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Lead With Your Helmet Much Jimmie?


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look,it obvious your boy Harrison is dirty. He has a history of it and, your attempt to make a saint out of him is completely laughable. Take your horseshit to a Stooler board and convince your moronic bretheren. because none of us here are buying it jack.


Ok. I don't care if you aren't buying what I'm selling. I'm providing what I know about the guy via the local media so you can take it or certainly leave it. It's out there to consider if you were to so choose. No skin off my ass one way or another. I'm happy to have the guy in black and gold. He's arguably the hardest worker on the entire Steeler roster.

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he works that hard trying to figure out how to cheapshot other players in the helmet, and apparently trying to


have them end up paralyzed?


You are proud of that?


squeeler ilk, just here to muck up this forum.

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he works that hard trying to figure out how to cheapshot other players in the helmet, and apparently trying to


have them end up paralyzed?


You are proud of that?


squeeler ilk, just here to muck up this forum.


Anything that exits your mouth should be automatically discounted by EVERYONE on this message board. You're seriously one of the most unintelligent and sheltered individuals I've ever encountered. I'm not kidding. James Harrison also isn't playing to seriously injure but every defender in the NFL plays to knock the opposition and around and if you knock them cleanly out of the game so be it. You should also know and understand that helmet to helmet hits weren't always banned. It's time you pick and choose which arguments you choose to enter because with all the activity you have in the other sub forum you're stretching your intelligence thin and it's as thin as a piece of construction paper. Do yourself a favor and back away slowly.

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I basically said the same. I should have linked a similar article myself and I have no problem with "hurting" someone because that's always been the idea with NFL defense. You don't go out there and tackle the guy to grab his ass or get in a quick discussion. You tackle to hurt, knock the ball loose, instill fear. Should I seriously believe you have a problem with that position? If so maybe we should be watching flag football or the lingerie football league.

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Dig up the gif. and or video of the play right before that play, where the same cardinals player dives right at Harrison's legs in a malicious manner. It's all about perception. I can make a whole bunch of different videos/plays whatever look a certain way. You're NEVER going to get the entire picture from a picking and choosing certain portions. It's comical and you're comical. His fractured orbital bone will keep him out a few weeks. Big deal. They're bumping Timmons outside and starting Foote and Farrior in the middle. It's not a ideal situation but certainly manageable.



Yes, its manageable. With Harrison's injury that defense how now just "Managed" to become somewhat weaker.

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Anything that exits your mouth should be automatically discounted by EVERYONE on this message board. You're seriously one of the most unintelligent and sheltered individuals I've ever encountered. I'm not kidding. James Harrison also isn't playing to seriously injure but every defender in the NFL plays to knock the opposition and around and if you knock them cleanly out of the game so be it. You should also know and understand that helmet to helmet hits weren't always banned. It's time you pick and choose which arguments you choose to enter because with all the activity you have in the other sub forum you're stretching your intelligence thin and it's as thin as a piece of construction paper. Do yourself a favor and back away slowly.


In law, we have this concept called "wanton disregard" which is somewhat less than say "specific intent", but more than "recklessness".

Perhaps Harrison hasn't specifically intended to cause injury and harm with his action of making helmet to helmet hits on other players; but, he has shown wanton disregard for the known potential consequences of those actions.

If this were a criminal situation, he may not have received the highest maximum charge and the highest maximum penalties for his actions, but he would have received significant prison time for his crime.

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In law, we have this concept called "wanton disregard" which is somewhat less than say "specific intent", but more than "recklessness".

Perhaps Harrison hasn't specifically intended to cause injury and harm with his action of making helmet to helmet hits on other players; but, he has shown wanton disregard for the known potential consequences of those actions.

If this were a criminal situation, he may not have received the highest maximum charge and the highest maximum penalties for his actions, but he would have received significant prison time for his crime.


James Harrison and Dick Lebeau have both been on record when stating they don't intend to change the way they play the game. Lebeau is telling the entire defense the same thing. No one is out on the field with intent to seriously injure. Hurt maybe but seriously injure absolutely not. I actually disagree with a couple of his fines but that's neither here nor there and I most definitely don't want to discuss it on this board.

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Anything that exits your mouth should be automatically discounted by EVERYONE on this message board. You're seriously one of the most unintelligent and sheltered individuals I've ever encountered. I'm not kidding. James Harrison also isn't playing to seriously injure but every defender in the NFL plays to knock the opposition and around and if you knock them cleanly out of the game so be it. You should also know and understand that helmet to helmet hits weren't always banned. It's time you pick and choose which arguments you choose to enter because with all the activity you have in the other sub forum you're stretching your intelligence thin and it's as thin as a piece of construction paper. Do yourself a favor and back away slowly.


OTH, I do have some solid posts. But I just hate your stupidass steroid rapist football team and those fans like you.


Not intending to injure, only HURT? You are an ass, and you really

should go somewhere else and defend rothlicksbooger, pollyisapoopoo, hitman harrison and the rest. What the hell does it matter that those helmet hits weren't always banned?


You mean that harrison is so STUPID, he can't stop himself after they were banned? And I have fun on the other forum, and paybacks are well deserved.


You are really sucking up this forum, as energetically as you seem to lick harrison's toes.


Do all of us Browns fans a favor, and get the freakin out, you are stinkin up the place.


I may have some dumb opinions on the squeelers - but at least I BELONG here. You, not so much. Go buy yourself a can of lysol and have at youself before you type here anymore.

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James Harrison and Dick Lebeau have both been on record when stating they don't intend to change the way they play the game. Lebeau is telling the entire defense the same thing. No one is out on the field with intent to seriously injure. Hurt maybe but seriously injure absolutely not. I actually disagree with a couple of his fines but that's neither here nor there and I most definitely don't want to discuss it on this board.


Like I said, if you show wanton disregard for the rules and the harmful consequences your actions may cause you are going to get punished.

So, if Harrison does continue to disregard those rules, if he is going to continue to give head shots with his helmet, then don't be surprised....and don't complain about the hefty fines or even suspensions that may occur.

Though, I suspect that because of this injury now that Harrison suffered....as a result of the same kind of action he often perpetrates himself, he will be much more leary about giving other people head shots.

Once bitten twice shy as they say.

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James Harrison and Dick Lebeau have both been on record when stating they don't intend to change the way they play the game. Lebeau is telling the entire defense the same thing. No one is out on the field with intent to seriously injure. Hurt maybe but seriously injure absolutely not. I actually disagree with a couple of his fines but that's neither here nor there and I most definitely don't want to discuss it on this board.


Sorry, it's "tackle" football, not blast into the guy with your head down to hurt him UFC football. Nope, technique has been sacrificed in order to land a kill shot on the guy in the way. And when the intendee manages to bounce off for a big gain, well who looks stupid?

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Sorry, it's "tackle" football, not blast into the guy with your head down to hurt him UFC football. Nope, technique has been sacrificed in order to land a kill shot on the guy in the way. And when the intendee manages to bounce off for a big gain, well who looks stupid?


James Harrison has never intentionally lead with his helmet with intent to seriously injure. Mo-mass for example dropped his head like a rookie and got blasted. It certainly wasn't Harrison's fault and several announcers went on record after the fact and said the same. A veteran WR isn't going to drop his head after the pass and Cribbs was a RUNNER! The Cribbs flag was complete and utter bs. I'm tired of all the crying and there is A LOT of crying about certain things on this message board. I know this isn't my house and I'm in enemy territory but the cry baby, bitter bs is well past old.

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James Harrison has never intentionally lead with his helmet with intent to seriously injure. Mo-mass for example dropped his head like a rookie and got blasted. It certainly wasn't Harrison's fault and several announcers went on record after the fact and said the same. A veteran WR isn't going to drop his head after the pass and Cribbs was a RUNNER! The Cribbs flag was complete and utter bs. I'm tired of all the crying and there is A LOT of crying about certain things on this message board. I know this isn't my house and I'm in enemy territory but the cry baby, bitter bs is well past old.



Again,your spouting more bullshit. You see. It is posts like this. That no one on this board with any ounce of intelligence, will ever take anything you say with any grain of credibility. Again,Epic fail on your part.

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Again,your spouting more bullshit. You see. It is posts like this. That no one on this board with any ounce of intelligence, will ever take anything you say with any grain of credibility. Again,Epic fail on your part.


You can't put together a coherent thought. Why again are you taking MY intelligence in to question? I think you may need to enroll in a "English as a second language" course. I know someone that teaches it because you continue to butcher it. Harrison hasn't been flagged or fined since and it's because he's not intentionally leading with his helmet and never did intentionally lead with his helmet. Goodell started a witch hunt and the national media actually called him on it. Say what you want about Harrison, just make sure it's not a bunch of bullsh.it.

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You can't put together a coherent thought. Why again are you taking MY intelligence in to question? I think you may need to enroll in a "English as a second language" course. I know someone that teaches it because you continue to butcher it. Harrison hasn't been flagged or fined since and it's because he's not intentionally leading with his helmet and never did intentionally lead with his helmet. Goodell started a witch hunt and the national media actually called him on it. Say what you want about Harrison, just make sure it's not a bunch of bullsh.it.



Sure asswipe. convenient for you to question others intelligence when squarly,your dead wrong as usual. If you cant understand english,then it is you who needs help. So while you cant handle the truth. You really shouldnt post,especially in an arena such as the Browns forum. No one here, really wants you here. The tape shows him using his helmet on numerous occassions. Your just too stupid to accept the truth. He has spearheaded with malicious intent. Only your too stupid to see that. now go wank off to your Harrison Fatboy picture.

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homo translation:


"(*(*&^ and you guys are sh*T and my special hitman hairyson :( is only trying to polish


opponents' helmets with some paint off of his helmet, and wanting to let them end up paralyzed,


but it isn't fair because he don't want it to b permanent so that they aren't injured.....,


and don't make me mad, or my harrisun special poster will tackle you with his head, so nyah nyah nyah."

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This is awfully ridiculous.


Harrison was a wash coming out of college and couldn't land on an active roster, so he steroided up and started playing like a pissed off 15-year old girl.


It's his complete lack of character and disregard for the rules that makes him a superstar in the eyes of the Steeler fanbase, as well as a heel in the eyes of the rest of the nation.


He's a phenomenal player, you can't deny it. But he's phenomenal only because he literally could care less what happens to him or to anyone else around him on every play. He flies in with reckless abandon and basically goes for a kill-shot on every tackle. It's admirable, in a way, that he cares so little for his livelihood that he'll lay literally all of it on the line. But football is also a game of restraint, as has been iterated by many, if not all, of the great coaches throughout time.


Defense is a state of controlled aggression, anger with a purpose. Not blind rage, which is what Harrison always plays with. Fortunately, he can benefit from having 10 other very talented and extremely well-coached players around him. LeBeau has molded that defense to near perfection. Harrison is able to fly around like a bat out of Hell because he can rely on his teammates to mop up his messes, of which there are many.


Any fool can pop steroids and try to literally kill the ballcarrier on every play. But Harrison lucked out by having Dick LeBeau as his coach. And that's why he's considered a "gamechanger".



Who knows, maybe the key to having a good defense is having 10 intelligent, hardworking players and one crazy, pissed off, ignorant asshole.

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This is awfully ridiculous.


Harrison was a wash coming out of college and couldn't land on an active roster, so he steroided up and started playing like a pissed off 15-year old girl.


It's his complete lack of character and disregard for the rules that makes him a superstar in the eyes of the Steeler fanbase, as well as a heel in the eyes of the rest of the nation.


He's a phenomenal player, you can't deny it. But he's phenomenal only because he literally could care less what happens to him or to anyone else around him on every play. He flies in with reckless abandon and basically goes for a kill-shot on every tackle. It's admirable, in a way, that he cares so little for his livelihood that he'll lay literally all of it on the line. But football is also a game of restraint, as has been iterated by many, if not all, of the great coaches throughout time.


Defense is a state of controlled aggression, anger with a purpose. Not blind rage, which is what Harrison always plays with. Fortunately, he can benefit from having 10 other very talented and extremely well-coached players around him. LeBeau has molded that defense to near perfection. Harrison is able to fly around like a bat out of Hell because he can rely on his teammates to mop up his messes, of which there are many.


Any fool can pop steroids and try to literally kill the ballcarrier on every play. But Harrison lucked out by having Dick LeBeau as his coach. And that's why he's considered a "gamechanger".



Who knows, maybe the key to having a good defense is having 10 intelligent, hardworking players and one crazy, pissed off, ignorant asshole.








Excellent post and well stated. All I know is I was taught you play the game aggressively,but you play the game with class. Atleast,thats the era I grew up in.

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James Harrison has never intentionally lead with his helmet with intent to seriously injure. Mo-mass for example dropped his head like a rookie and got blasted. It certainly wasn't Harrison's fault and several announcers went on record after the fact and said the same. A veteran WR isn't going to drop his head after the pass and Cribbs was a RUNNER! The Cribbs flag was complete and utter bs. I'm tired of all the crying and there is A LOT of crying about certain things on this message board. I know this isn't my house and I'm in enemy territory but the cry baby, bitter bs is well past old.


Face it....it is NOT the judgment of Browns fans only that has lead to Harrison's "problems".


It is how own actions....and the judgment of the NFL front office.

Your complaints about Browns fans pointing out Harrison's problems is like a guy blaming his neighbor whom he is having a property dispute with for his drug bust.

One has nothing to do with the other.

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