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Are Fans Starting To Jump Ship?


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(Most) everyone on here is a friggin joke. You guys call yourselves fans? IT WAS ONE GAME. I am ashamed to share the same message board with a few of you. Some of you have it right, but c'mon seriously? One game at a time people. For you others bitching and moaning that you dont like the Browns anymore or can't handle it, you can kindly go join this motherxxxxer. Sianara.


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(Most) everyone on here is a friggin joke. You guys call yourselves fans? IT WAS ONE GAME. I am ashamed to share the same message board with a few of you. Some of you have it right, but c'mon seriously? One game at a time people. For you others bitching and moaning that you dont like the Browns anymore or can't handle it, you can kindly go join this motherxxxxer. Sianara.




So let me guess, we shouldn't expect a professional team to show till week 4 or 5? Then you'll give us the right to be angry because you'll be too? Whatever. Its embarrassing that your expectations are less than a professional level.


I'll cheer when they do good, and bitch when they do bad. The fact that you cheer for both doesn't make you a better fan.

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So let me guess, we shouldn't expect a professional team to show till week 4 or 5? Then you'll give us the right to be angry because you'll be too? Whatever. Its embarrassing that your expectations are less than a professional level.


I'll cheer when they do good, and bitch when they do bad. The fact that you cheer for both doesn't make you a better fan.


You are allowed to be angry and disappointed after the first game. I never said you weren't. But there are many different levels of emotions, and alot of you have gone to levels which validate some irrational thinking.


Smoke some weed.

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This dude is totally off his rocker. I thought he was blow hard in the first video...this takes the cake and says it all about where that incoherent tirade comes from.

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Ghoolie's been blowing smoke lol yes is an understatement. But his fundamental arguement is spot on, and your guys explanation/comeback for his argument is exactly right as well.

Ghoolie in a nut shell is saying: We have a major lack n talent across the board on our team

Which is absolutely true...notice across the board...sure we have a few exceptional players, but majority not good enough

What your saying along with a lot others is: It takes time, we have a new coaching staff, new system we all just have to be patient for a few more years n build through the draft n FA market.

Thats very true as well

All n all we've had since 1999 to bulid through the draft n FA market and havent done soo...yes its frustrating as hell...we always have "new coaches" "new system" "new ideas" im tired of holding on the these "new" things as hope that a few years down the road it will work out. And maybe this time it will! God knows we're all hoping. Lets get rid of the hoping and put some talented players out on the field and give us a chance to win every game and make things a lot easier on the coaching staff.


OK, we'll wait a few years, then what if it all blows up in our faces again?! A new regime will come in, then all of you will be clamoring for us to "wait another few years" again.



Get some TALENT on this team, hit the free agency HARD and make a run at it. Waiting 2-4 years for a contender is bullshit! NEXT year playoffs, or this team is a bust like it has been in past years. Other teams do it, why can't we?

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I became a Browns fan last season for obvious reasons. They were fun to watch.

I was terribly disappointed with the change of coaching staff, which combined with the lockout virtually guaranteed that the 2011 Browns would take a step backward. But I did expect them to at least beat CIN.

It's too early to make any firm decisions on the Browns progress this season. . . . actually, I have not even watched the game yet. . so, I will have a more enlightened post after I watch the film.


From the statistics, it looks as though the Browns went pass-happy, which would be OK if they were NE, NO, GB . . . but they are not.


But anyways. . . time to watch the film.

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Real fans cant jump ship we just keep sinking with it groundhog day style hoping beyond hope that the next regime or the next savior QB will save the day but over and over the new regimes make bad decisions and or dont provide the QB with all the tools they need or in some cases the browns regimes fail to address QB issues at all..


Until some of fagini's first year draft mistakes are rectified it will be hard for any QB to win with this team..

H&H are moving like slugs in salt at addressing key issues like bringing in some speedy WRs and or by being cheap and bringing in poor or expired talent on the offense and expecting mccoy as a mere journeyman QB to deal with it..


Manning, rodgers nor brees could deal with this rubbish o-line and slow WR set..

What i and many would like to see is this regime actually address these issues in a serious and timely manner, there was far better options available even on the cheap that this regime passed on in order to keep some very questionable WRs, FBs and OL on the roster..


A quick ultra over conservative cheap fix for this penny pinching regimes speed problem would be finding a way to get armond smith and mitchell in the game at least they can force DBs to move at full speed instead of sprinting at half speed to blanket cover slowbiskie and sloMo..

Its hard to throw a pinpoint strike to a slow moving blanket covered WR when you are running for your life..


I am trying to be patient but this regime has went from blunt and brash to candy coated coverups of poor decision making and some poor player evaluations, just admit you made some mistakes and then efficiently fix the shit, nobody is buying the excuses or eating the koolaid coated candy, this fanbase has tolerated 12 years of this shit from regimes that have had no owner looking over their shoulder on behalf of the best interest of the organization or its fans..

Every new regime is a fresh new canvas to be painted with no vision, direction or longterm plan for success from the owner unlike the most successful clubs..

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The Browns are FINALLY on the RIGHT TRACK. I'd think that would be encouraging to everybody, but no.


There are some who are apparently frantically using the last year? of opportunity to bitch.


If that makes ya happy, that's sad, you know? I'm tired of some folks looking back at the past,


"we turn the wrong way back then, then we turned the wrong way a year later, then we..." blah blah baloney.


the Browns have had two outstanding drafts, the last year's draft being exceptional.


Little needs a more prominent role, and I'd think that Smith coming out of the backfield once in a while


would be good for a TD or huge gain once in a while.


Our secondary is one player away from being one of the NFL's top ten maybe.


I don't believe the Browns even HAVE a RT on the roster. Pinston was suffering starting rookie blues, and Orien - well


offhand, I think he's better than St. Claire was, not as good as Pashos. Lauvao got schooled a few times badly - I think he


was trying to help the RT if he could....


Right track the last two years, we are on our way. so the past has been a disaster, lost and screwed up time spent.


"Not no more".


Get excited, this team is really going to be something, maybe even this season, a good bit. We'll see. "The times, they are a-changin" Just let the past be, says I.

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I agree. My feeling is that they are heading in the right direction and the FO staff along with the coaches are the right ones. I haven't thought that before except for a short time with Butch. I believe Shurmer will be a good coach and that Colt will be a great QB. The patch-work O-line was the issue last week along with punting.


Last weeks just looked all to familiar to Browns fans and that's what started the jumping ship talk.

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I understand - but last week? The squeelers got BLASTED, and they don't have a new coaching staff, brand new systems,


and a lot of brand new players.


The Browns, though, didn't get blasted. Things are lookin up.

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I understand - but last week? The squeelers got BLASTED, and they don't have a new coaching staff, brand new systems,


and a lot of brand new players.


The Browns, though, didn't get blasted. Things are lookin up.


It was unrealistic with a new coaching staff and new offensive and defensive schemes for the Browns to come out looking like a well oiled machine. They had the game won until the team and coaches had that brain fart when the Bengals quick snapped them.


I watched the shortcut of the Ratbird- Squealer game- and if the Ravens keep playing like that, pencil them in for the Super Bowl. BTW, the Steelers played even worse than the Browns. Seven turnovers, they're damn lucky they didn't get beat by 50.

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Wow!!!! when you say the Ravens may make a run for the Super bowl I thought WOW!!! this is the REAL Browns and then I thought...

xxxx them thieving Ratbirds and their piece of shit fans.. I hate the Ravens more then the Stealer's. Those ex-Colt fans have been through what we have been through and they know our pain but they still robbed our beloved Browns and now we are stuck with this endless circle of losing... I thought at the time I would do anything to get our Browns colors and name but.... :angry::mad: instead we got shit on.... xxxx you Ravens.... We deserve to have the team you stole from us!!!!

Now for another beer!

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Plenty of, "on the right track," rhetoric above.


How is 47 called passing plays, resulting in 4 sacks, 3 scrambles, 19 completions, "on the right track?"


How is bringing in a new system that overemphasizes the passing game at the expense of the run, "on the right track?"


These new coaches showed no interest in establishing the run.


This Pat Shurmer guy is nothing but a Holmgren crony who has never done anything notable in his life.

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It was unrealistic with a new coaching staff and new offensive and defensive schemes for the Browns to come out looking like a well oiled machine. They had the game won until the team and coaches had that brain fart when the Bengals quick snapped ]


Really? I watched the Panthers-Cardinals game after the Browns game. The Panthers despite all of the above and a rookie quarterback making his NFL debut played light years better than the Browns despite the loss. It'll be fun to watch a Chudzinski powered offense this year rather than our constipated WCO,. This year the Browns will be relegated to second priority viewing in my house.

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