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Problem Is Not Receivers It's Mccoy


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Running for his life, check. You cannot throw a ball without coming to almost a complete stop without jumping (see shortstop in baseball). Momass had to slow down, not come back.


Why are you creating this bitch ass drama 4 games in. Go fooking watch a soap if want drama. Are you a girl?


Do you even want to see the Browns ever win? It isn't going to happen with Mccoy. Sell your pink McCoy jersey while you still can.

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Do you even want to see the Browns ever win? It isn't going to happen with Mccoy. Sell your pink McCoy jersey while you still can.


Yea I just saw 2 this year.


"Ever win again" you even sound like a girl. Drama....


The dude just fooking passed for 350 yards.

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Yeah, cause the Browns have superior talent in all areas BUT QB. It's all McCoy's fault.


You're probably going to see TN in the conference championship game but that doesn't matter to these pussies who have been queefing about the forum lately. The Browns should have beat them.

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If tenn makes to afc championship I'll never post here again. Done deal.


I never, NEVER, ever expected(<<<<<the key word) to win anything this year.


But I clearly given the fact everyone is on the "same page" expected a slightly better version of last years team. Some have progressed and a few have not. This year is about weeding out the shit to be competitive down the line.


Two things all browns fans should refuse to defend is bad coaching and bad qbs. We've seen it before, its easy to spot.

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Not many teams have a better O-line than the Browns, Colt's noodle arm is the reason he's pressured so much. No threat throwing outside the hashes. If thats all you can do, your gonna get hounded all day until you can prove you can stretch the field, and he hasn't yet.

I wouldn't be so quick to run Colt out of town. While he may not have the arm strength of Peyton Manning, he is very accurate throwing medium and deep balls. He has had some problems holding the ball too long, but he's still learning and adapting to his receivers. I watched Tim Couch for 4 seasons, and neve saw him hit a receiver in stride. I've already seen Colt do that many times. We might find out that he is nothing more than a back up QB, but I'm not ready to give up on him yet. He's elusive, and can throw on the run fairly accurately. Yeah....he's made some mistakes, but he shows more promise than the others who have come through this revolving door known as the Cleveland Browns. Hey...if all we need is a strong armed QB to turn this thing around, let's give DA a call.

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For all of those whiny bitches:


14 196 295 66.4 2,621 8.89 17 58 11 1


Does anyone know what this is?


It is some QBs season stats. Let me guess: Joe Montana's second season? 14 games started 196 completions in 295 attempts for 2641 yards with a 66.4 completion pct. An 8.89 yards per completion average with 17 TDs, 11 ints. A long pass of 58 yards and one partridge in a pear tree? (maybe Danny Bonaducci) That's my guess. (second guess: Brett Favre's second year?) Third guess: Payton Manning's second year. Three guesses and I'm out.

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It is some QBs season stats. Let me guess: Joe Montana's second season? 14 games started 196 completions in 295 attempts for 2641 yards with a 66.4 completion pct. An 8.89 yards per completion average with 17 TDs, 11 ints. A long pass of 58 yards and one partridge in a pear tree? (maybe Danny Bonaducci) That's my guess. (second guess: Brett Favre's second year?) Third guess: Payton Manning's second year. Three guesses and I'm out.


Actually I should of used Joe Montana's stats:


15 176 273 64.5 1,795 6.58 15 71 9 0 87.8


Those we Raplesburgers, wanted a QB in our division. But you are right Montana is a better comparison.

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If tenn makes to afc championship I'll never post here again. Done deal.


I never, NEVER, ever expected(<<<<<the key word) to win anything this year.


But I clearly given the fact everyone is on the "same page" expected a slightly better version of last years team. Some have progressed and a few have not. This year is about weeding out the shit to be competitive down the line.


Two things all browns fans should refuse to defend is bad coaching and bad qbs. We've seen it before, its easy to spot.


We don't want you not to post again. Just not jump to conclusions after 4 games. We are 2-2.

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Colt's noodle arm is the reason he's pressured so much. Nolibido


Right. So why was Sanchez pressured so much? Why was Rothlicksbooger pressured so much?



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Bottom line Browns have no offensive skill player weapons that stretch the field........................and that leads to what we saw last week and it will continue until sometime this franchise recognizes that players who stretch the field on offense and are playmakers are gotten


sometimes the dawg pound bs has, no altimes, the dawgpound bs has ruled Cleveland


once the font of Offensive powerhouse winning football


now the dregs of dawgpound loser football


and blaming it on the one shining light Colt

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The browns inept play against the titans goes much deeper than just QBs, WRs, LBs and coaching though all these play a part the titans come out with a plan that dismantled the browns and some good pro talent and executed it well..

Simply put, our young team and new coaches got OWNED!


Yes we need better WRs but they are not completely to blame..


Yes we need better OLBs, we all know it..


Yes coach shurmur has to put his balls to the wall and make a playbook that caters to our strengths and always keeps the

few playmakers we have fairly heavily involved period..


And yes colt mcboy is going to have to quit being a chicken shit and take charge out there and take some chances, targets are often opening up and or available to him but he just will not let off his intended primary double blanket covered target thats only 6 yards out to see it..

Windows are there even with our slow targets but they close fast and colt just doesnt seem to be taking advantage of them..


We really have to honestly evaluate his arm as he seems afraid to throw anything that may require decent accuracy and or is over 10 yards out which is most things even with the targets available..

I think its to early to jump to conclusions yet but i am nevertheless more dubious of colts leadership ability, arm strength and accuracy than i was before..


I am equally dubious of some of the shabby playcalling by shurmur some of it at times is just mind bogglingly stupid for an offensive minded coach..

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he is very accurate throwing medium and deep balls.

im curious as to where you have actually seen this? besides the fact he had throwm so very few passes beyond 10 yards, i have see exactly the opposite. his accuracy is getting worse....on every pass, not just medium to long. i do believe he threw a pass behind a defender.


just not seeing it. he's gotten consistently worse since preseason game 1.

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Colt McCoy is a very serviceable NFL QB who is a couple steps below the good ones, but a couple steps above the ner do wells. We made the playoffs with Kyle freakin Boller here, and Colt is defeinetly better then him. Hang in there, Colt will be fine.

your defense has always kept you in the game. that can nullify inept play on the offensive side of the ball a lot of times. our D can't. we're playing from behind in almost every instance which doesn't help play calling, which in turn makes colt's deficiencies more glaring to most of us here.

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Yes our wrs are subpar, no one is saying they aren't. But lets go back to week 1, I think it was McCoy's longest completion of the year. Our inept, slow Momass literally had no one within 20 yards of him standing by the goal line. McCoy jump passes the ball with everything he has and delivers a duck that Momass has to stand and wait for. Luckily it got there before the defender, but Momass was instantly tackled on a play you should easily score on. Even McCoy's good plays aren't good enough. The guy throws 10 yard knuckleballs for christ sake. I guarantee you that if there is anyway we can within reason nab Luck its a done deal. If we did get Luck this team still would not be good, but it would instantly look better.


I think a few more weeks of this and I'm going to write a book too. I'm gonna call it "growing tired of colt."


You're way premature. If Holmgren didn't think he had adequate arm strength, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to draft him. Jamarcus Russell and Duante Culpepper could throw the ball 90 yards in the air, and I'd bet Anderson could do the same, so what?


Shurmur just said Colt's still effectively a rookie.


This was a funny thread blaming everything on all the players.........................

but forgetting the main ingredient of Offense .......................playmakers at skill positions

who are they for the Browns ....................and dont say Hillis

and again.........................our massive paid stud oline .....................was er well ordinary

someday the smart people will get it


Who said we don't need playmakers? And yeah, I will say Hillis thank you very much. They're in H&H's game plan, just not this year. So I'll tell you your Steelers ORDINARY o-line is getting Rothlisburger killed. That bum coach Lombardi said the game is won and lost in the trenches, and that's where we're building. You don't put the roof on the house before you dig the foundation. The Browns have two first round picks next year- just maybe for your playmakers.


Ritchie poo, just how many 40 plus yard bombs does any team throw in a game? One? Two? And the guy doesn't even have to be open to make the safetys back off. Yeah, so tell me about the track speed guys like Largent and Biletnikoff had.

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im curious as to where you have actually seen this? besides the fact he had throwm so very few passes beyond 10 yards, i have see exactly the opposite. his accuracy is getting worse....on every pass, not just medium to long. i do believe he threw a pass behind a defender.


just not seeing it. he's gotten consistently worse since preseason game 1.

Just look back as far as the Miami game......Cribbs and Momass.....both excellent deep throws....excellent catches by the receivers, but still, he had to put the ball in the right place. I've seen it since last season. I'm not completely sold on Mccoy being a top flight QB, either. I just think he can be a very good QB, who will be consistent, and will make some big plays, once he develops a chemistry with the receivers. Very few QB's can win games without talent around them. Look at Pittspuke.....now that the Oline and is unable to give Big Gay Ben time and protection, how does he look? Colt is never going to be Tom Brady or Peyton Manning....but he can be a winner with decent talent and coaching. He has natural athleticism and is very intelligent. If he is still making stupid mistakes, at the end of the season, maybe I'm wrong. No problem.....I've been wrong before ( Tim Couch, Brady Quinn, Butch Davis,....). In fact...I was not thrilled when they drafted Mccoy, but after watching him develop, I've changed my mind. In reality, I want him to succeed so we don't have to go through that process of drafting a QB again. What makes anyone here think we can make the right decision?
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your defense has always kept you in the game. that can nullify inept play on the offensive side of the ball a lot of times. our D can't. we're playing from behind in almost every instance which doesn't help play calling, which in turn makes colt's deficiencies more glaring to most of us here.


I see your point, and again, I think that if put in the right situation, I really do believe Colt could be a good to very good NFL quarterback. But Hoorta said it best, Rome wasn't built in a day and I see improvement in Cleveland especially through the draft. Kinda reminds me of the Lions, although the Browns were never as bad as Detroit. But just like Detroit, the Browns day is coming soon. As a true football fan, and a fan of football history, I can honestly say that I look forward to December Ravens-Browns games that truly matter to both teams.

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These McMorons around here are like the first two of the three little pigs. They want the team to be built quickly out of straws and twigs through the scrubs of free agency, instead of methodically out of bricks and mortar through the draft and highly selective free agent signings.


See the Eagles and Redskins.

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hey guys, this is my first time here in this forum.


my thoughts on the browns receivers, they just aren't good enough. momass is the best, but even he would struggle to make most nfl teams. but this is our lot, what we have to work with. until our receiving corp gets it together, it just doesn't matter how well McCoy throws the ball. come on, it's clear his accuracy is good enough. but right now he is not consistent enough. that should come in time. but our receiving corp, that's another story. neither of them have break away speed, and if momass comes out as our top receiver, that shows the quality of the group right there. of all of them, only little seems to have a chance of improving enough to make a fairly reliable receiver. let's give him a chance to see what he can do during the rest of the season.

our beloved browns are not going anywhere this season. we gotta face up to the fact. do i think the offense will get better as the season goes on? maybe. but i'm not counting on it. do i think that McCoy will improve as the season goes on? again, maybe. but i feel that if the line can pull it together a little better, give the kid an extra second or two, we will see good improvement from Colt before the end of the season. that's really all we can expect at this point, right? we're not superbowl ready by any means, so the best we can hope for is improvement in key areas. this off season should be a good one for us. no lockout to worry about and hinder our growth. spring training. maybe a few good trades and pickups here and there, and of course the next draft.

and one important thing, our browns are now being led by one of the best brains in football. there is hope in Cleveland!!!

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Well, I've been perusing this board since last year and since you're all freaking out I figured I'd step in and offer an outside opinion. I'm a Longhorn alum, so obviously I'm a Colt fan. So yes, I will be a bit biased, but I think overall I'm giving you a fair assessment.


Face facts. You're the Browns. Your team is awful and has been awful for a LONG time. Great fans. Great atmosphere there. Team stinks. The Browns aren't going to magically become the Green Bay Packers overnight. The Browns have been battling systemic organizational issues for years. It isn't just the coaches or the players. It goes all the way to the top. Thankfully, you guys started turning that around with Holmgren. Someone who actually knows what he's doing. Of course, Holmgren would tell you the same thing. You don't build a consistent, winning football team in a year or two. It just doesn't happen. Everything has to change from the coaching staff, to the personnel, to the front office, etc.


So, let's review what we're looking at here with the 2011 Browns. You've got a new coach. You've got a new system. You had a lot less time to implement that system over the off-season because of the lockout. While other squads already knew the plays, the assignments, etc., your team didn't. They have to get up to speed. It's the WCO, too. Not some simplified nonsense. It's a system that requires timing more than anything and you get timing through lots and lots of practice and repetition. Things your players didn't get enough of because of the lockout. So it's going to be a process getting them to where they need to be. You aren't going to have overnight success. It just won't happen.


Now, personnel. Wow. Where to start? Honestly, your best receiver is a TE. Watson is legit. Everyone else out there? Definitely suspect. Even Massaquoi. I wouldn't want any other receiver on your team as a starter. They lack speed, quicks, and from what I've seen they're lazy a lot of the time on their routes. Oh, and never pass the ball to Hardesty again. Thanks.


I saw someone in this thread mention that the Browns have one of the best O-lines in football. Wow, again. Whatever that guy is smoking, we all need some. Forget handling assignments for a moment. The Browns' O-line is a comedy of errors through four games this year. How many false start penalties do they have? It isn't just one or two guys, either. It's the entire line. It's like they take turns screwing up. When it actually comes down to handling their assignments and getting their guy blocked, that doesn't always work out so well either. Colt is often running for his life back there. The reason the Browns don't have the highest sacks given up total in the NFL right now is because Colt is so mobile and able to escape pressure. Imagine a Peyton Manning standing back there trying to play pure pocket-passer football. He'd be lucky to have all his appendages attached after four games.


Your running game last year under Hillis was pretty solid. However, Hillis fans stupidly voted him up and now he's suffering under the Madden Curse like every player before him that's had the cover. Hardesty is an abject failure so far. Something has to change here.


Now, on to your defense. Holy hell. I'm a fan of Haden and Ward. Thought they were great additions. Still, they ain't there yet. It's one thing to be out of position a bit or get beat by a receiver every now and then, but Jesus H. Christ. You had Titans receivers wide open all day. I'm talking like 20-30 yards wide open. And who was that Browns DB that decided it'd be better to queef on Jared Cook while he was rumbling down the sidelines instead of actually pushing him out of bounds? He should have been fired before the game was even over. Atrocious.


So, let's recap. Your O-line, receivers, running game, and defense are all sub-par. The entire team is running a new system under a new coach with less than ample time during the off-season to learn what they need to. Yet, according to some of you football geniuses, it's the QB who is mainly to blame for your problems? Seriously, Clark?


Yeah, Colt isn't where he needs to be yet. He's a second year guy who has had to switch systems in a short amount of time. He's going to have rough spots. All new QBs to the NFL do. However, some of those QBs have the pieces around them to make the transition easier. See: Sanchez in New York. See: Rodgers in Green Bay (also getting to sit behind Favre for years probably helped, too). Colt doesn't have that luxury. He's on a really bad team and he's desperately trying to make plays while also not screwing up and putting his team in a hole. That's tough on any QB, especially a 2nd year guy.


My suggestion would be to hold your water and accept that the Browns are a year or three away from being a seriously good team. If you want instant gratification, the NFL ain't for you. Unfortunately, that seems like what the Browns have been chasing after for a long time. We're doing badly, blame the QB, get a new one. Damnit, we're still doing badly! Blame the QB, get a new one! What in the hell hootinany is this?! We're still doing badly?! Blame the QB, get a new one goddamnit!!! Oh, and switch coaches a time or three in that period while we're at it.


That is never going to get you a team that wins year in and year out, consistently gets to the playoffs, and potentially brings you home a title. You finally got a guy in Holmgren who can bring some professionalism and stability to your organization. Chill, let the team develop, and enjoy the wins when they come. Flying off the handle when your team, as bad as it is, is still tied for 1st place in the division is asinine and childish.

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Well, I've been perusing this board since last year and since you're all freaking out I figured I'd step in and offer an outside opinion. I'm a Longhorn alum, so obviously I'm a Colt fan. So yes, I will be a bit biased, but I think overall I'm giving you a fair assessment.


Face facts. You're the Browns. Your team is awful and has been awful for a LONG time. Great fans. Great atmosphere there. Team stinks. The Browns aren't going to magically become the Green Bay Packers overnight. The Browns have been battling systemic organizational issues for years. It isn't just the coaches or the players. It goes all the way to the top. Thankfully, you guys started turning that around with Holmgren. Someone who actually knows what he's doing. Of course, Holmgren would tell you the same thing. You don't build a consistent, winning football team in a year or two. It just doesn't happen. Everything has to change from the coaching staff, to the personnel, to the front office, etc.


So, let's review what we're looking at here with the 2011 Browns. You've got a new coach. You've got a new system. You had a lot less time to implement that system over the off-season because of the lockout. While other squads already knew the plays, the assignments, etc., your team didn't. They have to get up to speed. It's the WCO, too. Not some simplified nonsense. It's a system that requires timing more than anything and you get timing through lots and lots of practice and repetition. Things your players didn't get enough of because of the lockout. So it's going to be a process getting them to where they need to be. You aren't going to have overnight success. It just won't happen.




Now, personnel. Wow. Where to start? Honestly, your best receiver is a TE. Watson is legit. Everyone else out there? Definitely suspect. Even Massaquoi. I wouldn't want any other receiver on your team as a starter. They lack speed, quicks, and from what I've seen they're lazy a lot of the time on their routes. Oh, and never pass the ball to Hardesty again. Thanks.


I saw someone in this thread mention that the Browns have one of the best O-lines in football. Wow, again. Whatever that guy is smoking, we all need some. Forget handling assignments for a moment. The Browns' O-line is a comedy of errors through four games this year. How many false start penalties do they have? It isn't just one or two guys, either. It's the entire line. It's like they take turns screwing up. When it actually comes down to handling their assignments and getting their guy blocked, that doesn't always work out so well either. Colt is often running for his life back there. The reason the Browns don't have the highest sacks given up total in the NFL right now is because Colt is so mobile and able to escape pressure. Imagine a Peyton Manning standing back there trying to play pure pocket-passer football. He'd be lucky to have all his appendages attached after four games.


Your running game last year under Hillis was pretty solid. However, Hillis fans stupidly voted him up and now he's suffering under the Madden Curse like every player before him that's had the cover. Hardesty is an abject failure so far. Something has to change here.


Now, on to your defense. Holy hell. I'm a fan of Haden and Ward. Thought they were great additions. Still, they ain't there yet. It's one thing to be out of position a bit or get beat by a receiver every now and then, but Jesus H. Christ. You had Titans receivers wide open all day. I'm talking like 20-30 yards wide open. And who was that Browns DB that decided it'd be better to queef on Jared Cook while he was rumbling down the sidelines instead of actually pushing him out of bounds? He should have been fired before the game was even over. Atrocious.


So, let's recap. Your O-line, receivers, running game, and defense are all sub-par. The entire team is running a new system under a new coach with less than ample time during the off-season to learn what they need to. Yet, according to some of you football geniuses, it's the QB who is mainly to blame for your problems? Seriously, Clark?


Yeah, Colt isn't where he needs to be yet. He's a second year guy who has had to switch systems in a short amount of time. He's going to have rough spots. All new QBs to the NFL do. However, some of those QBs have the pieces around them to make the transition easier. See: Sanchez in New York. See: Rodgers in Green Bay (also getting to sit behind Favre for years probably helped, too). Colt doesn't have that luxury. He's on a really bad team and he's desperately trying to make plays while also not screwing up and putting his team in a hole. That's tough on any QB, especially a 2nd year guy.


My suggestion would be to hold your water and accept that the Browns are a year or three away from being a seriously good team. If you want instant gratification, the NFL ain't for you. Unfortunately, that seems like what the Browns have been chasing after for a long time. We're doing badly, blame the QB, get a new one. Damnit, we're still doing badly! Blame the QB, get a new one! What in the hell hootinany is this?! We're still doing badly?! Blame the QB, get a new one goddamnit!!! Oh, and switch coaches a time or three in that period while we're at it.


That is never going to get you a team that wins year in and year out, consistently gets to the playoffs, and potentially brings you home a title. You finally got a guy in Holmgren who can bring some professionalism and stability to your organization. Chill, let the team develop, and enjoy the wins when they come. Flying off the handle when your team, as bad as it is, is still tied for 1st place in the division is asinine and childish.

I agree with most of what you say, but you being a Colt homer..you just put almost all the blame on everyone else but Colt


I will say this, I never once have ever said anything about our front ofice or our coach, no I didnt understand the hiring, but not a whole lot of people knew who Tressal was either when he too over Ohio State


The people who hammer Colt on this site, they hammer him because he lacks what it taes to be a great QB in the NFL... No Arm, undersized, does not read defense as well as we thought. Look if you want a sub-par/ok QB then Colt is your guy. Trust me I wish Colt had everything that makes a great QB.


I do diss agree about our Defense, I think our Defense is one bad ass linebacker away from being a top 5 Defense, and another CB


O-line, nobody said one of the best in football this year, last year with Steinach Top 5 O-line

WR- Little will be a beast in the NFL, but yes we need a Megatron on our team, but dosnt everybody???

RB- They need to fix Hillis crap, and run a two back system, Hardesty dropping the ball, everybody does, just not 5 times in a game


Recap- Browns are not good, I think people knew that, but saw our weak schedule and thought we could make a run, if all the pieces fell into place. Problem with weak schedule not as weak as eveyone thought.


That being said...I really think I am going to end up enjoying the past baseball season with the tribe than this years Browns

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My concern is this. I see a QB like Andy Dalton, and he is looking better than McCoy. Sorry. But he does look better IMO. Colt seems to have the jitters in the pocket. If he's not rolling out, he's not comfortable in a pocket.


I've watched every one of your games, this season (which hasn't been easy, living in San Marcos, Texas) and I don't think Colt looks jittery in the pocket. He looked pretty comfortable orchestrating that come back drive that ended with an end-zone catch by Massaquoi. Honestly, the problem with this team is not McCoy, and its a shame that so many fans on this board are throwing him under the bus.

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