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Vapor Trails Big Gay Ny Wedding, Legalized In Ny


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My college professors don't talk about this shit because they're too busy teaching me SCIENCE. I choose my stances based on my experiences, such as watching my friend of 15 years come out of the closet when assholes like you make him feel like what he's doing is wrong, immoral or perverse. So xxxx you, and another thing, age doesn't necessarily correlate to intelligence as is clearly the case in this thread. You come off as really ignorant when you make the "You're just young and naive" argument. It's akin to closing your ears and eyes when I tell you something you don't want to hear.


Yeah, the divorce rate of MEN and WOMEN who are REALLY married... means you can marry yourself or a rock...


or a tree.


got it.


I have no idea what point you're trying to make, here. I guess I'm just not on your level. Can anyone else translate this for me?


And seriously? Homosexuality is a "perversion?" xxxx off. When's the last time you masturbated? Is that a perversion too? How about getting your dick sucked? Having sex for pleasure is okay (only if you're married), but having anal sex for pleasure isn't? Take your prejudice and shove it up your ass.

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Vapor -


So, if your friend wanted to marry a sheep, or was a serial killer, you'd be defending him with your ignorant blind emotionalism?


Your "science" is bogus, as usual, for most all libs do the same thing - get emotionally "violent" when


someone refuses over time to agree with you on your warped sense of reality.


Young as you are, you don't seem to know enough about life to be in medicine, or to have strongly held


anti-social, anti-reality "opinions"...


Like most all of your nonsense, it isn't logical, and not even slightly thought out opinion -


it's strictly emotion.


I insist on having my own opinions, and I will not, nor will most of us, be intimidated by your extremely hateful language.


I didn't bring the stupid subject up, beetlejuice possessed by the borg - you can't defend OBamao, so you have to


change the subject. All you maladusted spoiled child lefties always resort to hatefulness.


It's quite little of you to resort to gutter hate language .


Nobody ever said anything about your "friend", beanbrain. That proves no point of yours, ... it proves one of ours -


which is, that you lefties have no case, and when your emoting fails you, you resort to the most destructive emotion of all -




Just for your info - it's a POLITICAL FORUM, not a freakin perversion telethon.


Have a nice day, and if/when you don't make it in medicine - you can always work for some warped Obamao sponsored


hate group.

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As a side note, here's what your good book thinks of sex and marriage.





Just because something is in the bible once does not mean it applies today. The bible is a story and often applies to problems that people faced in ancient times and how they solved them. Just as the constitution of the US is dynamic and not static.


In fact, many scientific laws which were once thought to be concrete have been proven wrong with time and advancements in technology. I could make some poster featuring the ideas of spontaneous generation and make science look foolish as well.

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Very excellent reply, PE.


"Just because something is in the bible once does not mean it applies today. The bible is a story and often applies to problems that people faced in ancient times and how they solved them. Just as the constitution of the US is dynamic and not static.


In fact, many scientific laws which were once thought to be concrete have been proven wrong with time and advancements in technology. I could make some poster featuring the ideas of spontaneous generation and make science look foolish as well."

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Most people do not give a flying fu c k about the faggot lifestyle. Sorry.



Some people think it is okay to act like a pack of monkeys running around humping everything in sight.


Whats next?




Conservatives can say I told you so as Kody Brown of the TLC show "Sister Wives" plans to file a lawsuit Wednesday against Utah's ban on polygamy. Conservatives have been warning lawmakers that amending laws governing moral sexual behavior would open the floodgates for all kinds of consensual sexual relationships including polygamy. Now one Christian leader warns that America is falling into a downward spiral of sin.


Brown's attorney, Jonathan Turley, says he will argue that the arrangement between Brown and his four wives, Robyn, Christine, Meri and Janelle, is consensual and one made in the privacy of their own household and should therefore be legal. He is basing his assertion on a 2003 U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning sodomy laws for the benefit of gay couples.


In the case of Lawrence v. Texas, the majority ruled that the state could not prosecute people for engaging in private, consensual sexual behavior.


Justice Antonin Scalia, known to be a conservative, dissented, warning in his written opinion that the ruling could question other laws trying to rein in immoral and unacceptable sexual behaviors such as "fornication, bigamy, adultery, adult incest, bestiality and obscenity."


Richard Land, president of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, also warned that medding with laws such as the Defense of Marriage Act – which defines marriage as between a man and a woman – encourages others to challenge the definition of marriage.


In a March interview with The Christian Post, Land questioned, "Where do you stop? I ask same-sex proponents this all the time and they end up sputtering. What about polygamy? 'Well that's wrong.' According to you. Who are you to impose your morality on someone else?”


He continued, "What about adult siblings? With all of the dangers imposed by incest. 'Well, that's wrong.' According to you. Who are you to impose your morality on someone else?"


Land concluded his argument stating, "When you expand the definition of marriage to include same-sex relationship, you don't expand it but shatter it."


When contacted Tuesday, Land said he is not surprised by Brown's attempts to redefine marriage. He says those who ask the question "Who are you to impose your morality on someone else?" are asserting that "the ultimate value is self-fulfillment."


"If the ultimate value is a person's self-fulfillment ... well [then] they can say: 'I find myself fulfilled in having consensual sex with my adult sister,'" Land pointed out.


The Southern Baptist believes the societal emphasis on personal fulfillment above all else is propelling America on a downward spiral of sin similar to the one mentioned in the Bible, specifically Romans chapter one.


"If you read … Romans one they begin to worship themselves, then they begin to have unnatural sex with people of the same sex ... and then it goes on to describe people who love violence, people without natural affection," he summarized.


Marci Hamilton, professor at Cardozo School of Law, countered concerns about a long-lasting effect of the 2003 ruling, arguing that the Supreme Court did not give an open pass to all sexual acts.


"The court does not say that every activity involving sex is now immune from regulation," she told National Public Radio.


Hamilton agreed polygamy is a harmful institution.


"This is a culture in which men must rule and women are not equal. Three women are equal to one man, nine women are equal to one man – and the children are second-class citizens," she said.


Turley, Brown's attorney, plans to hold a press conference Wednesday about the legal challenge they’re bringing against Utah’s laws. He clarified that they will not be demanding recognition of polygamous marriage in the state. Rather, they are challenging “the right of the state to prosecute people for their private relations and demanding equal treatment with other citizens in living their lives according to their own beliefs.”


“Sister Wives” is a reality show that centers on a fundamentalist Mormon family that includes 16 children. Brown has maintained that he is not breaking any laws with his polygamous relationship because as reported by Radaronline.com, “It’s one legal marriage and the rest are commitment marriages.”


“There are tens of thousands of plural families in Utah and other states. We are one of those families,” Brown said in a statement released Tuesday. “We only wish to live our private lives according to our beliefs. While we understand that this may be a long struggle in court, it has already been a long struggle for my family and other plural families to end the stereotypes and unfair treatment given consensual polygamy.”


Hamilton, an expert on polygamy law, does not expect Brown to be successful. She noted that there have been over 100 challenges to polygamy laws – including in Utah – and all of them have failed.





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So, if your friend wanted to marry a sheep, or was a serial killer, you'd be defending him with your ignorant blind emotionalism?


Why the f are you going on about sheepsex or murder. My friend is none of the above, and neither of those has anything to do with being gay, you nitwit.


Your "science" is bogus, as usual, for most all libs do the same thing - get emotionally "violent" when someone refuses over time to agree with you on your warped sense of reality.


What "science" are you talking about? I only posted a video of natural monkeys in nature doing natural things (sodomy, buttsex, orgies, etc). Your reality is the one that's been warped by your stone age book. There is nothing else backing your opinion other than the bullshit that you pick and choose in that book.


Young as you are, you don't seem to know enough about life to be in medicine, or to have strongly held anti-social, anti-reality "opinions"...


Don't know about life to be in medicine? Well, I know more about it than 92% of aspiring doctors. Hrm. And you always seem to have to go back to this point of my age, when it's irrelevant. I'm not magically going to turn 35 and become a moron like you. That isn't how life works. You close your ears and eyes every time I bring up a legit point with evidence and instead turn to your straw man tactics.


Like most all of your nonsense, it isn't logical, and not even slightly thought out opinion - it's strictly emotion.


Not even slightly thought out? So my argument built around evidence isn't thought out? Again, straw man.


I insist on having my own opinions, and I will not, nor will most of us, be intimidated by your extremely hateful language.


Those opinions aren't yours, they're the opinions of some guys who were high on opiates in the stone age. I love how you call me hateful when it's clear you hate what's different. You hate the idea of gay couples having equal rights as straight couples.


I didn't bring the stupid subject up, beetlejuice possessed by the borg - you can't defend OBamao, so you have to change the subject. All you maladusted spoiled child lefties always resort to hatefulness.


Cal, you are a shithead. I don't respond to your threads because they all are in the vein of "OH NO, OBAMAO IS A SECRET MUSLIM,FASCIST,COMMUNIST!" Take off your tin foil hat and join the real world, you ignoramus. You're a despicable person that's been blessed with a brain yet you choose not to use it.


It's quite little of you to resort to gutter hate language.


Yeah, well, what can I say? I hate hateful people. They're usually uncultured and ignorant, such as yourself.


Nobody ever said anything about your "friend", beanbrain. That proves no point of yours, ... it proves one of ours - which is, that you lefties have no case, and when your emoting fails you, you resort to the most destructive emotion of all - HATE.


Don't lecture me on hate. You are a bigot because you do not want gays to have the same rights as straights.


Just for your info - it's a POLITICAL FORUM, not a freakin perversion telethon.


And last time I checked, the legalization of gay marriage was a political decision.


Have a nice day, and if/when you don't make it in medicine - you can always work for some warped Obamao sponsored hate group.


And you can always work for the ***.



Proverbs 1

Wisdom’s Rebuke


20 Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,

she raises her voice in the public square;

21 on top of the wall[d] she cries out,

at the city gate she makes her speech:

22 “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?

How long will mockers delight in mockery

and fools hate knowledge?

23 Repent at my rebuke!

Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,

I will make known to you my teachings.

24 But since you refuse to listen when I call

and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand,

25 since you disregard all my advice

and do not accept my rebuke,

26 I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you;

I will mock when calamity overtakes you—

27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,

when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,

when distress and trouble overwhelm you.


28 “Then they will call to me but I will not answer;

they will look for me but will not find me,

29 since they hated knowledge

and did not choose to fear the LORD.

30 Since they would not accept my advice

and spurned my rebuke,

31 they will eat the fruit of their ways

and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.

32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,

and the complacency of fools will destroy them;

33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety

and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

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I have an issue with people claiming that gays do not have the same rights as straight people when it comes to marriage. The fact is they always have.


Marriage, in the eyes of government, is simply a union between a man and a woman. It has nothing to do with love, religion, or sexual orientation. There was absolutely no law that said a gay person could not get married to a willing person of the opposite sex, just like any straight person could.


Gay people want special rights that change the definition of marriage. I'm not saying I'm for or against it, but it is not an equal rights issue at all.

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EVEN CALIFORNIA voted down your chosen perverted subject, Vapor. As always - it isn't just us several on this board.


It's roughly more than half, or maybe more than 2/3rd's or 3/4s or 15/16ths of our American society.


All you college pansies want to do, is to try to intimidate others who don't believe as you do.


But when a school bus of children... is taken to the wedding of their gay teacher?


That is the problem. It isn't really about "rights"... it's about turning our country upside down and inside out on every possible front,


and do just like the nazis did - they went to indoctrinate the children in the "new culture".....


But go ahead and bring out lies about statistics just like your fave ObaMao does.


Your "scientific poll" I take it? That you "know more than 92% of aspiring doctors?" ROF,L !!!!!!!!!!


Oh, cowardly lyin - DO tell us how your "scientficially" arrived at that number... ROF,L !


That makes you just another extremely arrogant America hater.


You brought the perverted subject up, and you aren't smart enough to know that several of us would have


a dim view of the subject? Sorry, that doesn't bode well for your success in medical science, I think.


What next? Demand Sharia law be implented by the mods? ROF,L !


Or, maybe, mr. pansie flower, you could just go get a lawyer and sue any professor who gives you


a really bad grade, for discrimination against your exaulted highness.


Golly - maybe you should tuck your pouty lower lip back into your face, pouty little "medicine man", before


you cause global warming or somethin.....


IF/when that medicine thing doesn't work out for ya? Don't bleme that 8 percent of all aspiring doctors for making


you screw up, okay? And please don't blame the Tea Party or the next Republican president - (2012, you know)


Just realize that it was all on you, and that you boogered yourself up. Nobody else made you booger it up -


just be the first liberal beanbrain to take personal responsibility for your failures. Okie-dokie, mr. hokey ?

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I have an issue with people claiming that gays do not have the same rights as straight people when it comes to marriage. The fact is they always have.


Marriage, in the eyes of government, is simply a union between a man and a woman. It has nothing to do with love, religion, or sexual orientation. There was absolutely no law that said a gay person could not get married to a willing person of the opposite sex, just like any straight person could.


Gay people want special rights that change the definition of marriage. I'm not saying I'm for or against it, but it is not an equal rights issue at all.


PE, you bring up a good point. But marriage isn't simply the union, it's all the benefits and perks that come along with it, as well. In this way, my argument is flawed, but this argument arises as a response to people like Cal arguing about what's natural, pure, etc. when, as you point out, lots of straight people abuse the system. The system is flawed because it's open to that abuse, but if two straight people are allowed to abuse the system, so too should gays.

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It took you that long to come up with your childish "nyah nyah nyah" boring replies?


No, getting a 34 on your test doesn't mean squat about what you know about life.


Here is what I said: "Young as you are, you don't seem to know enough about life to be in medicine, or to have strongly held anti-social, anti-reality "opinions"...


The apparent fact that you think your 34 score means you know about life, is strange, kinda of wierd, ignorant, sad and very funny all at the same time.


Deal with it - you haven't a clue what knowing what life is about - and until you do - you will be in a poor position to heal it, enrich it, or live it.


You're just a pouty little college kid who probably will have serious problems being out in the real world.


I simply, btw, compared the Nazi's child propaganda with the extreme perverted left's child propaganda. That went right over your head, like


life is probably going past it. I'll put it a different way - when dangerous and destructive idealogues want to recreate society -


they always go after the upbringing of children/distancing the teaching and influence of parents/getting into children's minds via schools.


But all said and done - you are just too young to know about life.


And this board is still not a perversion telethon. And your arguments have no logical merit whatsoever. What that means, is that they are nonsense.

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You think I don't know enough about life to be in medicine, which is incorrect.


If you think I don't know enough about life to make statements about the topic of gay marriage, that's a different conversation, but you're clearly clueless if you think you know what is required to be a good physician.


Deal with it - you haven't a clue what knowing what life is about - and until you do - you will be in a poor position to heal it, enrich it, or live it.


And you need to deal with the fact that just because you're 35 it does not make you a sage in ANY sense. If I turn out to be 35 and end up an uneducated, ignorant idiot like you, then I'll do the world a favor and off myself. My lack of years on you is your only (poor) argument against me. Things don't make sense to you because you choose to listen to bullshit in the bible instead of evidence that's before your eyes. Keep closing your ears and eyes, maybe eventually you'll trick yourself into believing people like me don't exist.


So this begs the question. In your eyes, what will need to happen to me for me to "understand life?"


You appear to have a narcissistic personality disorder.


Maybe you should listen to those who are much wiser than you.

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PE, you bring up a good point. But marriage isn't simply the union, it's all the benefits and perks that come along with it, as well. In this way, my argument is flawed, but this argument arises as a response to people like Cal arguing about what's natural, pure, etc. when, as you point out, lots of straight people abuse the system. The system is flawed because it's open to that abuse, but if two straight people are allowed to abuse the system, so too should gays.


As of right now I'm not sure how I feel about it. I am somewhat religious, but as I said, the government version of marriage has nothing to do with the religious aspects of marriage; so I really can't use religion as a basis for my opinion. Right now, I feel that it really doesn't bother me if gay people are married to each other or not, that's their business. I know that it's not a choice someone makes, that's just the way they are. There's no reason they should not be allowed to pursue happiness.


The gay community probably finds civil unions insulting, but perhaps it's a good compromise. Their version of love and marriage is different than a traditional version no matter how you look at it. I don't see why a "civil union" is unacceptable, but then I'm not in that situation.

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all i know is that there are too many people stuck in their ways. hey we landed on the moon. black people have equal rights (although some may argue that). the japanese and the europeans make better cars than we do. things change. i don't like the pussification of america anymore than you conservatives. i don't like the fact that 1/2 the people on tv are fags but i think everyone should have the same rights in this country across the board. let them get married. maybe they'll shut up then. i know they'll all have to pay the same taxes as everyone else which is fine with me. imagine being a divorce lawyer. more work for them.

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I have no prloblem with "civil unions", whatever.


I can imagine two lonely people of the same sex could live together for years, and want to


have the other to have inheritance rights, life insurance beneficiaries to work as in a marriage.


It's the slap in the face determination to remake the defination of marriage and warp our society,


including teaching kids that pervertion is normal....


which is what I object to - the undermining of our institutions.


Like, attacking Christians and the Bible. Prayer, voluntary prayer, by an individual student.


The ulterior motive, outside of the obsure to me... civil unions, which I can see a bit that society could validate that


without destroying the institution of legit marriage, is that those who fight the marriage battle also fight against Christian beliefs and the Bible...


they fight against parental teachings about life, etc... and attempt to put more and more power to RAISE children - into the liberal schools -


and the gov.

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As of right now I'm not sure how I feel about it. I am somewhat religious, but as I said, the government version of marriage has nothing to do with the religious aspects of marriage; so I really can't use religion as a basis for my opinion. Right now, I feel that it really doesn't bother me if gay people are married to each other or not, that's their business. I know that it's not a choice someone makes, that's just the way they are. There's no reason they should not be allowed to pursue happiness.


The gay community probably finds civil unions insulting, but perhaps it's a good compromise. Their version of love and marriage is different than a traditional version no matter how you look at it. I don't see why a "civil union" is unacceptable, but then I'm not in that situation.


Hrm. That's a good question....


According to http://www.factcheck.org/what_is_a_civil_union.html


When politicians say they support civil unions but not marriage for people of the same sex, what do they mean? We find three main differences between civil unions and marriage as it's traditionally viewed:


  • The right to federal benefits. States that allow some type of same-sex union are able to grant only state rights. The Defense of Marriage Act passed in 1996 prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal marriage rights and benefits.
  • Portability. Because civil unions are not recognized by all states, such agreements are not always valid when couples cross state lines.
  • Terminology. "Marriage" is a term that conveys societal and cultural meaning, important to both gay rights activists and those who don't believe gays should marry.

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I have no prloblem with "civil unions", whatever.


I can imagine two lonely people of the same sex could live together for years, and want to


have the other to have inheritance rights, life insurance beneficiaries to work as in a marriage.


It's the slap in the face determination to remake the defination of marriage and warp our society,


including teaching kids that pervertion is normal....


which is what I object to - the undermining of our institutions.


Like, attacking Christians and the Bible. Prayer, voluntary prayer, by an individual student.


The ulterior motive, outside of the obsure to me... civil unions, which I can see a bit that society could validate that


without destroying the institution of legit marriage, is that those who fight the marriage battle also fight against Christian beliefs and the Bible...


they fight against parental teachings about life, etc... and attempt to put more and more power to RAISE children - into the liberal schools -


and the gov.


Hey Cal, get over it. Gay people have sex and are people too.

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Maybe you should listen to those who are much wiser than you.


Oh, but I do that already. You have to prove that you've got wisdom before I go listening to you.



Like I asked earlier, do you have a problem?


NPD should not go untreated.


And I am not telling you to listen to me, I am speaking of....


Proverbs 1

Wisdom’s Rebuke


20 Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,

she raises her voice in the public square;

21 on top of the wall[d] she cries out,

at the city gate she makes her speech:

22 “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?

How long will mockers delight in mockery

and fools hate knowledge?

23 Repent at my rebuke!

Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,

I will make known to you my teachings.

24 But since you refuse to listen when I call

and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand,

25 since you disregard all my advice

and do not accept my rebuke,

26 I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you;

I will mock when calamity overtakes you—

27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,

when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,

when distress and trouble overwhelm you.


28 “Then they will call to me but I will not answer;

they will look for me but will not find me,

29 since they hated knowledge

and did not choose to fear the LORD.

30 Since they would not accept my advice

and spurned my rebuke,

31 they will eat the fruit of their ways

and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.

32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,

and the complacency of fools will destroy them;

33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety

and be at ease, without fear of harm.”



Even the little God of your own creation, I am speaking of you VT would recognize words of wisdom.

Unless you are to narcissistic to open your eyes and listen with your ears while closing your mouth.

Then you may be able to learn something about living.

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And if you'd rather me show you a quote from your "mighty" god...


King James Version, Second Kings 2:23-24


23: And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up that way, there came forth little children of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; Go up, thou bald head.


24: And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood and tare forty and two children of them.


Yep, that's exactly the type of deity that deserves my respect. :rolleyes:


Also, here's what Jesus probably looked like.




Atheism =/= Narcissism But good try! I applaud you for being brave enough to use such a big word!



Ohhhh, one more thing, if I may quote your proverb...


How long will mockers delight in mockery

and fools hate knowledge


This is being said by the same god that punished people for eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge? Hah. Your own book works against you.

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If you think I don't know enough about life to make statements about the topic of gay marriage, that's a different conversation, but you're clearly clueless if you think you know what is required to be a good physician.


I'd say having one of the very best physicians for many, many decades helps me know that, and having friends who are in the doctor biz.

You use your one "friend" who is gay to decide your entire hatefulness about opposition to pervertion... you seem to have no people skills - just a

little wimpy scag who thinks he knows it all - since he was first taught to be a parrot in school...


And you need to deal with the fact that just because you're 35 it does not make you a sage in ANY sense. If I turn out to be 35 and end up an uneducated, ignorant idiot like you, then I'll do the world a favor and off myself. My lack of years on you is your only (poor) argument against me. Things don't make sense to you because you choose to listen to bullshit in the bible instead of evidence that's before your eyes. Keep closing your ears and eyes, maybe eventually you'll trick yourself into believing people like me don't exist.


I'm not 35, most everybody else on the board knows that. Not twice that, but when I was 35, I knew tons more about love, life, laughter, wisdom and God that you apparently ever will.


Even still - I'd guess that 95% of folks on this Brownsboard can be genuinely funny from time to time.

That puts you in the worst 5% of sludges. That puts your lack of wisdom about life, and humor, at a grade of ...eh... lower than the slime on the belly of a snail

on the floor of the deepest part of the ocean. You're boring, and ignorant. All your 34 grade means, is that you have the ability to learn all you have never learned

about life.

But were afraid to actually THINK critically, for the first time in your miserable existence.


Your 34 score doesn't seem to reflect any kind of smarts on your part, as far as reading comprehension. Too bad. I believe the entire board knows I'm far older

than 35....


But I'm sure you can find a gay, marxist profession to read your tests to you, slowly..... it isn't just your age - it's your entire inability to communicate what you emote,

and your inability to reason logically.


You feel issues, you don't THINK issues. Oh, I've met people like you. I've met gay people like you, at work. And the entire years of being a software designrer/project leader/meeting



the people I've met who were gay.... never, ever knew that I knew. They were people, too, and deserved to be treated as such. But destroying our social institutions at every turn?


Nope. There never will be any such thing as "gay marriage".... regardless of how many gay judges try to implement it.


So this begs the question. In your eyes, what will need to happen to me for me to "understand life?"


Wow. That's really a question that should only be comiing out of the mouth of a drugged out 14 year old hippie who lived in his room for 13 and 1/2 years, who makes a living

out of throwing himself into piles of horse poop for youtube videos....


It isn't all about you, you, you and what happens to you, 14 in your mind


It's about becoming cognizant of the world around you and what is happening in and to the world.


Sad for you - you seem to be hopelessly lost about life. I suppose you may want to switch your career choice to "tainted water tester" at sewage plants.


Because...................your attitude around here stinks.

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After your last post I will call you out; and rule that you are only here to push a liberal agenda that you haven't any any convictions on this topic that you present.


I suppose you watched all of that nonsense on CNN Sunday afternoon where they were spinning gay marriage so you jumped on here and started burning your bra while yelling and calling everyone a name who doesn't agree with your stance.


Well I dont agree with same sex marriages, for one I do believe in God and as it reads in the Bible this is not to be. So you can call me any name that you like while acting like an unruly little monkey running around sniffing your fingers after scratching your ass.

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I was fishing one time, at a pond - and there were these two frogs that were fighting.


well, it was summer, and during the middle of the week, I just went out to the base lake and


tried to catch a few trout for dinner -


These two frogs were really fighting for a good while, and then I realized that they were mating.


And the next week, right where they were mating, was a bunch of frog eggs !!!!!


THAT is perfectly normal, whereas "gay marriage" is perverse.


Facts are facts, and perverse liberal idealogy is stupid as it does stupid.

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I was fishing one time, at a pond - and there were these two frogs that were fighting.


well, it was summer, and during the middle of the week, I just went out to the base lake and


tried to catch a few trout for dinner -


These two frogs were really fighting for a good while, and then I realized that they were mating.


And the next week, right where they were mating, was a bunch of frog eggs !!!!!


THAT is perfectly normal, whereas "gay marriage" is perverse.


Facts are facts, and perverse liberal idealogy is stupid as it does stupid.


So what kind of fighting style were the monkeys in that video using?

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After your last post I will call you out; and rule that you are only here to push a liberal agenda that you haven't any any convictions on this topic that you present.


I suppose you watched all of that nonsense on CNN Sunday afternoon where they were spinning gay marriage so you jumped on here and started burning your bra while yelling and calling everyone a name who doesn't agree with your stance.


Well I dont agree with same sex marriages, for one I do believe in God and as it reads in the Bible this is not to be. So you can call me any name that you like while acting like an unruly little monkey running around sniffing your fingers after scratching your ass.


Where does the bible say that same-sex marriages shouldn't be legal?


I'd also like to point out that you two are the biggest ignoramuses I've ever had the misfortune of speaking to. You place no value on critical thought and are incapable of thinking for yourselves.

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Where does the bible say that same-sex marriages shouldn't be legal?


I'd also like to point out that you two are the biggest ignoramuses I've ever had the misfortune of speaking to. You place no value on critical thought and are incapable of thinking for yourselves.


1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV): "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."


Although the Bible doesn't detail each and every one of these sinful acts, it does clearly speak out about many of them. Any deviation from God's original plan for sex between a married man and woman is still a sin in God's eyes. The main reason we call these things perverted is because they are unnatural and scripture clearly tells us those who do such things are committing abominations. Leviticus 18:22 (KJV): "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind it is abomination."


Homosexuality is also referred to as the sin of sodomy. This reference comes from an account in the Bible of two exceedingly wicked cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, which the Lord destroyed. Sodom was known for its rampant homosexuality and unrestrained sexual lust, as well as other sins such as arrogance, haughtiness, and disregard for the poor. When the Lord sent angels to warn Lot who lived in the city that it was about to be destroyed, the men of the city actually wanted to rape the angels! Genesis 13:13: "But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly."




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