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Positives And Negatives Week 7


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I posted the browns would be a top 10 Defense and a majority of the votes were haters, browns will be fine and we will be fighting for a playoff spot in December mark it down.



Two questions:


1. What have you been smoking?


2. Can you get any more?

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mmmm...back alley crack.



According to you faggots the browns are supposed to be 1-5 waiting to pick andrew luck.



The last i looked if the browns play to a 7-4 record our last 5 games are RavensX2 SteelersX2 and the Cardinals why is my statement of meaningful December games makes me the guy who's high?


Cheer the browns and wish them well, other then that shut the xxxx up and hate on us from the steelers boards.

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lmao....your predictions completely ignore the football team your watching.


so you say we go 3-1 the next 4 games....thats so xxxxing laughable, yet expected from a homer like u. the niners have a great D....just how do you think we're gonna score enough points to win? houston....again, the point is to outscore the opposition. we're averaging what 15PPG? these 2 games, we have no shot at winning unless noodles magically gets the offense going.


as of right now, the jags are shutting out the ravens....so while we may be facing a rookie QB who's also finding his way, they are a much better team than us. similar to above, we'll struggle to score any points....let alone win. insofar as the rams, we're a mirror image of that team with a slightly better defense.


at best, 2-2 thru the next 4....likely 1-3. then followed by 6 straight losses to close out the year. your sniffin glue if you think we're playoff bound. dont like that the rest of us aren't completely blind homers that operate in a fantasy world? then go suck it....cause this team isn't good.

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here's my takes: first off Dawson was easily the game MVP. wasn't his fault two FG's got blocked (except w distance Cucumber Head tends to make low trajectory kicks that are easier to block--obviously) and the score really should've been 12-3...as pathetic as that still sounds.

**FO should really stop taking him for granted every off-season.


defensive juggernauts collided. Jauron's schemes while vanilla held up pretty damn solidly. i might be imagining this but the D actually seems to get stronger in the red zone...and here i was all doom and gloom and apprehensive this off-season about the switch to a 4-3. seems you really just never know.


contrarily, i was optimistic last spring about a renewed focus on offense after Holmgren made Cle's 1st offensive-minded HC hire in a while. unfortunately though, vs Seattle Shurmur looked lost...again. i thought he called a couple nice plays but for the most part i'm still not impressed...not even if the players had executed. he did however show that he understood the importance of not abandoning the run, which was nice. the Seahawks D looked visually TIRED by the end.


it appears Greg Little is gonna sell a lot of jerseys. sure would be nice if he had a true compliment opposite him...and a mentor...and a QB. let's be real, November's right around the corner and gelling can only provide so much>>not sure Colt or the OL has the tools--we shall see. regardless, you can't do it all in one year and it's a nice change to be competitive in the meantime...even if the strength of schedule is somewhat less this season.


i saw little to no drop off w Alex Smith starting for Ben Watson. he has decent hands, great balance, and he blocks a bit better than BW. not since Steve Heiden have i seen a TE that could regularly give trouble to a Dline.


so far i see no reason why Chris Ogbonnaya cannot be the lightning to Hillis' thunder. he displayed really good hands and continually found holes in the defense Hardesty was unable to find, well...everywhere, which led to some nice gains on the ground both inside and out against the Hawks' solid run D and also made getting YAC look somewhat easy. he's bigger than he looks too at 6' 225lbs.


once Hillis returns Montario should be the backup and stay medium to light activity on that knee this year whenever possible. when healthy he's proven to be decent insurance but he really should've broken 100 yards on 33 carries (!!)...and i thought his facial expression all game long was odd as well. >> apprehension? fear? bewilderment? anxiety??? i couldn't read it. whatever it was, it did not exude confidence by any stretch of the imagination.


this season has the worst Browns Special Teams play i've seen in a long, long time.


Cribbs wasn't on ST coverage teams...again. at least not on multiple plays i dissected.

pure idiocy.

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According to you faggots the browns are supposed to be 1-5 waiting to pick andrew luck.



The last i looked if the browns play to a 7-4 record our last 5 games are RavensX2 SteelersX2 and the Cardinals why is my statement of meaningful December games makes me the guy who's high?


Cheer the browns and wish them well, other then that shut the xxxx up and hate on us from the steelers boards.



Dude...relax, before your head explodes. I wasn't intending to poke an open, gaping wound with a sharp stick.

Based on what I've seen so far (NO offensive weapons, regression at QB, extremely questionable game management

from the sideline, etc.), I honestly don't see us winning more than 2 or 3 more games this season--unless we have a sudden, HUGE, turnaround

on the offensive side of the ball.


I cheer the Browns and wish them well every Sunday---to the great amusement of my Steeler friends.


Not hating--just being realistic. Praying for a winner.


Until then--pass the douchie from the left hand side...



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I, like probably many of you, thought the Browns gave Gocong too much money. I like him, but he's clearly not a playmaker but just a competent backer. Last I checked he had 10 total tackles through the first 5 games and I'm not sure what he had against Seattle but it's not worth $18 million. However, I also know D'qwell is top 10 in tackles and all 4 defensive line starters are in the top 32 in total tackles among defensive linemen. That stat baffles me because you would think that means we are much better against the run than we have proven to be thus far.

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