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Pat Shurmur Must Go.

The Cysko Kid

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Look, i'm not one of those "off with his head" type of people when it comes to coaches. But frankly, what I saw from the play calling on both sides of the ball was simply garbage. I mean seriously guys, how can you blame mccoy when he's on his ass 80% of the game and no one is running a route more than 5 yards. This garbage offensive play calling is not WCO, at all. Greg Little and MoMass looked damn good today when they had the opportunity. But Shurmer absolutely refused to changed the 3 yard stick routes that everyone was running and slide protection against the blitz. The biggest thing i saw was just a look of sheer starry eyes on his faces whenever they panned over to him. He just looked lost and I hate that look on a coaches face, fickell has that same damn expression.


As for the defense, Jauron's blitzes were more obvious to see than the great wall of frikin china. I mean good lord, when you literally completely show the QB the blitz you're about the run idc if it's campbell, boller or ryan leaf they're going to tear you apart. On top of that, he absolutely refused to press up on the WR's. They absolutely torched us all day on short, slant type routes that were literally wide open because we were playing 10 damn yards off the ball.


Bottom line, I'm not calling for heads to roll but if they don't completely 360 what they're doing I will. I'm telling you guys, these losses are falling more on the coaches than anyone else, especially this week.



You know what bothered me the most? Getting called for two men in motion TWICE in the game. You may say stupid players, I say stupid coaches. That stuff is supposed to be orchestrated like a fricking Swan Lake Ballet.


Yup, Shurmur has the "Deer in the Headlights" look alright. It's time for the Walrus- which some are saying he planned all along.

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Shurmer is going no where...Sorry and its not H&H fault that Colt cannot hit the side of a barn, it is there fault for drafting him, but again it was a third round pick....


We are pretty bad, but again after that first drive by the Raiders, our Defense was pretty good without Haden...


Again, Shurmer going nowhere, but they need to figure something out

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Colt also sucked that is for sure, but shumur is infuriating and I don't see.where he is going. How many times are we going to throw the ball to hardropsty? Guy can't catch. Where was Ben Watson and Evan Moore. I liked seeing little and momass make a few catches, but that's where colt comes in. Mostly where the fruit was peyton hillis? Final drive after the super lucky onside kick? Throw on second and 3. Throw on third and three. Throw on fourth and 3. Turnover on downs end of game. Good decisions, pat. Long may you reign in Cleveland, after all we love a loser here.

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You know what bothered me the most? Getting called for two men in motion TWICE in the game. You may say stupid players, I say stupid coaches. That stuff is supposed to be orchestrated like a fricking Swan Lake Ballet.


Yup, Shurmur has the "Deer in the Headlights" look alright. It's time for the Walrus- which some are saying he planned all along.


I don't know about the Walrus part, but this team isn't functioning on O. We could get tripped up by 11 folding chairs on the defensive side of the ball.

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Shurmer is going no where...Sorry and its not H&H fault that Colt cannot hit the side of a barn, it is there fault for drafting him, but again it was a third round pick....


We are pretty bad, but again after that first drive by the Raiders, our Defense was pretty good without Haden...


Again, Shurmer going nowhere, but they need to figure something out


tampa, like I said I don't see Colt as the football savior of the world, but how much can you really blame the guy ya know? The defense puts 9-10 guys stacked in the box and we run two shallow crosses, a stick or curl route on the outside and the RB leaks out. No route goes more than 7 yards where 7 defenders lay in wait. I mean how the hell is Colt supposed to throw a guy open when those odds are stacked against him and the defense knows what you're running? I thought he actually made some pretty nice throws, but I think it's tough to blame the guy for throwing incomplete when the defense knows what you're going to do.

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I wanna know what all we need to have a competitive team? I think our defense is closer obviously cause we only need to fill key positions . On defense I think we are a CB, FS, OLB, and DE away. This is because Brown is too old and his coverage is declining, but can serve as a FS for a year or two if we can find a CB replacement, Patterson has done really well at Nickle, but blows huge cock working on the outside (was wishing they would just put Skrine out there the whole game). DQ has shown that he is our guy at MLB and as much as we bitch about Gocong, he is an average guy who can be made better by adding another good LB to the strong side, Fujitta is too old and we need to address this in the draft. Finally I think Sheard is a solid DE, he could have had a better game, but he still had a strip sack and I expect him to keep getting better, but Mitchel only has one move and we really need two pass rushing DE's, a solid #2 back up nothing more.


On offense we need a QB?, a HB?, a WR!, and a RT or G. Question marks for HB because how can we know if Hillis will be back and Hardesty has been really doubting if he can be a back in the WCO with his stone hands. Question mark for McCoy because there is still that chance his suckyness is because of the new system he is getting used to, but he is having huge accuracy issues when he has good protection and he throws into double and triple coverage too much. WR because I think that Little can be a really good #2 guy, possible even #1, and MoMass is clearly a good #2 guy, but we need a guy who isn't a boarderline #1 guy, we need a true #1 guy. RT or G is obvious. I'm thinking that once Pashos leaves, they move Pinkston out to RT where he would instantly play in a more comfortable position and we draft a good G to push Lauvou or replace him for a year or takes over as the starter on the left if Steinbach has to retire.


So what is that 2-3 years of drafting to fill all of these positions, 2 if we get a good FA or two. Look on the bright side, if we continue to suck, we get closer to Luck. Any given Sunday, the Colts and Dolphins can win, and there are a few really good QB prospects who will be coming out in this draft.

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I think before we start talking about who we draft or sign via FA, we need a damn OC!!! Shurmur is obvioulsy overwelmed with 2 positions. I think it was cocky and stupid for him taking on both roles his 1st year. If we can get an OC in here, we might be on to something. Communication is killing us. Penalties called for 2 guys in motion TWICE!!! Come on! This is suppose to be an NFL team, and McCoy needs to be on the same page with the WR's. Couple plays where he wasn't even in the same time zone as the recievers.

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No OC is by design. Yes Shurmer will look bad on this decision. Eventually we will have an OC, but why bring a guy in here to set up his own offense when there are so many unanswered ??'s.


ANY OC brought in here this year would of failed with the weapons provided.


This year will be painfull for those w/ a weak stomach. Almost all of Heckerts picks are looking good so far. Continuing to build through the draft and keeping a head coach in place will work.

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I was determined to stay patient throughout this year realizing it takes time to completely rebuild with new coaches and systems in place, however i was/am expecting to see progress and all i have seen is regression, lack of passion, lack of fire, lack of will, a WCO that is not and horrible gameplanning and an even worse misuse of the available talent on the field than eric mangini or romeo crennel managed to provide..



From upstairs we have had slow and boneheaded management from the get go with keeping coaches that they knew didnt fit their schemes, late signings, no signings, overpaid signings, trading/giving away of good players, letting players walk and bringing in no help for a rookie QB or as far as that goes any decent players from FA or even USFA to compensate the talent lost, heckerts 4-3 will always be inherently weak like philly at DE, OLB and FS which are big liabilities in the AFCN....


The base of this team is looking wretched thusfar and indicates randy lerner has managed to do it to us yet again..

And as far as shurmur must go?

Randy likes his calm, passionless, emotionless coaching style, it very comforting to a paranoid schizophrenic and where in the hell is holmgren and hecktard?

They are nearly as invisible as lerner is which is suspect as well..


This club and its fans deserve better than this..

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i agree why cant we sign someone that has fire and drive and gets in the players faces this guy is garbage maybe mccoy can do better if he was help back by this horrible play calling


Well, just being firey isn't the answer. A ton of stoic coaches have been successful. You may have heard of Paul Brown, Chuck Noll, Tom Landry, Bill Walsh, even good old Bill Belichick.

But absolutely, better coaching, better play calling, better quarterbacking, better blocking, better tackling, etc. etc. are all needed.

Who knows if this stoic coach can get all that done.

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well see I disagree with you somewhat though man. I think McCoy does have the tools to succeed, but I mean this seriously when I say that Tom Brady wouldn't be doing anything with this play-calling. I mean you can look at his numbers and say "wow he sucks", but what the hell do you want the guy to do when everyone is crowding the box and yet the play call is directly into that 10 man front? i mean 4 guys going into 10 guys is going to screw over even the best of QB's, it's simply not possible to succeed. Like I said, Little looked really good today when he actually had a chance and so did MoMass.


Teams will crowd the box on the Browns until we prove we can beat them over the top, which we haven't been able to do on a regular basis. Yup, running 5 yard crossing routes into a 10 man front doesn't work.


After looking at the rewind, it about made me sick to see on one of the sacks McCoy took the Raiders sent the house on the left side (note to Ghoolie, Joe Thomas can't block four guys at once). There was an easy touchdown to be had if either of the two Browns wrs had merely broken off their route to look for a pass- there was nothing behind them but end zone. Note to Colt and Shurmur- take a hint from what made Kosar so good- throw the ball into the area the blitzers have just vacated.


Personally I wouldn't have waited until we got back to Cleveland to fire the special teams coach- the KO return for a touchdown, and that ridiculously easy fake field goal TD cost us the game.

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Whats even worse we had one of the top special teams guys in the NFL and we let him walk (seeley)

San Fran is one of the tops in the league..They should have offered this guys whatever he wanted.

I guess since he doesn't have the same agent as Holmgren,Shumer,Heckert and Jauron there was no

way they could have kept him.Did anyone notice that the Cowboys basically shut down the most

prolific offense and QB in the NFL..When is the last time you saw Brady look that bad..Oh yeah I

remember now..The last coach to put a home loss on NE in the regular season was WHO..Oh yeah right.



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Damn guys, some of you want to fire the coach after only five games? We're never going to win constantly firing the head coach and starting over again. I think Lerner is still paying Crennel and Mangini NOT to coach. The only coaching change I would be in favor of right now is if Walrus wanted to come down out of his comfy luxury box and head down to the sidelines and coach this team with Shurmur moving to OC for a year or two, but that is never going to happen.


We had something going in the right direction with Mangini. Yeah, he sucked at running the draft, but had we simply given Mangini a good OC, kept Ryan at DC, kept Sealy at special teams, Heckert doing the drafting, and Holmgren mentoring/advising Mangini where might we be now?


I wasn't excited about the Shurmur hire, but didn't really have a reason to be against it, other than he is another no head coaching experience guy.

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Lions go from 0-16 to a good team. It is definitely the organization that is failing not just the players. Shurmur is in over his head and needs to hire an O/C.


Eat some humble pie douche bag you are NOT good enough to head coach and call plays.


Andy Reid wannabe.


How long did the transition from 0-16 to 5-1 take?


How long are you giving the Browns?


How many extra picks did Detroit get in the trade with Dallas?

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I can sympathise with you all for hatin' on Shurmur right now. His play calling is probably worse that Dabol's right now. Just horrible. And you guys are right. When teams are able to turn themselves around and are playing decent competative football after down right suckage the year before, WHY CAN'T WE EXPECT THE SAME THING? Why are we the ones that have to be satisfied with "were rebuilding" year after freakin' year. Granted were changing front offices, were changing coaches... Something has to give, something must need to be done.


What I'm not hearing is what does Holmgren have to say? What I heard before the season is that we are in the long haul with Shurmur. I was expecting to see a very fast, and explosive WCO.... We saw some of that in the pre-season. Since then, it's been garbage... Absolute dung heapage of a team and offense. Our Defense is at least keeping us somewhat close in games.


I'm as frustrated as you all.. but I'm tired of crap... I'm tires of garbage. If we are limiting our play calling because of McCoy and his noodle arm, than sit his arse down and put someone else in who can run this offense... Seneca for crying out loud has to be a better option than McCoy...

I could go on for forever, but I certainly can sympathise with those that are getting very frustrated year after year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all in for Wallace. Who gives a shit at this point? The offense is just horrid. Give me someone, anyone other than Colt. Let's see how bad the offense is with someone else. Hey, if it doesn't work.......so what.....we suck either way.

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the problem is is that mangini was trying to build an afc east team....to give us a chance in the afc north....respect the run, smash mouth big men on both lines top line defense.


then holmgren comes in deems it an evaluation year...tears everything down and wants a speedy slant wco team when there is no players to compliment that system.


what is he just dumb or is lerner just dumb, or both?


totally just threw away three years. it's like a builder coming into to a job after another has been fired and rip down the foundation. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

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then holmgren comes in deems it an evaluation year...tears everything down and wants a speedy slant wco team when there is no players to compliment that system.


and the icing on the cake? bring in your lackey who is a borderline success as an OC, let him retain that job and give him the HC duties as well. so we not only have a lack of personnel to run the system effectively, we have a guy leading them who has no clue the proper way to convert to the system. the shurmur hire is a complete and utter failure on holmgrens part...i cant really blame shurmur....he's just dealing with the cards he was dealt. But fatass' lack of vision, understanding and leadership has directly led to the situation we are in now.


so maybe this thread should be "Mike Holmgren must go", cause he totaly screwed the pooch with poor decisions since he came here. not firing mangini from the start...strike one. hiring his lackey nephew as a rookie HC instead of a qualified candidate...strike 2. not hiring an OC so said rookie HC could focus on his new job....strike 3.


the only good thing he has done thus far is bring in heckert. beyond that, holmgren has severely disappointed and underwhelmed. when you look back at his past, its easy to see his success in this league was predicated by the superior GMs he had....its not like holmgren himself found mr farve...ron wolf did. when walrus was acting GM/VP in seattle, they sucked. it was when he was demoted to only HC and a GM was brought in that he found success. great coach, failure as a front office figurehead.

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