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Suck For Luck


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I think you made a lucid, clear, well-thought out post. The problem however is that Heckert is a total dud at drafting. He is a fish out of water; a deer caught in the headlights; he is, Romeo Crennel without a donut.


A guy who passed on Julio Jones to take a slow version of Gerrard Warren doesn't have the smarts to go after luck and tell his players to lay down.


Unless the Browns get with the program and go after luck, we will continue to have a shit team.


Sorry Tom. I saw that slow version of Gerrard Warren getting double and triple teamed against the Texans. Put on your thinking cap to figure out why he wasn't doing much. As to selling the farm to draft Luck, well- the Bengals seem to be doing OK with second round pick Andy Dalton no?

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