on you but I am curious.

Anybody can answer if you care to.

I understand that 1 reason not to try to ban handguns is that it probably wouldn't work. Too complicated. Too hard to enforce.


If it were completely up to you, and you know that it would eliminate every handgun in society ( except those owned by government officials, law enforcement etcetera) would you make that call?


We are talking about it tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives.




“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

George Orwell, 1984“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

George Orwell, 1984

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Cysko, Don't worry I'm not picking on you but I am curious.

Anybody can answer if you care to.

I understand that 1 reason not to try to ban handguns is that it probably wouldn't work. Too complicated. Too hard to enforce.


If it were completely up to you, and you know that it would eliminate every handgun in society ( except those owned by government officials, law enforcement etcetera) would you make that call?


We are talking about it tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives.




Yeah, Steve, I would make it. If it were 100% and it eliminated all cal's criminals weapons and everything.

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Actually it does. Be less simple.



It does not, by any stretch of the imagination, work, on any level, but you go ahead and get the last word in on it, because its really too stupid to argue about any further, and this coming from a guy who just flat out likes to argue no matter how trivial the arguement.

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