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Ways Guns Could Be Made Safer

The Cysko Kid

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Well than suffer the consequences if it is stolen. My friend has 3 hand guns and a finger print opener, says he can get to them in under 10 seconds. Army vet wouldn't have it any other way he says. Has them on the wall next to his bed.


Or you can move out of the shit hole Cleveland and you won't need a gun, lol.





So then you are for laws that if your car is stolen and someone mow's down a pedestrian, you are for them being culpable.




Yes or no is the only required answer. Anything more is dribble.




Yes or No.....nothing more.




YES, or NO.

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It would be nice if the world were that easy. That would solve a lot of problems, wouldn't it? All the answers to the problems of the world would be so tidy. Unfortunately that's not really a comparable situation. A gun is a weapon designed, built, and purchased with one purpose: to kill. Kill animals, kill percieved threats, whatever. By its very existence its 100X the liability a vehicle is, and therein lies your answer. If you, stupidly, fail to secure your firearms and they are used to murder people you should absolutely be held accountable. Of murder? No, not at all. Of criminal negligence? Yes.

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baloney. Guns are also designed to be a deterent.


That's why the deputy advised me to always be armed out back on the farm.


He said you never know when you may run into one of these psychos on drugs.

But they are so out of it, a gun as a deterent wouldn't work......



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baloney. Guns are also designed to be a deterent.


That's why the deputy advised me to always be armed out back on the farm.


He said you never know when you may run into one of these psychos on drugs.

But they are so out of it, a gun as a deterent wouldn't work......





You would deter a drugged up psycho with a gun by shooting him. If you shoot you are to shoot to kill. A gun is meant to kill. You are deluded if you think otherwise.

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We need to gps track all Retards and liberals who do not have a clue about the reason we have a second amendment and what and why we have a second amendment right. Plus if any new gun laws come into effect we will be able to find the tards are our smart phones.


Without a second amendment we do not enjoy the luxury of being able to post on political forums with the fear of some jack booted thug busting down our door over a personal opinion.


Just keep it real even if you have some lame ass opinion, cysko and woody.

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