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Grossi Let Go Over Tweet Regarding Randy Lerner


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Tony Grossi, the beat writer for the Browns as many know, was fired after tweeting this about Lerner: "He's a pathetic figure, the most irrelevant billionaire in the world." Thoughts?




sorry posted wrong link at first

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Can I take his place, I love the Lerners! :wub: Sign me up! I'd love to have that job, covering the Browns and doing interviews and writing stories... Dream Job B)

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He has been close to getting fired for his tweets for a while at least in my opinion. He constantly belittled every tweet he responded to regardless if it was a good question or not. He has been poking the bear and he finally got in trouble for it.


Oh really? I don't really follow his stuff much and I thought this was a mad overreaction but this makes thing different.

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How feminine we have become.


A guy should be able to speak what's on his mind and not have to worry about this kind of shit.


Talking about illegals things is one thing, but what Grossi said is perfectly acceptable and a worthy topic to debate.


Well, the world IS getting too politically correct- witness the "Taco comment", asking a guy to resign because he had a cute little photoshop of Obama as part of a monkey family, and I could go on.


Nah- this was just a convenient excuse to unload Grossi- he ain't that good IMHO (except for keeping Modell out of the HOF until after he croaks), and there's better writing talent out there. FWIW, there's guys on this board who know as much about football as Grossi- except they don't have his "inside" scoops. I'd nominate our old pal from the AOL days ArtBeitz aka Barry McBride to take over for Grossi in a heartbeat. Too bad Dieken isn't a writer, because he's forgotten more about football than Grossi will ever know.


He's not fired either- just "reassigned", to maybe the Home & Garden section I hope.

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So whats the insulting tweet? "He's a pathetic figure, the most irrelevant billionaire in the world." Was there more or was that it? I mean I can not help but say I agree with him, Lerner is worthless, he doesn't know to own/operate a winning team. I am not familiar with his work in the PD so I will take everyone's opinion that he wasn't great, but still getting reasigned for calling Lerner what he is, is bogus imo.

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How feminine we have become.


Speak for yourself...



Well, the world IS getting too politically correct- witness the "Taco comment", asking a guy to resign because he had a cute little photoshop of Obama as part of a monkey family, and I could go on.


Insightful... what we need are more Hitler comparisons... :rolleyes:



So whats the insulting tweet? "He's a pathetic figure, the most irrelevant billionaire in the world." Was there more or was that it? I mean I can not help but say I agree with him, Lerner is worthless, he doesn't know to own/operate a winning team.


It's the difference between a personal attack ("pathetic figure") and a pointed critique ("worthless... owner"). The latter is part of a beat writer's job; the former is not only not his job, but can only make the writer less effective in doing his job.


One big point I haven't seen here yet... Grossi did not defend his tweet, he cowered from it. That tells me all I need to know. And it makes me suspect that Zombo may be right about the vino...

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It just goes to show really how much social media has an impact on things in today's society. Whether you think it's right or wrong it's just how it is. I just read a story that a top high school recruit lost his scholarship over tweeting. You have to be smart with that stuff. The way it's always been presented to me is that never post something you wouldn't actually say, which is so true. I wonder if Grossi would have the gusto to say this to Lerner's face? I honestly don't know.

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It just goes to show really how much social media has an impact on things in today's society. Whether you think it's right or wrong it's just how it is. I just read a story that a top high school recruit lost his scholarship over tweeting. You have to be smart with that stuff. The way it's always been presented to me is that never post something you wouldn't actually say, which is so true. I wonder if Grossi would have the gusto to say this to Lerner's face? I honestly don't know.


I guess the only thing I can say is that if you are tweeting, you must have a bird brain.

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How feminine we have become.


A guy should be able to speak what's on his mind and not have to worry about this kind of shit.


Talking about illegals things is one thing, but what Grossi said is perfectly acceptable and a worthy topic to debate.


agree 100%.


yeah grossi sucked as a writer, but he's been part of the browns extended family for how long now, 20 years?


i guess it aqll depends on who you are. you should hear the politically incorrect shit that come out of these old windbag winos who crawl in the broadcast box during baseball games. maybe it's because they're old players and they hold some type of sentimental value with their team but c,mon, calling someone irrelevant is hardly cause to 'reassigning' him. as a matter of fact i bet they 'reassigned' him because they would have probably been hit with a lawsuit out of grossi's camp for an unlawful firing.


oh and btw fxxk twitter and facebook and all that jive. i can see if you want to sell your biz but other than that it's just stalkers and self-centered cunts. "i like standing in the rain and listening to katy perry. my fave color is chartreuse. i have 3 kittens named muffy, scruffy and giggles." GTFO.


if the plain dealer was smart they'd find a way to reassign mary kay to traffic or weather.

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the PD needs to let Terry Pluto cover the Browns exclusively since hes the only reporter with an intelligent,objective outlook on the team.

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This has been a long time coming..


Tony "Ray Barone" Grossi became relevant during the Carman Policy era when he had a direct pipeline to the Browns and had all the "scoops" handed to him before the other sportswriters got wind of it...


When Policy was relieved of his duties, Grossi was then left out of the loop and became bitter towards the Browns.. He now had to work for his stories like the other writers...


In the early years he was able to temper his bitter feelings but in the past few years he's been attacking the Browns Organization and Randy Lerner in particular, with more frequency...


It was just a matter of time before he emploded and put his foot in his mouth...


Say what you want but one basic fact of life is you don't bite the hand that feeds you...


I'm glad he is no longer the beat writer covering the Browns.. Maybe we will now get someone who is more objective rather than a writer with a vendetta... Tell the truth, point out our problems, give an opinion but don't use your position to forward your personal agenda...


Hey Ray, I mean Tony, maybe now you can start a blog from the basement in your house and blast Lerner to your hearts content... Maybe you could convince Mary Kay to join you....





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The biggest concern i have with Grossi is on his Twitter page people were asking him about what his thoughts were on Heckerts interview that was on Cleveland radio, he responded to them by saying what interview...And then they stated to him arent you getting paid to listen and follow the Browns in which he replied No.....


Thats all i need to know about the guy

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hey i don't know everything about cleveland media and i don't know the history of everything grossi but i do know that it's a reporters job to point out deficiencies, tackle topics that might not be popular among affiliates. his personal agenda aside i've never read any discontent in his articles. sure they weren't the best articles one could write but they were good enough for that paper for decades.


everyday in NY a reporter is calling out a coach or calling out anowner, hell half the time it's the back page headline with a photo or cartoon. if you can't take criticism don't play the sport, coach or own the team.


all that this 'reassignment' has me (as an unbiased observer) doing is questioning the ties between the browns org. and the plain dealer. seems to me like the paper has laid down and let the popularity of the browns run them over instead of doing it's duty as an open source of news and information. every print media in this country is in trouble because of the internet. the PD must be hanging on by a thread to be scared and pussy away from the brown's FO.


also where the separation of what one does outside of work become relevant with job performance? sure if you're out bangin dope and hookers and can't make it to work, sure that's cause. but tweeting? really? wouldn't that be on the same level as a congressman serving under the president with different political party affiliations, writing a book about how the government sucks etc........would he be fired?


someone mentioned above that this is another example of the power of social media in our society today. i agree. soon we'll see these type of stipulations written into work contracts as to what sites you are allowed to participate with (urban meyer and the 'no tweet' policy). but doesn't this somehow conflict with our first amendment rights???

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What is stupid about this is that the tweet was a pm and was only made public inadvertently. How can you fire a guy for an honest mistake for which he apologized publicly? Especially when it was such a minor offense to begin with!


I write for a living, and I think Grossi is an above average writer. I didn't agree with his opinion very often, but that's what I enjoyed about reading his stuff. I want a different view that challenges my perspective. Why should it bother me that I don't agree with him most of the time?

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Hey Tony..Isn't karma a bitch,,hahaha..Hey Lerner when Tony was vilifying Mangini before he even hit the tarmac in CLE why didn't you call

ihe big boys at the PD and tell Grossi to get off EM's ass...ahh.. but when its about you,,,big problem right..Grossi got what was coming to him

make no mistake about that..Hey , Mary Kay..that sounds good ehh... has some bitter shoes to fill.

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Bottom line : It's more liberal bullshit. Grossi shouldn't have been demoted. Dieken? Dieken? Are you out of your mind? Part of the reason this team sucks is because this dickhead has Lerner's ear. You might as well let Kosar on the radio while your at it. Antoher asshole.


Sorry man, Doug Dieken is an asshole.


Actually, it is conservative BS. Liberals are all about freedom of speech and the press. Conservatives are all about controlling the information that is disseminated.. Here it is all about the fat cat throwing his weight and money around to stifle the voice of the people.

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