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We've delved into this topic for years on this board, but no matter what actual facts are presented about the overblown "dangers" of steroids, those that have been swayed by the media over the years aren't going to listen to logic. It's all the same old perpetuated myths, like roid rage, early death, ridiculous side effects and of course the subject most hang their hats on, the Lyle Alzado died somehow from anabolic usage.


There is a difference between use and abuse, and the proper ancillaries deter the overblown side effects. It's basically been overblown to protect kids from using, because to be frank, most kids under the age of 25 shouldn't be touching the shit, they are still developing their own testosterone.


HBO Real Sports did an episode back in like 2005 that belied all national propaganda revolving around steroids and death, but the link doesn't appear to be available anymore. There are millions of users in this country and around the globe, yet we don't see them all dropping dead or having all these crazy side effects. Doctors, scientists, dietitians and many others use gear that aren't pro athletes. Cops use them a ton, and the majority of those people take them because they aspire for better health, not just to get huge.


These are all great points. First off Steriods/HGH are like any kind of drug, if you abuse them then you will see bad negative side affects. Over the counter meds can kill you if abused so that is all a moot point. Next the reason that these rumors exist and steroids killing people and giving them cancer, it can't be proven because there has never been an actual study where they had human subject use steriods for an extended amount of time. Anyone who has taken this stuff will tell you that things like shrunken balls and weird hair growth/loss is all reversible once you go off of them. I know a guy who wanted to have a baby with his wife while he was on it so he just stopped taking them, got her pregnant, and then went back on.


Also people don't go down dark allies to get this stuff like it's crack. You can order it off ebay.


Guess what, people die every day from cancer and heart disease. Some of them have taken steroids. That doesn't mean that they are related. As a enhancer for people not in professional sports, this stuff should be legal to buy.

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I don't use it. I'm just pointing out that there are "experts" out there spewing their opinion when none of it can be backed up by any scientific study because they refuse to do one.


Im just saying i got a few friends that do it (HGH) and have offered me it before and ive always turned it down, basically because im impressed with the lower part of my area

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Im just saying i got a few friends that do it (HGH) and have offered me it before and ive always turned it down, basically because im impressed with the lower part of my area


Ha, smaller potatoes make the steak look bigger. I understand why people don't use it. I don't use it because I don't compete in any strength or body building competitions (where HGH is literally used by at least 90% of those that compete) and it's just cheaper for me to buy a 10 pound bag of protein powder that will last me 3-4 months. But you can ask anyone who uses it that all of the side affects go away once you stop using (hair growth loss, shrunken testicles, gained fat, ext) and I have never met anyone who has taken the stuff that has experienced roid rage.

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Ha, smaller potatoes make the steak look bigger. I understand why people don't use it. I don't use it because I don't compete in any strength or body building competitions (where HGH is literally used by at least 90% of those that compete) and it's just cheaper for me to buy a 10 pound bag of protein powder that will last me 3-4 months. But you can ask anyone who uses it that all of the side affects go away once you stop using (hair growth loss, shrunken testicles, gained fat, ext) and I have never met anyone who has taken the stuff that has experienced roid rage.


lol you are misinformed as well.


Most people don't use HGH, pro bodybuilders and sports players do.


The average brah at the gym though is likely using some form of testosterone though. Or more likely a prohormone which are legal, but ironically they have harsher sides than regular test.


Also protein powder compared to steroids? Are you a Retard? Protein powder is just food. It's like eating steaks or chicken. Steroids however are insane. A person who took test and didn't work out would gain more muscle than a person who busted his ass off for a year and had perfect diet (he would probably lose much of it though because a person who roids and doesn't workout probably has never even heard of PCT).


Gained fat? lol no. You'll most likely lose bf %. You will lose hair if you are already balding and susceptible to hair loss, if not you won't. Look at pros who take Retarded amounts of the stuff and still have hair and then those without. Just tells you who was already balding.


Also while testosterone is a boost it still isn't super magic, but it's as close as humans have come for muscle building so far.

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lol you are misinformed as well.


Most people don't use HGH, pro bodybuilders and sports players do.


The average brah at the gym though is likely using some form of testosterone though. Or more likely a prohormone which are legal, but ironically they have harsher sides than regular test.


Also protein powder compared to steroids? Are you a Retard? Protein powder is just food. It's like eating steaks or chicken. Steroids however are insane. A person who took test and didn't work out would gain more muscle than a person who busted his ass off for a year and had perfect diet (he would probably lose much of it though because a person who roids and doesn't workout probably has never even heard of PCT).


Gained fat? lol no. You'll most likely lose bf %. You will lose hair if you are already balding and susceptible to hair loss, if not you won't. Look at pros who take Retarded amounts of the stuff and still have hair and then those without. Just tells you who was already balding.


Also while testosterone is a boost it still isn't super magic, but it's as close as humans have come for muscle building so far.


Your taking everything I am saying out of context. I know protein powder is just food, it's just something extra to help build muscle and help it recover. I use it because it is much cheaper and better suited for my goals which is average muscle gain. If I was competing for a strength competition (which I never compete in anything) then I would look into steroids because most people who compete in them are already on steroids. So to recap I don't need to put on a crazy amount of muscle, only an average amount, so I don't waste hundreds of dollars on steroids and instead buy cheap protein powder.


Next some people do experience weight gain on steroids, at least the first time they do it because they experience a increased apatite. True about the balding, but i was talking about abnormal hair growth across the body. Steroids tend to put people into a second puberty, which causes the acne and faster growing facial hair (also why women start growing facial hair).


And yes the average "bra" is less likely to do steroids, but they still do and should be allowed to use them since medically the only side affects and short term and reversible.


I'm not advocating that people SHOULD use them, I just think that it's stupid that people who have no financial or professional stake in their performance are kept from using them because of all the false information about them killing you that is in the media.

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Ask Lyle Alzado. Oh wait, you can't he died from steroid induced cancer.


How have they ever linked this guys cancer to steroids? My grandpa died from cancer, must have been steroids. They have done studies that link plastic water bottles to cancer, that is a documented fact, but they have yet to do a study that can link cancer in anyway to steroids. Multivitamins are probably just as likely to kill someone with cancer as steroids are for all we know.

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I agree on alot of the points above and appericate the input, also people should really know theres a huge difference between HGH and Steriods...There are alot of different type of injections etc...From everything ive heard HGH is the safest way to go about it and has the least amount of side affects.

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How have they ever linked this guys cancer to steroids? My grandpa died from cancer, must have been steroids. They have done studies that link plastic water bottles to cancer, that is a documented fact, but they have yet to do a study that can link cancer in anyway to steroids. Multivitamins are probably just as likely to kill someone with cancer as steroids are for all we know.


Wow. Ready, Fire, Aim.


Check out Lyle Alzodo on Wikipedia (if you even know who he is.)


Here you go............


Steroid use and deathAlzado was one of the first major US sports figures to admit to using anabolic steroids. In the last years of his life, as he battled against the brain tumor that eventually caused his death, Alzado asserted that his steroid abuse directly led to his fatal illness.[10] According to some reports, Alzado was using natural growth hormone, harvested from human corpses, as opposed to synthetic growth hormones. However, shortly before his death, Alzado recounted his steroid abuse in an article in Sports Illustrated,


“ I started taking anabolic steroids in 1969 and never stopped. It was addicting, mentally addicting. Now I'm sick, and I'm scared. Ninety percent of the athletes I know are on the stuff. We're not born to be 300 lb (140 kg) or jump 30 ft (9.1 m). But all the time I was taking steroids, I knew they were making me play better. I became very violent on the field and off it. I did things only crazy people do. Once a guy sideswiped my car and I beat the hell out of him. Now look at me. My hair's gone, I wobble when I walk and have to hold on to someone for support, and I have trouble remembering things. My last wish? That no one else ever dies this way.[11] ”


Alzado died at age 43. He is buried at River View Cemetery in Portland, Oregon.

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Wow. Ready, Fire, Aim.


Check out Lyle Alzodo on Wikipedia (if you even know who he is.)


Here you go............


Steroid use and deathAlzado was one of the first major US sports figures to admit to using anabolic steroids. In the last years of his life, as he battled against the brain tumor that eventually caused his death, Alzado asserted that his steroid abuse directly led to his fatal illness.[10] According to some reports, Alzado was using natural growth hormone, harvested from human corpses, as opposed to synthetic growth hormones. However, shortly before his death, Alzado recounted his steroid abuse in an article in Sports Illustrated,


“ I started taking anabolic steroids in 1969 and never stopped. It was addicting, mentally addicting. Now I'm sick, and I'm scared. Ninety percent of the athletes I know are on the stuff. We're not born to be 300 lb (140 kg) or jump 30 ft (9.1 m). But all the time I was taking steroids, I knew they were making me play better. I became very violent on the field and off it. I did things only crazy people do. Once a guy sideswiped my car and I beat the hell out of him. Now look at me. My hair's gone, I wobble when I walk and have to hold on to someone for support, and I have trouble remembering things. My last wish? That no one else ever dies this way.[11] ”


Alzado died at age 43. He is buried at River View Cemetery in Portland, Oregon.


Add in Mike Webster:


Bothered by debt, depression and bad health, he separated from wife Pam before his Hall of Fame enshrinement in 1997 and was homeless for a short time, living in his pickup truck. He was placed on probation in Beaver County, Pa., after pleading no contest in September 1999 to forging prescriptions to obtain Ritalin, a drug commonly used to treat children with hyperactivity. Webster never admitted to using anabolic steroids at points during his career. He did state, however, that if he did take steroids, "they were legal at the time".


Though the Steeler trolls will be in De-nile about this- there's a startling number of Steelers from the 70s Super Bowl teams that have died prematurely- can we say steroid abuse?


Regarding HGH- it has it's legitimate uses- like preventing dwarfism in kids that have the genetic trait. But once your long bones have previously gotten to their full extent- HGH doesn't do much- it's not the Fountain of Youth it's touted to be by some folks.

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Pretty much every single football player is using some form of steroid. (Even kickers, increased leg strength)




If you think otherwise you don't know anything about how hard it is to have that much muscle. IT IS HARD WORK, BUT WITH STEROIDS


People are so naive and that's why they (steroids) are so demonized.


Not that I care, the athletes should be the best they can be.

This simply isn't true, the tests in the NFL are rather strict and players are fined/suspended upon being found using it, and it's usually only a dozen of them a year. I'm not sure if HGH is allowed but HGH is used more than steroids nowadays. The annoying thing with steroids is that it makes you bald faster, gives you a receding hairline, and makes your stamina worse. Moreover, it's really bad for your heart.


There's more steroid/HGH use in college football than in the NFL.


HGH is arguably "better" but the full effects of it haven't fully been studied yet.

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Wow. Ready, Fire, Aim.


Check out Lyle Alzodo on Wikipedia (if you even know who he is.)


Here you go............


Steroid use and deathAlzado was one of the first major US sports figures to admit to using anabolic steroids. In the last years of his life, as he battled against the brain tumor that eventually caused his death, Alzado asserted that his steroid abuse directly led to his fatal illness.[10] According to some reports, Alzado was using natural growth hormone, harvested from human corpses, as opposed to synthetic growth hormones. However, shortly before his death, Alzado recounted his steroid abuse in an article in Sports Illustrated,


“ I started taking anabolic steroids in 1969 and never stopped. It was addicting, mentally addicting. Now I'm sick, and I'm scared. Ninety percent of the athletes I know are on the stuff. We're not born to be 300 lb (140 kg) or jump 30 ft (9.1 m). But all the time I was taking steroids, I knew they were making me play better. I became very violent on the field and off it. I did things only crazy people do. Once a guy sideswiped my car and I beat the hell out of him. Now look at me. My hair's gone, I wobble when I walk and have to hold on to someone for support, and I have trouble remembering things. My last wish? That no one else ever dies this way.[11] ”


Alzado died at age 43. He is buried at River View Cemetery in Portland, Oregon.



Add in Mike Webster:


Bothered by debt, depression and bad health, he separated from wife Pam before his Hall of Fame enshrinement in 1997 and was homeless for a short time, living in his pickup truck. He was placed on probation in Beaver County, Pa., after pleading no contest in September 1999 to forging prescriptions to obtain Ritalin, a drug commonly used to treat children with hyperactivity. Webster never admitted to using anabolic steroids at points during his career. He did state, however, that if he did take steroids, "they were legal at the time".


Though the Steeler trolls will be in De-nile about this- there's a startling number of Steelers from the 70s Super Bowl teams that have died prematurely- can we say steroid abuse?


Regarding HGH- it has it's legitimate uses- like preventing dwarfism in kids that have the genetic trait. But once your long bones have previously gotten to their full extent- HGH doesn't do much- it's not the Fountain of Youth it's touted to be by some folks.


Once again I will say link what happened to these guys to steroids or HGH. All you are saying is at one point these guys used it and then later in life they got sick. That doesn't prove anything. Cause guess what people get brain tumors all the time. People are generally ass holes, get divorced, and become homeless. Psychological disorders and cancer have been around way before steroids and HGH, but since these guys used them they are to blame instead of genetics, past exposures to other chemicals and products besides HGH and steroids. My Grandma died from a brain tumor, didn't use steroids or HGH, a boy in my town got leukemia. Since he ate pop tarts every morning should we all start saying that pop tarts cause cancer? These are just guys who are saying "I got sick and I used steroids." Now if a actual government study could be done to prove any of this, then ok, but they have not and will never do a study actually proving that there are any long term effects from steroids.

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I agree on alot of the points above and appericate the input, also people should really know theres a huge difference between HGH and Steriods...There are alot of different type of injections etc...From everything ive heard HGH is the safest way to go about it and has the least amount of side affects.


actually the biggest and only real difference between steroids and HGH is that steroids have a compound in them that keeps them stable and allows the steroid to work to their fullest extent


HGH has that compound removed making the effects less extreme but it also removes the stability in the steroid that can in fact make it even more dangerous in the end


that is why HGH can be sold in stores and marketed while anabolic steroids are by in large illegal across the entire country

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