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Lerner Will Make Cleveland His Home This Fall


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Bell hop, lol. Web/Creative Director a million dollar company, nice try Gip. Let me know when you come down, I'll buy you a beer.



Well, the resort I am staying at is a million dollar company and I can see a "Creative Director" giving their bellhops a "Creative name" like "Creative Director"! :D


We are scheduled for between June 4th and 11th in Kill Devil Hills. However, I do have certain conflicts that could cause me a problem with making it. I hope to go, but there is a chance I won't be able to. Know anyone that wants a 3 BR 2 bath condo for that week? Price $1550.

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Duck is a nice vacation spot, but hell to live in when the tourists come down. The drive is horrendous.


And for all you people coming down to visit the speed limit is not 30 on the highway. Go 50mph and move the fook over. If you want to sight see drive on the beach road.




Cool, but I am pretty sure I have been there since before you were born. I think my first visit was in 1961-62 with my parents when I was in Jr. HS.

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I thought Lerner spent more time in London. Maybe since Villa is possibly heading for relegation he will spend more time in Cleveland. I don't think it really matters one way or the other though!


Kosar for pres, 20 sec walk to the beach??? Can I park in your drive when I go surfing? Whats your local break? Surf City Pier and Fort Fisher are my faves. I have to laugh when I go to Fisher the lot is FULL of Ohio plates in the summer. Must be civil war buffs.


Born and raised on the Ohio / PA border but I wouldn't live there again. North Carolina IS that great!

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I thought Lerner spent more time in London. Maybe since Villa is possibly heading for relegation he will spend more time in Cleveland. I don't think it really matters one way or the other though!


Kosar for pres, 20 sec walk to the beach??? Can I park in your drive when I go surfing? Whats your local break? Surf City Pier and Fort Fisher are my faves. I have to laugh when I go to Fisher the lot is FULL of Ohio plates in the summer. Must be civil war buffs.


Born and raised on the Ohio / PA border but I wouldn't live there again. North Carolina IS that great!


Sure you can park in my drive. You have to cross the bypass, but still only 20 second walk. The street is Dowitcher St, I live on Old Cove Road in Nags Head. Not a surfer myself. LOL, I still have my Ohio tags on my car.

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Every place has negative people with mundane lives, every place has cool people that you'd like to hang out with.


I agree completely, however your other comment in the first sentence was completely ignorant and was made just to find stuff to disagree with kosar_for_president, as I disagree with him too about Cleveland, but no need to make very bigoted comments.


Poorer women will of course have lower morales, most immigrants from any country tend to be poorer at first and their parents were likely poor as well(so their home life was obviously not as well as it could be). It has nothing to do with race, nationality, or culture, so please don't try to argue at the expense of being a bigot.


Anyway Cleveland is fine, nothing special though, the main thing that's hurting it are the tax rates as they're ridiculously high in comparison to other cities, and that doesn't entice people or businesses to come there, which in turn connects with bad job availability(but as Gipper mentioned, it's still better than some areas for jobs).

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Russian chicks tend to have bad teeth and poor hygiene. But they are low on morals, if that is what you are looking for.



Uh ... my daughter-in-law is Russian (she grew up in Murmansk as the daughter of a Soviet naval officer)and is one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen. Her mom and sister are beautiful as well. I realize you were just looking for an easy target, but look again.

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Well, if she grew up the daughter of a naval officer she probably has much better teeth and hygiene than the immigrant waitresses kosar is chasing around the Outer Banks. I'm sure there are tons of gorgeous russian women, I have seen many of them. Just saying that the majority of russian women I have met in my life didn't have great teeth nor hygiene. Some american women have poor teeth and hygiene. Many of them in Pittsburgh. As the first guy pointed out, the reason that many of the women I've met from Russian have poor teeth and hygiene is because they are poor immigrants who werent raised with the benefits that the typical Cleveland girl, or American girl, was. Not sure why that makes me a bigot.




If Kosar wanted Russian women, why go to hicksville NC? There are thousands up in NE Ohio. And most of them do have bad teeth and BO. They are hot though.

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So now I'm an ignorant bigot because I said russian women tend to have poor teeth and hygiene? I'm making an opinioned statement based on my observations. I've been a lot of places, met a lot of people, made a lot of observations ... and when I think of the russian women I've met, I think pretty on the outside, poor teeth, smoke like a chimney. Doesn't mean they all are that way ... I've met plenty of russian women who smell great and have nice choppers too. It's called a generalization, folks. Black women tend to have large lips, Icelandic women tend to be blonde, Irish women tend to like to drink, Asian women tend to be small. Californian women tend to be open-minded, Boston women tend to be bitchy, Florida women tend to be old. Mexican women tend to be short, Hawaiian women tend to be pretty, French women tend to have hairy underarms, Italian women tend to be passionate, English women love to laugh, Russian women tend to have bad teeth. They just do. And not as clean as I like. Just an observation.


My point is that Kosar was bagging on Cleveland while bragging that he gets to chase what you call "poor immigrant women" with what I recall tending to have poor teeth and hygiene.


I'm saying if you don't like Cleveland fine, but don't brag that you can chase Russian women when Cleveland is stocked full of a better variety ... in my opinion.



--Are opinions, observations and generalization still allowed in this country?





Calm down....most of us know you aren't a bigot and understand the comment.



You did forget to mention the hairy armpits.


I can deal with a chick who doesn't shave anywhere except there....I don't like that at all.

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