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The Gipper

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I can't do it. I don't root for a team (or teams) to lose every week all season and then when the playoffs or bowl games come around suddenly change over and start rooting for them to win. I'd root for a combination of North Korea, Iraq, and the cold war Russians before I'd root for Cincy, Pittsburgh, Baltimore or that team up north or any other big 10 school.



^+1 I hate the Donkeys (in general) and Dino teeth (in particular) with a passion, but I'll be rooting for them to send "The Little Criminal" and the Ratbirds packing.

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No it isn't.



Just like I root for Pittsburgh, Cincy, and Baltimore when they make the playoffs.



To me it's homo to root against a team in your conference/division.


I generally root against Pittsburgh and Baltimore when they are in the playoffs.

Cincy hasn't been good enough to even give any thought to.


No, no way are you ever going to see me "rooting for the AFC North".

Die mothereffers.

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