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Come On Browns Mngt.--Don't Screw This Up! Colt Is The Way To Go


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But isn't it just like the Cleveland Browns management to trade him or let him go? These last two games I noticed something: The o-line is holding up and Colt is feeding off of that and it has given him the confidence to stand in the pocket and make the throws--to everyone--all over the field; he's looking like a Pro.

I really like this kid...but of course, someone in Browns management will find some way to fuck him over and start brand new with a rookie QB and set our franchise back another 3-4 years.


For the love of God! Can we get some CONSISTENCY on this team?!


We add a WR and a RB, and add to that a another year's experience for Colt and we have a team here.


Fat man--DO NOT SCREW this team UP!

Keep Colt, build some consistency, add the pieces to surround him with and let's build a WINNER!





Something in me, though, just feels like they are going to go in an opposite direction and with another QB next season...if they do...I will lose every ounce of respect I had with this regime.


Keep Colt, he's a fighter!

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even though you're all over the place, I do agree with you on this one. Colt the last few games has been making strong, NFL caliber throws. The ones that are encouraging are across the field on out routes. He's consistently been hitting the guys in stride. I will say this however: if there's any way to nab Luck it needs to happen. He's worth two first rounds and a 2nd and probably a third. Franchise QB material for sure, and as much as I hate to admit it Matt Barkley is going to be really good too.

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They finally adjusted and started playing to his strengths. He's playing more out of the shotgun and spreading the receivers. You have to play to the talent of your team. I think Colt is getting more balls and confidence now. He's throwing it better and I think realizing that WRs are not always open and you have to fit the ball in there.


He's done well the past couple of weeks. The team is starting to show improvements. We'll just see what happens when we start playing ACFN teams. But for now, I'm going to enjoy this win.

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I'm not so sure. Do I want Colt to be our QB? Of course I do. Do I think he will be? Not sure. I watched Landry Jones play against Baylor Saturday night. The ball just comes out of his hands differently. The dude has a cannon, and he is a smart QB as well. It just looks weak the way Colt throws the ball. If he can work on and improve his arm strength I think he has a chance to be an awesome NFL QB. He is smart, hard-working, tough, and has that will to win ballgames. Either way, I do NOT want to see the Browns lose just for draft position. That would be the same ol' song and dance we see yearly with these clowns.

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Nope! Colt did OK the past two weeks... against two or the worst defenses in the NFL... and he through for 1 TD and 2 INT's. Not exactly great numbers against shitty defenses. The next 6 weeks he is playing 5 top 5 defenses in Balt x2, Pitt x2, and Cinci x1. I imagine in that span of time he averages around 250 yards a game (because he throws so much from us being behind) and has something like a 1-2.5 TD to INT ratio.

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Haha Zombo I was thinking the same thing about Shumur's play calling being way better yesterday, about if big ol' Holmgren had a sit down meeting with him after that terrible game.


if the play calling is like that every week, then the Browns will be fine, but I'd get an offensive "consultant" just to be safe.


anyway, don't forget Holmgren was the guy who tried to trade the entire draft for Sam Bradford, don't be surprised if he offers the #1 pick team the two 1sts and McCoy for Luck, and I'm not saying I want that to happen, I'm just saying that Holmgren might wanna try that.

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Nope! Colt did OK the past two weeks... against two or the worst defenses in the NFL... and he through for 1 TD and 2 INT's. Not exactly great numbers against shitty defenses. The next 6 weeks he is playing 5 top 5 defenses in Balt x2, Pitt x2, and Cinci x1. I imagine in that span of time he averages around 250 yards a game (because he throws so much from us being behind) and has something like a 1-2.5 TD to INT ratio.


The Jags actually have a pretty decent D. I wouldn't call them terrible by any stretch of the imagination.


As far as Colt ... I can't for get about all the terrible games because of 2 decent games. Granted there is a lot wrong with the rest of the offense and the play calling. The only thing that has kept me positive about the offense has been the comparison to Drew Brees and how awful he was his first couple of years in San Diego.


At this point I wouldn't be upset if Colt was replaced, but I don't fully endorse it either. I would be much more upset if we traded several picks and Colt to draft Andrew Luck, because of the many needs we have on this team. If we were to replace him I like the idea of doing it either with Matt Flynn or a QB that is available when we pick.

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The Jags actually have a pretty decent D. I wouldn't call them terrible by any stretch of the imagination.


As far as Colt ... I can't for get about all the terrible games because of 2 decent games. Granted there is a lot wrong with the rest of the offense and the play calling. The only thing that has kept me positive about the offense has been the comparison to Drew Brees and how awful he was his first couple of years in San Diego.


At this point I wouldn't be upset if Colt was replaced, but I don't fully endorse it either. I would be much more upset if we traded several picks and Colt to draft Andrew Luck, because of the many needs we have on this team. If we were to replace him I like the idea of doing it either with Matt Flynn or a QB that is available when we pick.

Coming into yesterdays game the JAgs were 4th in total defense. So they are not bad at all

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colt played better last year and everyone was excited about the way the browns looked until he got hurt.


between the sophomore slump and a new coach and system i think he is the least of our problems.


i'd be highly pissed off if holmgren even sniffs the buns of another QB. he should be thinking of trading down and adding another pick since we have so many positional needs. here we go again:


WR RT LB DE LB CB LB WR LB etc. etc. etc.

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Coming into yesterdays game the JAgs were 4th in total defense. So they are not bad at all



They just lost their pro-bowl CB and didnt have their best D-lineman (Pork chop or something like that)... We are also considered the best passing defense stats-wise and thats not close to being true. Just trying to be realistic.

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I think the remaining 6 games of this season will determine the future of Colt/Shurmer/WCO what have you. We saw Sunday that if allowed to throw down field and


with to do so he can do so effectively. Colt fit some passes into tight windows and ON TIME which is the most important part for the WCO to work. Also, I'm glad to


see Jordan Norwood got a shot. He isn't a burner or deep threat, but he runs consistent routes and is quick enough to get decent YAC out of the slot. If Shurmur


continues to give Colt the ability to throw down the field and make plays, he will make our offense very good. If he doesn't, I think Colt won't mature enough this


year to stay in Cleveland. I expect the Browns to compete much better through these last 6 games, but not necessarily win.

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Thats funny, I remember when I said that Ogbonnaya could be a good back for the Browns and some douchebag acted like Og was worth about a pile of shit. Turns out some people just say shit and dont know what the eff they're talking about. That said, Colt is one of the brightest spots on this team and it'd be a tough blow if yall lost him.

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Thats funny, I remember when I said that Ogbonnaya could be a good back for the Browns and some douchebag acted like Og was worth about a pile of shit. Turns out some people just say shit and dont know what the eff they're talking about. That said, Colt is one of the brightest spots on this team and it'd be a tough blow if yall lost him.

Chris Obi Wan Kenobi should make a really good 3rd down back and back up in the league, a good Woodhead type of back. I still don't think he is a feature back though.

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Chris Obi Wan Kenobi should make a really good 3rd down back and back up in the league, a good Woodhead type of back. I still don't think he is a feature back though.


fair enough but i recall some snob coming on and talking about how he was worthless, the day he got picked up by the Browns. Can't remember his name though. . .

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what do you mean y'all? i thought you were one of us?


you know what, i think we'd all be better off if you weren't. thanks anyways. comprende pendicky?


My home team in the Dallas Cowboys but I like to come in and chat about Browns football. I started off watching the Browns when they picked up Colt McCoy and have been watching all the games online because they aren't broacast in my area very often, since last year. I actually have Payton Hillis (unfortunately) on my fantasy football team and the Browns are the team I follow the most consistently, in the NFL. As for whether or not everyone else would be better off, calm down and stop speaking for everyone. Its a football forum and I can say whatever the hell I want.

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what do you mean y'all? i thought you were one of us?


you know what, i think we'd all be better off if you weren't. thanks anyways. comprende pendicky?


and what the heck is a pendicky? I looked it up on Google and nothing popped up which is saying a lot because google runs a search on just about every source imaginable.

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Its not like I'm on here trolling the forum when the Browns lose. In fact, I congratulate and offer my opinion, usually with a supportive message, unlike half of the whiners on this message board. Case in point, when the thread went up about yall picking up Ogbonnaya, I went on and said he was a good acquisition and that he might do good. And there were haters on here saying that he was no good and worth dropping. Then what happens? He puts up a 100 yd game for the Cleveland Browns.




Matter of fact Hillisizboss was saying the same ish on that thread, that it was premature to knock Ogbonnaya cause he had just been signed.


Latch on to the good. Browns got a W, colt put up good numbers again and found better protection, run game was more consistent.

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Straight masochism!! If McCoy starts next season so be it, but getting pissed about the possibility he won't is hard to imagine. Its like being pissed that you didn't get cut off in traffic. He's shown NOTHING all season. Yes the coach sucks, the o line sucks, the wrs and rbs suck, whatever else you want to say, I probably agree. But guess what....he blends in so well I can't tell he doesn't suck either.


I don't get some of you at all. If we were going to play a team with McCoy on it, we would be talking about how he sucks and how we should win that one. Delusional. F<>k it, trade the whole offense away. Spread the disease to the rest of league. We struggle to swim with the small fish, and get eaten and shit out by the big ones. If you want more of that your sick. Remember the backward pass/interception (cincy game) and the passes to god knows where (every game)? Where were you?


I dunno maybe its just me but it seems like McCoy gets all the credit when we win (suck less than the other team) and gets a ton of built-in excuses when we lose. Its one way or the other, not both. He was OK on Sunday, but that doesn't make up for painful to watch football he has played most of the season.


Give him the rest of the season. If he sucks the rest of the way, draft a real qb talent and let him watch what not to do for a season. Then ship McCoy out and let a real talent drive the offense that should, in theory, be 2 drafts stronger. Its time browns fans get over their battered woman syndrome. I know I'm not protecting the abusers anymore.

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Straight masochism!! If McCoy starts next season so be it, but getting pissed about the possibility he won't is hard to imagine. Its like being pissed that you didn't get cut off in traffic. He's shown NOTHING all season. Yes the coach sucks, the o line sucks, the wrs and rbs suck, whatever else you want to say, I probably agree. But guess what....he blends in so well I can't tell he doesn't suck either.


I don't get some of you at all. If we were going to play a team with McCoy on it, we would be talking about how he sucks and how we should win that one. Delusional. F<>k it, trade the whole offense away. Spread the disease to the rest of league. We struggle to swim with the small fish, and get eaten and shit out by the big ones. If you want more of that your sick. Remember the backward pass/interception (cincy game) and the passes to god knows where (every game)? Where were you?


I dunno maybe its just me but it seems like McCoy gets all the credit when we win (suck less than the other team) and gets a ton of built-in excuses when we lose. Its one way or the other, not both. He was OK on Sunday, but that doesn't make up for painful to watch football he has played most of the season.


Give him the rest of the season. If he sucks the rest of the way, draft a real qb talent and let him watch what not to do for a season. Then ship McCoy out and let a real talent drive the offense that should, in theory, be 2 drafts stronger. Its time browns fans get over their battered woman syndrome. I know I'm not protecting the abusers anymore.


I'm not going to be as negative as you are, or as positive as Carlos. Sure, McCoy's arm strength is somewhat of an issue- and I did see him toss up a few wounded ducks against the Jags (I'm NOT counting the possible tipped pass on the INT call). But I did see if you give the guy a reasonable facsimile of a pocket where he has more than a 1\2 second to make a throw before he gets killed, he can be pretty accurate, and he is accurate on the run (see the TD pass to Cribbs as exhibit A).


You can yell "Garbage time Stats", but what really surprised me is McCoy has been the leading passer in 8 out of the 10 games the Browns have played so far. Did Bradford (#1 overall), or Gabbert (top 10 pick)- (I loved Blaine throwing the ball 5 yards out of the end zone, when he didn't have a Browns defender within 10 yards of his wr after Sheldon Brown fell on his A$$ trying to defend him) seriously outperform McCoy? Not in my book.

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Against the jags whom are fellow bottom dwellers of equal talent and with an even more ridiculously over conservative coaching style than shurmur, we were able to finally see colt get a little time to throw and it allowed more time for the targeted WR/TEs to set up...


The playcalling seemed somewhat improved simply because oga "whatever" booga was looking sharp and hit some nice holes and then we were able to successfully mix things up fairly well for once but shurmurs playcalling is still not lending itself fully to what few team strengths we have..


Ogoboogyaba was impressive and shows signs of being a very capable RB..

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You can yell "Garbage time Stats", but what really surprised me is McCoy has been the leading passer in 8 out of the 10 games the Browns have played so far.



140 ypg given up on the ground every week should help you understand theres no need to pass on us. Therefore McCoy's 200 ypg really isnt impressive when the other team isnt passing all that much on us.

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