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Problem Is Not Receivers It's Mccoy


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I've watched every one of your games, this season (which hasn't been easy, living in San Marcos, Texas) and I don't think Colt looks jittery in the pocket. He looked pretty comfortable orchestrating that come back drive that ended with an end-zone catch by Massaquoi. Honestly, the problem with this team is not McCoy, and its a shame that so many fans on this board are throwing him under the bus.


Colt is definitely looking uncomfortable and jumpy in the pocket, he has been overlooking reads and scans right past open targets to hit his primary which i do not like..


As tom brady once said, primary target? My primary target is the guy that is open..

Im not blaming colt here as there is all kinds of issues from the O-line to slow unaware WRs and RBs and TEs that cant hold on to the ball right down to poor personnel decisions and no vertical passing nor screens planned in by the coach.


Shurmur does not seem to know what this team does best but the fans do..

Its simple give the ball to hillis, pass the ball to hillis, give the ball to hillis, pass the ball "vertically" to moore and watch what happens..

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I agree with most of what you say, but you being a Colt homer..you just put almost all the blame on everyone else but Colt


I will say this, I never once have ever said anything about our front ofice or our coach, no I didnt understand the hiring, but not a whole lot of people knew who Tressal was either when he too over Ohio State


The people who hammer Colt on this site, they hammer him because he lacks what it taes to be a great QB in the NFL... No Arm, undersized, does not read defense as well as we thought. Look if you want a sub-par/ok QB then Colt is your guy. Trust me I wish Colt had everything that makes a great QB.


I do diss agree about our Defense, I think our Defense is one bad ass linebacker away from being a top 5 Defense, and another CB


O-line, nobody said one of the best in football this year, last year with Steinach Top 5 O-line

WR- Little will be a beast in the NFL, but yes we need a Megatron on our team, but dosnt everybody???

RB- They need to fix Hillis crap, and run a two back system, Hardesty dropping the ball, everybody does, just not 5 times in a game


Recap- Browns are not good, I think people knew that, but saw our weak schedule and thought we could make a run, if all the pieces fell into place. Problem with weak schedule not as weak as eveyone thought.


That being said...I really think I am going to end up enjoying the past baseball season with the tribe than this years Browns


Defense is far from being top 5 and your snap assessments of Colt are funny.

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Its funny how people just can not llok at the Browns without there Blinders on. I have said this a 10000000 times


Fact: every team in the NFL pass on Colt TWICE some three times!!! Why is that????


You want a third string QB who has no arm and can not read defenses or look over the O-line. ( please do not give me that Brday was a 6th round pick bullshit either)


Colt will be a great back-up in this league


If he went anywhere else besides Texas, people would not be some "Colt is great, hes our future" The reason he was winning QB in CFB history is because Yexas was loaded everywhere on Offense, Defense, and Special teams...


Colt will be our QB for the next couple years, he will be ok..Our Front Office will keep getting us players, and when we are ready to make our super bowl run. Colt will not be our QB..

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Defense is far from being top 5 and your snap assessments of Colt are funny.

and your assessment that noodles looks comfy back there is even moreso a joke. you watched the games? sure ya did.great...he looked good on one drive. its all the other drives where he looks like shit are the real issue and the source of our concern.


i thought texans knew something about football. are you all homers that are blinded by good college performance?

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and your assessment that noodles looks comfy back there is even moreso a joke. you watched the games? sure ya did.great...he looked good on one drive. its all the other drives where he looks like shit are the real issue and the source of our concern.


i thought texans knew something about football. are you all homers that are blinded by good college performance?

zzzzzzzz....the dumbest comment ive ever read..................ever (and the dumbest thumbnail pic ever)


Signnnnn hereeeeeeee

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your right......clueless on most of you browns fans

enjoy your two 15 minute breaks at work tomorrow

see, told ya....i went to college...and graduated. be sure to ask your mom what she's cooking you for dinner, and dont forget to wash the car so your dad will let ya borrow it.


choco needs to stop chocing his chicken and pay more attention.

i almost dont know how to respond to such a witty comment....the hours it must've taken you to come up with such a solid and unique put-down.


perhaps if you weren't a blind homer, you'd see what i see. im not the only one who has these complaints, youre just to awestruck to be objective, and think holgren can do no wrong cause he rode the coattails of great football minds in the past. this is further supported by your little one-liner quips that offer....wait for it....absolutely no substance. the reason for that is obvious....

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and your assessment that noodles looks comfy back there is even moreso a joke. you watched the games? sure ya did.great...he looked good on one drive. its all the other drives where he looks like shit are the real issue and the source of our concern.


i thought texans knew something about football. are you all homers that are blinded by good college performance?


he looked fine on several drives and had the commentators giving him props on ESPN too. you sir are what we call a hater. and I bet we play and you're winded about 5 minutes in. Keep it coming guy.

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Awestruck? The Browns suck. I'm not the one who thinks they should be winning every game :blink:


(You do, you think they are a good team that should win every game. You are actually contradictory. If Holmgren sucks, then the product on the field sucks, and should not have won a game this year. But wait.. if they are talented, then H&H must be doing something right. So it's the coach that sucks? So how's that Holmgren's fault from a talent perspective? So which is it? Oh wait it's all McCoy's fault. He can't get the ball to his world-class receivers, who were picked before H&H. So it is H&H's fault, right?)


I'm just saying two years isn't long enough to flush the toilet of the shit that was here and replace it with fresh water. It takes a little longer.


:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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Awestruck? The Browns suck. I'm not the one who thinks they should be winning every game :blink:


(You do, you think they are a good team that should win every game. You are actually contradictory. If Holmgren sucks, then the product on the field sucks, and should not have won a game this year. But wait.. if they are talented, then H&H must be doing something right. So it's the coach that sucks? So how's that Holmgren's fault from a talent perspective? So which is it? Oh wait it's all McCoy's fault. He can't get the ball to his world-class receivers, who were picked before H&H. So it is H&H's fault, right?)


I'm just saying two years isn't long enough to flush the toilet of the shit that was here and replace it with fresh water. It takes a little longer.


:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


How do we know how good are wide-outs are???


Momass- I think is fine just playing wrong spot on field, needs to be number 2 or 3

Robo- Well we do not need to go there we know

Cribbs- just saying when you throw near him he catches the ball, really do not know where to put him, but he makes plays


Little- What do we know about him?? Our QB cant throw him the ball, he is to quick to check down....

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he looked fine on several drives and had the commentators giving him props on ESPN too. you sir are what we call a hater. and I bet we play and you're winded about 5 minutes in. Keep it coming guy.

and he also looked terrible on countless more. you sir...are a homer. look at u...hangin on a browns site cause we drafted your favorite college QB. you provide a real objective opinion...following the golden boy around like a little puppy. thats so sweet of you.


sure, im a bit upset at his regression. i thought he looked pretty damn good last year....this year has been steady decline. a good part to most of that is shurmur and the system...but that doesn't hide the fact noodles can barely throw a football.

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Awestruck? The Browns suck. I'm not the one who thinks they should be winning every game :blink: -- neither did I...its the rest of the geniuses here predicting 11-5. i figured 6-7 wins..


(You do, you think they are a good team that should win every game. You are actually contradictory. -- you think that cause you cant follow logic and are putting words in my mouth. see below genius. If Holmgren sucks, then the product on the field sucks, and should not have won a game this year. -- what? even the shitiest teams win a game here or there. we just happened to beat 2 teams that are a combined 0-8. going winless has only happened twice...ever. But wait.. if they are talented, then H&H must be doing something right. So it's the coach that sucks? So how's that Holmgren's fault from a talent perspective? -- what did i say....holmgren made a mistake hiring his rookie nephew to coach this team. you'll never find a negative post from me on this board about heckert. however, noodles was fatass' hand picked QB...so there ya go. So which is it? Oh wait it's all McCoy's fault. He can't get the ball to his world-class receivers (apologist), who were picked before H&H. So it is H&H's fault, right?) -- you got a serious reading comprehension problem son...since ive said it several times, i wont say it again. im not sure you'd even understand.mitchell never sees the field, little looks promising. i do believe it was fatass and heckert that said our receivers were fine...right? hmmm....


I'm just saying two years isn't long enough to flush the toilet of the shit that was here and replace it with fresh water. It takes a little longer. -- it was for mangini...wasn't it. pot meet kettle...


:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


you actually wanna try and mount an argument that i have used, cause im not sure just where you came up with most of this bullshit. somehow i contradicted myself on a subject about talent being fatass and heckert's thing? try and find that post...


if this is the best you can do....dont even reply, or at minimum quote a post of mine and address the points. cause this horribly structured....post....that brings up shit ive never even said is some of the most pathetic reasoning ive ever read. please tell me your smarter than this man....cause this is so bad its really not even funny.

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and he also looked terrible on countless more. you sir...are a homer. look at u...hangin on a browns site cause we drafted your favorite college QB. you provide a real objective opinion...following the golden boy around like a little puppy. thats so sweet of you.


sure, im a bit upset at his regression. i thought he looked pretty damn good last year....this year has been steady decline. a good part to most of that is shurmur and the system...but that doesn't hide the fact noodles can barely throw a football.


The way you talk about football tells me all I need to know about you. If you dont think Colt can throw a football, you're either Retarded or throwing your words around like they dont mean anything. Neither of which is respectable, to me. But hey, my post count isn't very high, so what the hell do I know? I didnt attend The University of Texas, so I dont consider myself a homer, but I do think Colt is a fantastic QB and its annoying to see people dogging him when anyone with a football IQ over 5 can take one look at gametape and see that he's not the biggest leak on the sinking boat. Best of luck on your season gentlemen.

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I'm not a Browns fan, but every year I watch them and it annoys the living hell out of me...

The Browns coming up with an obvious, one step solution to their problems, that will inevitably fail to change anything.

Colt isn't going to be able to complete many long balls, you could help that by drafting gifted recievers, if every draft you didn't pass them up or every couple of years trade them away. The WCO is predicated on short passes and the recievers making plays. What do you think your reciever core can do with the ball? Nadda. You could help McCoy see down field if he didn't feel he had to fear for his life, but your offensive line is crap, you don't run the ball much and when you do it's obvious it's coming; so no real threat of that.


You know, I recall another quarterback who went to the browns and could never develop because he was doomed with a craptacular Oline, nice kid, could have been something special... believe his name was Ottoman, or sofa, or something like that. Well hell, it doesn't matter because Cleveland can't keep a quarterback or a coach or a winning record for more than two years. Their dingus fans think single drafts will save them and when people don't develop quick enough, they get the boot, thus assuring the endless cycle of crap remains in place.



You know what's funny? That team down on the southern part of the state in the past 6 years has had 2 conference championships, completely out-drafted and out-coached Cleveland and even though they tore it all down, after Lewis lost his guys last year, they're already rebuilding toward a solid team.


If Mike xxxxing Brown is besting you in terms of recruiting, you suck as an organization.

How do you pass up on AJ Green?!?! How Does Robo-slomo get a starting spot?

How can your defense not stop anybody from running the ball?

How can you since coming back as an expansion in 1999 not have one good year with a solid Oline?

Replace Colt, when the next guy fails we can just keep looking forward to the next bust.

And if it is just that every QB cleveland snatches up is laughably bad, then who the hell is scouting the upcoming talent? I don't buy that excuse. You've had 12 years to get a good quarterback, maybe it's not a single skill player. Maybe Cleveland just blows.

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My concern is this. I see a QB like Andy Dalton, and he is looking better than McCoy. Sorry. But he does look better IMO. Colt seems to have the jitters in the pocket. If he's not rolling out, he's not comfortable in a pocket.


I like Dalton in terms of his leadership ability and flat out guts, he does seem to be getting better but he does get a better pocket than Colt and his team actually runs the ball once in awhile. I think Colt plays like he thinks he can't take chances, not sure if that's on him or the coaching staff.

It also helps that Dalton has targets like Gresham, Simpson and Green. If they still had Shipley, they'd be even more dangerous. Damn, looking at those options, how did they stack up that much young talent?

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Momass- I think is fine just playing wrong spot on field, needs to be number 2 or 3




OK, so you admit that our #1 receiver is at best a #2 or #3 on most other teams... So maybe it's McCoy who can't be evaluated.


Question: Who has been playing longer? McCoy or Mass? McCoy or Slowbo? I'd say it's easier to evaluate those two than a QB with fewer starts than you can count on two hands.

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you actually wanna try and mount an argument that i have used, cause im not sure just where you came up with most of this bullshit. somehow i contradicted myself on a subject about talent being fatass and heckert's thing? try and find that post...


if this is the best you can do....dont even reply, or at minimum quote a post of mine and address the points. cause this horribly structured....post....that brings up shit ive never even said is some of the most pathetic reasoning ive ever read. please tell me your smarter than this man....cause this is so bad its really not even funny.


I thought the post was pretty understandable, but it looks like it needs to be dumbed down a bit more before you can grasp it ;)

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Its funny how people just can not llok at the Browns without there Blinders on. I have said this a 10000000 times


Fact: every team in the NFL pass on Colt TWICE some three times!!! Why is that????


You want a third string QB who has no arm and can not read defenses or look over the O-line. ( please do not give me that Brday was a 6th round pick bullshit either)


Colt will be a great back-up in this league


If he went anywhere else besides Texas, people would not be some "Colt is great, hes our future" The reason he was winning QB in CFB history is because Yexas was loaded everywhere on Offense, Defense, and Special teams...


Colt will be our QB for the next couple years, he will be ok..Our Front Office will keep getting us players, and when we are ready to make our super bowl run. Colt will not be our QB..




Texas was loaded everywhere when Vince Young was QB, true. When Colt was QB? Hardly.


I know. I watched all the games Colt played from his very first one against North Texas to his last one against Alabama. Our defense stunk with hardly any NFLers in Colt's entire career. His O-line was awful every season after his first. He did have two great receivers in Jordan Shipley and Quan Cosby. One of whom was drafted in the 3rd round (I think) and the other who went undrafted. World beaters right there, I tell ya!


Some of you folks don't understand that there's more to football than measurements. Jeff George and Ryan Leaf were perfect QBs on paper. Didn't know how to win or have a feel for the game. Colt is a winner and he's a natural. Look at how many SB victories Mr. Perfect Passing QB Manning has in his 15 year career. One. In a year where he played like dog-shit through the entire playoffs.


You guys get better players in Cleveland and get Shurmur's system established and Colt will start looking amazing. Book it.

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Texas was loaded everywhere when Vince Young was QB, true. When Colt was QB? Hardly.


I know. I watched all the games Colt played from his very first one against North Texas to his last one against Alabama. Our defense stunk with hardly any NFLers in Colt's entire career. His O-line was awful every season after his first. He did have two great receivers in Jordan Shipley and Quan Cosby. One of whom was drafted in the 3rd round (I think) and the other who went undrafted. World beaters right there, I tell ya!


Some of you folks don't understand that there's more to football than measurements. Jeff George and Ryan Leaf were perfect QBs on paper. Didn't know how to win or have a feel for the game. Colt is a winner and he's a natural. Look at how many SB victories Mr. Perfect Passing QB Manning has in his 15 year career. One. In a year where he played like dog-shit through the entire playoffs.


You guys get better players in Cleveland and get Shurmur's system established and Colt will start looking amazing. Book it.


You hit the nail on the head with your last bit, bro. Its about getting the system established. Look at Brady and the system that he works in. He is an amazing athlete, but his success is a big product of the system that he works in. Being a system QB has done wonders for Brady. He is a quiet dude who goes to practice and puts in work and understands the system that he works with. His mechanics and timing with his receivers is fantastic. When you've got Ochocinco on your team and he's putting up meager games of 2 catches for 28 yds, 3 for 56, etc., that shows you that its not only about the ability of the reciever to create yards, after contact, but also the responsibility to know how to find the ball by running your assignment correctly. The Browns could have this, but it will take time and repetition. The good thing is, they have a QB who has the ethic and intelligence to make his system work. All of you fans who want the next drew brees, phillip rivers, or aaron rodgers aren't likely going to get him. . .NEWSFLASH. What you do have is an intelligent quarterback with fantastic mechanics, solid work-ethic, ability to move around outside the pocket and the intangibles to lead his team. Look who he's working with. At UT, Colt roomed with Ship and dragged his ass out of bed in the early morning to practice and find rhythm. He has done the same thing at Cleveland for you. He found the playbook, organized practices, broke in rookie receivers, and kept his mouth shut when he wasn't getting the nod for the starting job. And now you wanna replace him? THAT kind of attitude is what breeds losing. Its easy to look at the chips that you're playing with as the problem, but good teams make the most out of their personnel by focusing on things like consistency, technique, and mindset.

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For a second year QB who didn't have the benefit of an offseason with the coaching staff to learn this offense, I'd say he's about where I'd expect. The WCO depends on a lot of timing and that takes time to develop (like offseason kind of time). McCoy may not be the QB of the future but I think comparing him to Brady Quinn who couldn't hit a 10-yard stick route is pretty harsh.


I think everyone needs to relax and let the coaching staff sort this out.


I don't recall anyone complaining when the coaching staff kept his menu of plays brief...let him play to his strengths and he beat New Orleans, New England and had the Jets on the ropes last year.

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Please read my post about QB drafting over the past 12 years


Yeah, we read it. It just didn't really convince anyone of anything.


For every 1st round QB success story there's at least one guy who was a dismal failure.


Also, I think QB success has a lot less to do with the QBs talent and a lot more to do with where he gets drafted. Are more talented QBs going to do better? Of course. Those will be guys that, if they get in a good situation, will be all-time greats. Still, where they end up decides a lot of how good they'll end up being.


Take Aaron Rodgers for example. Everyone felt bad for him when he got drafted because he fell to the bottom of the 1st round. However, it was the best thing to ever happen to him. He got to sit behind Brett Favre for YEARS. He went to a winning organization who knew how to bring home championships. So, when he finally got his chance, he was in the perfect situation to succeed. Imagine how well he'd be doing if he'd gotten drafted 1st overall by say, the Raiders. Or the Bungles. Or, gasp, the Cleveland "Lets Change QBs every other year" Browns. Would he have a Super Bowl ring? Would he be throwing for ungodly numbers every game? Doubtful.


Besides, your argument doesn't really work for Colt anyway. He's a 1st round talent that fell to the 3rd round because he got injured in the most high-profile game of his career and because he's a couple of inches shorter than the prototypical QB. If Colt doesn't get hurt against Alabama in the title game, he probably goes on to dominate them like Vince did to USC. (Garret Gilbert, a freshman with 0 game experience was passing all over Alabama and almost brought Texas back for the win and he isn't even playing for Texas anymore because he was so awful) He gets drafted somewhere else. Maybe somewhere where the fans aren't so crazy as to want to throw him on the scrap heap after 1 season and four games.

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Funny thread, throw the QB under the bus, when he has nothing to make plays...............Classic Cleveland for 20 years ............and then go woof woof

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