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All you're doing is contradicting yourself. If it's not luck and it's not fate then what is it? OH right the Steelers are a top tier organization across the board and they have a great deal of success because of that fact. You first made it about luck. I said I don't believe much in "luck" but would put some stock in fate and the idea that you reap what you sow. Instead of chalking the Steelers success up to being lucky, playing in a "weak" division and hitting on draft picks, why not just admit the the Steelers are a model franchise from which most should follow? It's a hell of a lot easier than doing this cute little dance. The Steelers were supposed to implode last season without Ben. Instead they won 3 of the 4 without him and went on to the Super Bowl. Pittsburgh drafts at the top of the league consistently, hires the best Coaches for the job, doesn't over pay their players and removes the problems before they explode. Mendenhall fumbled that football because Clay Matthews is a student of the game and recognized that play before it happened. Bruce Arians is a bit notorious in Pittsburgh for his predictable ground game or the lack thereof. All of which is another point I'd like to address. The STeelers with Bruce Arians as the offensive coordinator and Ben under center aren't a run first team. They haven't been one for the last few seasons. Soooooooo Nicker's you're dead wrong with that assessment above and Ben threw the one pic because it was a horrible throw and the other because it was a great play on the ball by the GB defender. Pittsburgh lost BUT we've been there before and we'll be there again. Let me know when you're done making yourself look like a moron. Chicken little was banned from the Pittsburgh area. He lives in your backyard.





The only one who keeps acting like a moron, is you. but go ahead and be My guest and ignore the warnings.

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You can get it for about 5 bucks on Amazon.


Here is another link that gives a full description:

Shoot me an email at rhanson1@neo.rr.com



False Start

How the New Browns Were Set Up to Fail

by Terry Pluto


Format: Hardcover, 176 pages, 5.3 x 8 inches

Illustrations: 30 black-and-white photographs

ISBN: 978-1-886228-88-7

Price: $19.95



Free Sample


About Terry Pluto





It was supposed to be the dawn of a grand new era of football in Cleveland.


Instead, it was a rude wakeup call.


When the new Cleveland Browns took the field in 1999, legions of loyal fans—once heartsick, abandoned, and disgusted at the loss of their team in 1995—were ready to forgive the past and embrace the future . . . a new owner, a new team, a new stadium.


They just wanted their Browns back.


They didn't get what they bargained for.


In the five years since a new team called the Browns arrived to play on Cleveland's lakefront, this has become clear: Browns fans got a bum deal. The NFL traded one of the most storied teams in football history for a franchise mired in mediocrity.


These were the fans who, after owner Art Modell skipped town with their beloved Browns, became the only fans ever to take on the NFL, demand their team back—and win.


Yet while they were celebrating the supposed victory that kept “our name, our colors, our team” in Cleveland, fans should have been looking over their shoulders and keeping a close watch on the NFL. There would be few reasons to celebrate in the years to come.


In this book, award-winning sportswriter, Terry Pluto takes a hard look at the first five years of the new Cleveland Browns franchise and doesn't like what he sees.


Pluto chronicles the backroom deals, big-money power plays, poor decisions, and plain bad luck that have dogged the new Browns franchise since its inception.


Browns fans still stand by, waiting for a return to glory. How much longer must they wait? Pluto sifts through the clues from past seasons and looks for answers. This frank analysis will offer fans some solace along with an explanation for their misery.



I have the book False Start. Incidently...Its at My Brothers house and I need to get it back from him.It's an awesome read. All I can say Riff is it's no use trying to make this tool (Homotard) understand What we are trying to impart to him. If he wants to act like a Stooler Jack ass all his life thats fine by Me. But, your wasting your time with him. He's a 28 year old punk who thinks he knows it all. I even tried to debate nice with him the last couple of posts Ive made, and he's hell bent on keeping his head up his ass and just implies Im a moron. I was watching football long before he became a shot of sperm. Both you and I, have watched good organizations go down the tubes in no time. He refuses to accept the inevitable, that this will eventually happen. Just like life itself it's cyclical. So are football organizations or any other organization. Okay,Im done with rant...Peace out.

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I have the book False Start. Incidently...Its at My Brothers house and I need to get it back from him.It's an awesome read. All I can say Riff is it's no use trying to make this tool (Homotard) understand What we are trying to impart to him. If he wants to act like a Stooler Jack ass all his life thats fine by Me. But, your wasting your time with him. He's a 28 year old punk who thinks he knows it all. I even tried to debate nice with him the last couple of posts Ive made, and he's hell bent on keeping his head up his ass and just implies Im a moron. I was watching football long before he became a shot of sperm. Both you and I, have watched good organizations go down the tubes in no time. He refuses to accept the inevitable, that this will eventually happen. Just like life itself it's cyclical. So are football organizations or any other organization. Okay,Im done with rant...Peace out.


Name some of the "good organizations that went down the tubes" and define the reasons they went down the sh.itter. As far as the book is concerned it's not the first I've heard of it and I actually have a couple of friends that didn't like it. Mostly because Pluto takes the woe is me approach and blames it on certain things that may or may not have been as big a factor as he leads on. I'll still probably check it out if for no other reason than the sake of argument. As far as the above where exactly were you trying to play nice? lol. I don't see anywhere in this thread where you made even a meager attempt to play nice. Good organizations have a formula and the best ones stick to it. It's when you stray from that approach that you get in trouble. The Steelers have had 3 Coaches over the last 4 decades. How many have the Browns have, The Steelers have hit on every first round pick in recent memory outside of Troy Edwards when I was a young buck. They've also had success in the later rounds, the most recent example being Mike Wallace. Lamar Woodley was a second round pick. The very man in this thread being beaten down was cut several times before making his niche. Good teams take calculated gambles, pride themselves on integrity and hold true to their word. Pittsburgh hasn't had to over pay free agents or their own players because they draft so well and they've been drafting like that since the 70's.


I whole heartedly believe that in order for any kind of fall to occur the Rooney's would have to sell the team and that isn't going to happen, at least not any time soon. You can call me naive, you can call me hard headed or even arrogant but there is absolutely nothing to suggest I'm not correct in my above assessment. Until we're all proven otherwise I'd say that's status quo in Pittsburgh would you not?

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Taken from my primary message board. A small breakdown of the article from a guy that hadn't read it until recently. Take it or leave it. I thought the Lebeau comment was the most interesting.




Couple thoughts:


1. It wasn't as bad as it was made out to be


2. How come no one pointed out the bad word Lebeau F You to Goodell in that piece: “That’s what we’re told by Coach LeBeau — blow through the guy, not to him. When the fines came down, he said, ‘Don’t change a damn thing. You’re doing it the way we do it on this team.’ ”


A coach saying to disregard the commission seems like a bigger story than all the James Harrison anti PC comments.


3. How bout the endorsement from Clark? “There are guys who are workaholics, and then there’s James. Dudes hurt themselves training with him,” says teammate Clark.


This is why James can say anything he wants. He works way harder than everyone. Ben, Mendy, or no other Steeler can really say anything given James work ethic.


And to point out James didn't do anything either in the SuperBowl is a bit of a joke. The guy was seriously injured yet played through the pain. Given his back surgery we now know about, I suspect most guys would have given up on last season - not James.


4. “I hate those motherxxxxers,” he says, “especially those two clowns who talked about me after the fines.” He’s referring to Rodney Harrison, the ex-Patriot turned analyst on NBC’s Sunday Night Football, and Tedy Bruschi, another former Pat who appears on ESPN. “Sayin’ I’m dirty — bad word, Harrison was the dirtiest player ever, a steroid cheater who was known by the whole world to be a headhunter and late hitter. And Bruschi’s an idiot, straight-up simple. I’d like to meet them both in a dark alley.”


How come no one talked about the Pats being cheaters? All these writers are owned by the NFL and Kraft. And the best part about the quote is it sounds like James wants Bruschi and Harrison at the same time in that dark alley. I bet those 2 have nightmares.


5. The racisms James alludes to has nothing to do with the fines like I had thought from comments, but more to do with protecting white QBs. And he makes an interesting point about paying $5k for slamming Vince Young, but then paying $20k for bumping Drew Brees.


Here's a situation where he may have a little bit of a point. But he may also want to take a look at his own offense and see the shots Ben and Byron have taken throughout their career without any flags fines. I think Lefty may have taken the worst shots thru his career, but Ben takes more w/o fines. But he is a Steeler so the racial rules of Goodell may be trumped by his dislike for our team.


I dunno if there's really racism protecting different QBs? But it does seem like it's ok to hit a black QB or Ben to me. I would say maybe it has something to do with mobility, but Byron stands in cement and can't move, so that throws that theory out the window.


6. Everyone that has a problem with James is a hypocrite. This is a guy that's probably given more of himself than any Steelers player we've had. And he's one bad mofo. And we celebrate him for it. But then off the field, we want his words to sound like they came from Barrack Obama.


We're expecting too much from this guy. On one hand we want him to be the baddest man on the planet. And then on the other hand, we want him to act like refined british royalty. What else would you expect to come from the mouth of one of the baddest dudes to walk the earth?


Actually, his words convey a bit of a childlike innocence. Get over the F#ck, F@g, etc. curses. Those are no big deal, just the way some people talk. But when you get past that, you realize, there's no BS in James' speech. He's raw. And that's something we could all learn from. 99% of what people say is BS to cover up their own insecurities.


And I'm sure there's some folks brave enough to speak their mind without fear. But most likely it's because of their innocence and that they probably don't know to put up a wall or a filter.


And one other side comment, if you look through the volunteer photos on Steelers.com, there's 2 guys in most of the photos. CBatch and James Harrison. And the latter is the one that's always with the kids with the biggest smile on his face.


All these commenters on James missed the real story. It's a shame. This guy's a one of a kind.

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So JH is brave for being a xxxxing moron?


You have your heroes I'll have mine.




Not my words above but I don't think he's a moron. He's also not one of my heroes but he is a beast, that much is undeniable. Dick Lebeau seems to like him too.

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No one's once denied he's a beast.


A roided out, neanderthal. Beast is a very accurate description.


He's not on roids either. You can read the interviews. One is referenced above. He works harder than anyone on the team and for good reason considering the amount of times he's been cut. He has a chip on his shoulder and he plays with passion and aggression. If you don't like it tough sh.it but I'd bet my house that if you drug tested the guy tomorrow he'd come up negative. It's just a pathetic ruse used by you and your brethren to justify getting your ass handed to you. If you're a tank you must be on roids. Should I compile a list of players in the NFL that "HAVE TO BE ON ROIDS" ?



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LOL okay, the guy goes from being cut from multiple NFL teams through his twenties then just suddenly beast modes when he is 29?


Around that same time he got a charge for assault on his girlfriend.


Then this in the super bowl:




He was cut because early on he was regarded as "uncoachable" or so I've read. He stuck on special teams for us because he was a work horse and eventually he was given a shot when Joey Porter got hurt. He's always been a monster and if you weren't being a closed minded hater you'd acknowledge that fact. Look at pictures when he first came in to the league and pictures now. He looks exactly the same and the guy getting blasted went straight at his knees the play before in a attempt to take him out of the game. Cute how easily things are taken out of context. I haven't checked your articles but it was a doctor that had plenty of other patients outside the Steelers that was labeled for HGH, that doesn't mean it was being used in the Pittsburgh locker room. I guess if I have a friend and he goes out and kills a family member, I must be in on it because we know one another lol.

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Birdbrains of a squeeler feather farg together. Everybody but squeeler fans know that. The squeeler fans are too busy being whining, intrusive, egg-sucking weasels.

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Birdbrains of a squeeler feather farg together. Everybody but squeeler fans know that. The squeeler fans are too busy being whining, intrusive, egg-sucking weasels.



You can disagree but you don't have to come across as a complete dip sh.it. The above barely makes sense and you're so busy trying to use cute nicknames you stumbled all over your own poorly pieced together statement.


Here's a interview excerpt from James Farrior


"I talked to (Steelers linebacker James) Farrior and (he) said, 'Listen, we thought the dude was straight crazy. We thought the guy had severe emotional problems,' " Solotaroff said on "The Dan Patrick Show" on Thursday. "And I'm not sure James has amended his opinion of Mr. Harrison, but he loves him, and so does everybody on that defense. They love this guy to pieces."

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You can disagree but you don't have to come across as a complete dip sh.it. The above barely makes sense and you're so busy trying to use cute nicknames you stumbled all over your own poorly pieced together statement.


Here's a interview excerpt from James Farrior


"I talked to (Steelers linebacker James) Farrior and (he) said, 'Listen, we thought the dude was straight crazy. We thought the guy had severe emotional problems,' " Solotaroff said on "The Dan Patrick Show" on Thursday. "And I'm not sure James has amended his opinion of Mr. Harrison, but he loves him, and so does everybody on that defense. They love this guy to pieces."




More Stooler rhetoric and bullshit...of course they'll stick up for the bastard, untill things get so bad to the point he throws everyone under the bus. He's already thrown gay ben and fumblinball under..hell why stop there?...And again Homotard, your reading skills suck if you cant understand what Cal was saying, or more like your just being an asshole to him, just for the sake of doing so. Wich is why vermin like you dont belong here. Your bullshit is beyond hilarious. Your immaturity never ceases to amaze Me. If you want AFCN news. Do what smart people do. Type into Google "AFCN news". Im sure a wealth of articles and links will come up. you dont need to come here, just like I dont need a stooler fan board for info. Now go run along play with your little tabs.

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To discredit the many accusations of the Steeler organization and the league as a whole as being involved with HGH and steroids you are clearly the naive one. If someone popped for roids or HGH on the Browns I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. The fact that your team doctor had has hands in that stuff is a red flag. A big ole Soviet sized Red Flag over the Kremlin so everyone can see.


Denying that as absurd is completely hilarious.


To discredit the increase in aggression on the field and seemingly instant improvement in James Harrison's ability is also naive. The guy is a mental midget, or "uncoachable" as you put it. How else do people like that get ahead in life? They cheat.


He continually proves how dumb he is everytime he opens his mouth. He's a thug and a neanderthal. Whether or not he's on roids, which he probably is, he's still a xxxxing idiot.


I cannot honestly believe you can sit there and defend this guy... For someone who claims we have Brown and Orange goggles on, you need to take a step back and take off the Piss and Black blinders.



Mikey...He's a blind tool who completly exposes himself as a fraud repeatedly. He's the typical delusional circle jerk you run into in life. I Liken it to a Skagg Mower that you start up and let it keep hitting a brick wall...It never stops bouncing/hitting off the wall because it doesnt know any better. It's just how some kids are. He will hopefully find out the hard way,If he's lucky enough to let his mind step up to next level of consciousness, wich I have high doubts about because he's so stuck on his own conceited view of himself. I dont know how old you are,But Im sure you understand alot kids at 28 years old dont have their act together yet. I know Myself I never acted like a self pontificating tool toward others at that age or younger. I was lucky enough to have awesome parents that instilled to Me, honesty and respect toward others at a very young age. Im not gonna get into semantics, But I had alot more to deal with than most kids But, I never sat back and made excuses or cried for why things were. You never focus on your weaknesses. You only focus on your strengths and try your level best to to improve on them. The point being ,anything he says to Me doesnt bother Me because Ive fried much bigger fish in life. Let him be a pompous ass if he likes...In the end it doesnt change how we live life,pay our bills or love our families and friends.

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Mikey...He's a blind tool who completly exposes himself as a fraud repeatedly. He's the typical delusional circle jerk you run into in life. I Liken it to a Skagg Mower that you start up and let it keep hitting a brick wall...It never stops bouncing/hitting off the wall because it doesnt know any better. It's just how some kids are. He will hopefully find out the hard way,If he's lucky enough to let his mind step up to next level of consciousness, wich I have high doubts about because he's so stuck on his own conceited view of himself. I dont know how old you are,But Im sure you understand alot kids at 28 years old dont have their act together yet. I know Myself I never acted like a self pontificating tool toward others at that age or younger. I was lucky enough to have awesome parents that instilled to Me, honesty and respect toward others at a very young age. Im not gonna get into semantics, But I had alot more to deal with than most kids But, I never sat back and made excuses or cried for why things were. You never focus on your weaknesses. You only focus on your strengths and try your level best to to improve on them. The point being ,anything he says to Me doesnt bother Me because Ive fried much bigger fish in life. Let him be a pompous ass if he likes...In the end it doesnt change how we live life,pay our bills or love our families and friends.


Are you kidding? I'm supposed to be civil and respectful when all anyone ever does is attempt to sh.it on me in pathetic fashion? I don't know what planet you live on but if someone climbs in my face with a bunch of name calling and ridiculous BS I'm not going to say, "Thank you sir, may I have some more". I was raised to treat everyone as I myself would like to be treated. The approach I take here is not one I'd ever take with someone I just met in real life. Your self-aggrandizing is nauseating. As far as the Steelers are concerned the minute our old team doctor was linked to HGH he was respectfully removed from the organization. He's still a proponent of HGH but his use of HGH doesn't necessarily mean it's the only way he chose to treat his professional athlete clients. After all putting a team out of business would only be detrimental to his own bottom line. When it all boils down the "steroid claims" are all a excuse for your teams mediocrity. It's always been the case. "They're better than us, they must being cheating" lol

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Good reads on Stiller HGH/Roid use as well as their team doctor involvement as late as 2007:







I never actually knew about any of this story. To me, it brings into question the entire legitimacy of recent Steelers accomplishments, including their titles.

If Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens etc. etc. are to be placed in question about the legitimacy of their accomplishments, why would this not place into question the Steeler's legitimacy.

I think it does.

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I never actually knew about any of this story. To me, it brings into question the entire legitimacy of recent Steelers accomplishments, including their titles.

If Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens etc. etc. are to be placed in question about the legitimacy of their accomplishments, why would this not place into question the Steeler's legitimacy.

I think it does.


Because it was all shot down, investigated and determined to be unfounded. Just because a doctor believes in the use of HGH for treatment of certain patients doesn't mean he's condoning it as a performance enhancer for professional athletes. If it was a major issue don't you think the league would have made a huge deal about it. The Patriots were caught cheating and were fined substantially. If any of the above articles held any significant water don't you think league officials would have done something about it?

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You can disagree but you don't have to come across as a complete dip sh.it. The above barely makes sense and you're so busy trying to use cute nicknames you stumbled all over your own poorly pieced together statement.


Here's a interview excerpt from James Farrior


"I talked to (Steelers linebacker James) Farrior and (he) said, 'Listen, we thought the dude was straight crazy. We thought the guy had severe emotional problems,' " Solotaroff said on "The Dan Patrick Show" on Thursday. "And I'm not sure James has amended his opinion of Mr. Harrison, but he loves him, and so does everybody on that defense. They love this guy to pieces."


I don't know for sure if JH was on HGH, but I agree that the dude does have emotional issues. That is pretty clear. He clearly has issues with authority. He clearly has an inability to filter himself.

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I don't know for sure if JH was on HGH, but I agree that the dude does have emotional issues. That is pretty clear. He clearly has issues with authority. He clearly has an inability to filter himself.


He doesn't have an issue with authority because he loves the Rooney's. He does have a issue with the Commish and so do hundreds of other players.

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As far as the Steelers are concerned the minute our old team doctor was linked to HGH he was respectfully removed from the organization. He's still a proponent of HGH but his use of HGH doesn't necessarily mean it's the only way he chose to treat his professional athlete clients. After all putting a team out of business would only be detrimental to his own bottom line. When it all boils down the "steroid claims" are all a excuse for your teams mediocrity. It's always been the case. "They're better than us, they must being cheating" lol



As Theodore Roosevelt said: "If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, I think its a duck".

This Steeler doctor was a proponent of HGH, he bought hundreds of thousands of dollars of HGH, his primary patients were Steeler players. I would say: its a duck.

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Because it was all shot down, investigated and determined to be unfounded. Just because a doctor believes in the use of HGH for treatment of certain patients doesn't mean he's condoning it as a performance enhancer for professional athletes. If it was a major issue don't you think the league would have made a huge deal about it. The Patriots were caught cheating and were fined substantially. If any of the above articles held any significant water don't you think league officials would have done something about it?



Things of that nature require proof. If you can't prove it, you can't do anything about it. There is no test for HGH, thus there is no proof.

Based on your position I suspect your position is that neither OJ nor this Casey Anthony killed their family members right?



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He doesn't have an issue with authority because he loves the Rooney's. He does have a issue with the Commish and so do hundreds of other players.



What a mule you are. Of course he has issues with authority figures. One's that exercise true authority that is, not enablers, like the Rooneys.

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What a mule you are. Of course he has issues with authority figures. One's that exercise true authority that is, not enablers, like the Rooneys.


lol. Enablers. You mean the ones that worked with Goodell on the Ben suspension. The owners that "gave away" Santonio Holmes? The most respected ownership group in the NFL and one of the most respected in all of professional sports? Those enablers? lmao.

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lol. Enablers. You mean the ones that worked with Goodell on the Ben suspension. The owners that "gave away" Santonio Holmes? The most respected ownership group in the NFL and one of the most respected in all of professional sports? Those enablers? lmao.


Yep, Enablers. Don't feel bad, nearly every ownership is an enabler of its players in some way or other.

Riddle me this: BR's potential legal troubles were far more significant that Santonio Holmes.

Holmes had pretty much run of the mill stuff: a disorderly conduct that was dropped. A domestic violence that was dropped, a marijuana possession charge, and he had an argument with a flight attendant over the use of an ipod.

The ONLY actual charge he was sentenced on was the marijuana possession.

Compare that to potential serial rape charges. Yes, both dismissed or not charge.


The fact is, Holmes got dumped for a weed charge. Really, more like it, Holmes may not have gotten along with somebody where BR got along....or maybe James Harrison is right....the league, and in this case specifically, the Steeler organization....favors it white quarterbacks. Ya think?

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Are you kidding? I'm supposed to be civil and respectful when all anyone ever does is attempt to sh.it on me in pathetic fashion? I don't know what planet you live on but if someone climbs in my face with a bunch of name calling and ridiculous BS I'm not going to say, "Thank you sir, may I have some more". I was raised to treat everyone as I myself would like to be treated. The approach I take here is not one I'd ever take with someone I just met in real life. Your self-aggrandizing is nauseating. As far as the Steelers are concerned the minute our old team doctor was linked to HGH he was respectfully removed from the organization. He's still a proponent of HGH but his use of HGH doesn't necessarily mean it's the only way he chose to treat his professional athlete clients. After all putting a team out of business would only be detrimental to his own bottom line. When it all boils down the "steroid claims" are all a excuse for your teams mediocrity. It's always been the case. "They're better than us, they must being cheating" lol



"WHAAAAAA" "WHAAAAA" AWWW MOMMY THEY'RE PICKING ON ME AGAIN!!!!!!......Im buying your line of crap. Never did,Never will!.

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"WHAAAAAA" "WHAAAAA" AWWW MOMMY THEY'RE PICKING ON ME AGAIN!!!!!!......Im buying your line of crap. Never did,Never will!.


You ignorant xxxx. It has nothing to do with people picking on me and everything to do with me defending myself and taking necessary action. People are crying about what I have to say and I'm explaining why it's being said. I don't give a sh.it what you or any of the other mongoloids have to say about me. It's often in one ear and out the other seeing as most of what is posted isn't worth remembering anyway. Follow along Nickers. I know it's hard.

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You ignorant xxxx. It has nothing to do with people picking on me and everything to do with me defending myself and taking necessary action. People are crying about what I have to say and I'm explaining why it's being said. I don't give a sh.it what you or any of the other mongoloids have to say about me. It's often in one ear and out the other seeing as most of what is posted isn't worth remembering anyway. Follow along Nickers. I know it's hard.




If you really didnt give a shit then you wouldnt return a post. Again...you proved yourself to be a stinkin fraud, just like you always do...I dont need to follow along. I've paid My dues in life....Loook in the mirror first before calling others ignorant you Dip$hit!...Its a shame you dont have better material than that because, you are a total laughable douche nozzle. And the sad truth is everyone knows it but you...Keep trying ding dong!

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nobodies crying about what you have to say homo....


we're actually laughing at how much of a stooler shill you are, an inherent inability to see that anything that they do could be wrong. you just come here, make excuses and generally kiss the ass of the rooney's and the stools. there's loyalty, but youre an apologist. it takes some impressive mental gymnastics to rationalize some of the BS excuses and explanations you come up with.


even the guys on the fan rip the sports teams from time to time.....yet you dont possess the ability to see thru those black and piss colored glasses to even hint at some type of misconduct.


harrison is a xxxxing douchebag, his mother is a xxxx with the same anger issues and intellectual problems. yet we have to argue with your dumb ass when you come in here to make excuses for barbaric behavior, then try to pass the blame puck onto everyone else like james is a victim.



youre a seriously pathetic little man homo.....man up sometime and grow a set.

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homo is just here to start trouble, and argue stupidly.


he's ? a worthless bigmouth visitor to the board.


Already tired of getting ripped apart on the Political board? There are 5 or 6 guys on this message board that fail on all facets of intelligent argument. You're the ring leader.

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There's no ripping. That's just you thinking you're as mean as James Harrison, the street punk


who can only be a player when he cheapshots.


You're boring, and take a poll - not many of us are impressed with one word you've ever posted.


Didn't you have to go to summer school, before you could advance this fall to the 4th grade?

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There's no ripping. That's just you thinking you're as mean as James Harrison, the street punk


who can only be a player when he cheapshots.


You're boring, and take a poll - not many of us are impressed with one word you've ever posted.


Didn't you have to go to summer school, before you could advance this fall to the 4th grade?


Oooooooooooooooooooooo it burns, it burns.

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