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Another Two Reasons Pittsburgh Is Gay


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Why would a guy named Homotron be defensive about the presence of gay neigborhoods in Pittsburgh? See this article:


List of Nation’s Top Emerging Gay Ghettos Announced


Whether or not you subscribe to Richard Florida’s “creative class” theory, where the gays go eventually so do higher property values, less crime, better schools, ethnic diversity and growth.


In that vane, GayGhettos.com in partnership with GayRealEstate.com, the leading resource for gay-friendly real estate transactions, announces its inaugural list of the nation’s top up-and-coming “gay ghettos.”


President Jeffery Hammerberg defines gay ghettos for their “richness of diversity—like a colorful tapestry—that makes these neighborhoods such a wonderful place.” Many gay ghettos are locations of revitalization and renaissance in the cities where they are located. They are likely more affordable than the present “gay-borhood” and ripe for investment and community building.

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basically, if you're not up on the times that means that your football team is the better part of a century from being competetive and it's no longer cool to gay bash.



as i've said before, it's WAY past the time for people to find the term "gay" a derogatory term.



welcome to the 21st century cleveland.



but who the hell cares? if you're not homophobic and covering up your own insecurities then who would care at all if their city is labled in the top ten "gayest" cities?



hmmmm what exactly would define a "gay" city?


-low crime?

-high median income?

-high property values?

-high intrest in the arts and theater?

-a fashion conscious population?

-more starbucks?



i'll take it! (except maybe the starbucks)

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Why would a guy named Homotron be defensive about the presence of gay neigborhoods in Pittsburgh? See this article:


List of Nation’s Top Emerging Gay Ghettos Announced


Whether or not you subscribe to Richard Florida’s “creative class” theory, where the gays go eventually so do higher property values, less crime, better schools, ethnic diversity and growth.


In that vane, GayGhettos.com in partnership with GayRealEstate.com, the leading resource for gay-friendly real estate transactions, announces its inaugural list of the nation’s top up-and-coming “gay ghettos.”


President Jeffery Hammerberg defines gay ghettos for their “richness of diversity—like a colorful tapestry—that makes these neighborhoods such a wonderful place.” Many gay ghettos are locations of revitalization and renaissance in the cities where they are located. They are likely more affordable than the present “gay-borhood” and ripe for investment and community building.



I haven't read any of the above stuff, just swinging in real quick. I'll read the rest later BUT i could care less about their being a prominent gay community in my home city. I'm not a homophobe, have a few gay friends from college AND my gf's uncle is gay. I'm totally accepting of that lifestyle. Adding that label to the city of Pittsburgh is only going to bring more business and more people. Sexual preference does not make the person. I just thought yet ANOTHER pittsburgh "hate' thread was/is comical and you're in here frothing at the mouth.

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I haven't read any of the above stuff, just swinging in real quick. I'll read the rest later BUT i could care less about their being a prominent gay community in my home city. I'm not a homophobe, have a few gay friends from college AND my gf's uncle is gay. I'm totally accepting of that lifestyle. Adding that label to the city of Pittsburgh is only going to bring more business and more people. Sexual preference does not make the person. I just thought yet ANOTHER pittsburgh "hate' thread was/is comical and you're in here frothing at the mouth.


Actually, everything about MY posts tried to bring out the humor or the social impact of this situation. You are the one frothing at the mouth over this.

This was a "is Pittsburgh gay" thread. You are the one that tried to turn it into a Cleveland vs. Pittsburgh thread.

You reap what you sow. If you turn down that road you are going to have to travel on it and deal with the potholes that are on it. Don't cry when you fall into a pothole.

Maybe you would like to come up with statistics on which city has more potholes on their roads?

I suspect they are both among the national leaders in that category.

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