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A Majority of Americans Support This??

Chicopee John

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I was talking Tea Party and you were talking Republican. Brushing aside your contention - I may or may not agree - a Tea Party and the Republican Party are two very different animals.



BTW, I believe a lot of Republicans voted against Obama rather than vote in favor of McCain.


Being non-affiliated, I couldn't and didn't vote for either. I did vote for the office, though.


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John, really. You're affiliated.


Everyone fancies themselves as "independent." Lots of people register that way. But there's lots and lots of voting research that shows there are very few people who are truly independent. And judging by your posts, you're clearly not one of them.


As for the Tea Party, I don't think that's a very good example of people who are informed. They're exactly the people I'm talking about. And that is a good portion of the base of the Republican Party, as much as they claim to be independent too. They're not.



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No. But he did call Bush a dipshit.


If he didn't want to say anything nice about Obama he didn't have to. There are a million ways to prevaricate and say nothing there. Instead, he praised Obama's intellect and grasp of the issues, and said he was far better than the previous president.


This shouldn't come as news to anyone, as the differences between the two men are fairly obvious. The fact that it does is the exact problem I'm talking about.




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John, really. You're affiliated.


Everyone fancies themselves as "independent." Lots of people register that way. But there's lots and lots of voting research that shows there are very few people who are truly independent. And judging by your posts, you're clearly not one of them.


As for the Tea Party, I don't think that's a very good example of people who are informed. They're exactly the people I'm talking about. And that is a good portion of the base of the Republican Party, as much as they claim to be independent too. They're not.


At this stage it will take a lot for me to vote for any Republican or Democrat.


That goes for the National, State, and local levels.


PS I voted for Joe Liebermann against Ned Lamont.


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No. But he did call Bush a dipshit.


If he didn't want to say anything nice about Obama he didn't have to. There are a million ways to prevaricate and say nothing there. Instead, he praised Obama's intellect and grasp of the issues, and said he was far better than the previous president.


This shouldn't come as news to anyone, as the differences between the two men are fairly obvious. The fact that it does is the exact problem I'm talking about.


Yeah, I'm lots more polite when I'm getting over on a rival.



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At this stage it will take a lot for me to vote for any Republican or Democrat.


That goes for the National, State, and local levels.


PS I voted for Joe Liebermann against Ned Lamont.


Why imagine that all Republicans are the same, or that all Democrats are? There are a lot of good, smart people in Washington. There are a bunch of really useless idiots too. And some in between.


You don't get who you want. You get to choose who is closer to what you believe and want to see happen.


I wasn't particularly excited to vote for John Kerry, but I thought he'd make a better president than George Bush. It was an easy vote.


Obama is probably the easiest vote I've ever cast.

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This is laughable reading hecks comments, he states that folks who attend tea parties are uninformed.


So do you suppose a tea party is just a gathering of folks who are out for a chat. they are voicing their opinion and dismay for our elected officals and each one of them attend for their own different reasons. they are not an organized rebellion like you will see with a group from the SEIU or ACORN who will show up at a protest to cause trouble.


Oh' heckles you are so mis-informed.


IMO: Left wingers are scared of the tea party so they like to tell lies and mis-inform the public in an attempt to make others feel that the folks who participate are a crazy or something. Hoping that others who are interested will not join in.


In their book they wouldv'e called our founding fathers and patriots crazy people for having a voice and an opinion over tyrants.


Good luck with your falsehoods heck.





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Why imagine that all Republicans are the same, or that all Democrats are? There are a lot of good, smart people in Washington. There are a bunch of really useless idiots too. And some in between.


You don't get who you want. You get to choose who is closer to what you believe and want to see happen.


I wasn't particularly excited to vote for John Kerry, but I thought he'd make a better president than George Bush. It was an easy vote.


Obama is probably the easiest vote I've ever cast.


I agree that there are well-informed and good candidates / politicians on either side. However, once elected or worse - in ORDER to get elected - they must sucumb (sp) to "Party Think" and "Party Act".


You see it all the time, Heck. You might think the leopards don't change their spots but the record shows that they do. Why - even at our local level - do votes about painting a white line in the middle of the road comes down to a 5-4 decision.


I know why.


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No. But he did call Bush a dipshit.


If he didn't want to say anything nice about Obama he didn't have to. There are a million ways to prevaricate and say nothing there. Instead, he praised Obama's intellect and grasp of the issues, and said he was far better than the previous president.


This shouldn't come as news to anyone, as the differences between the two men are fairly obvious. The fact that it does is the exact problem I'm talking about.


Yeah, I'm lots more polite when I'm getting over on a rival.



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This is laughable reading hecks comments, he states that folks who attend tea parties are uninformed.


So do you suppose a tea party is just a gathering of folks who are out for a chat. they are voicing their opinion and dismay for our elected officals and each one of them attend for their own different reasons. they are not an organized rebellion like you will see with a group from the SEIU or ACORN who will show up at a protest to cause trouble.


Oh' heckles you are so mis-informed.


IMO: Left wingers are scared of the tea party so they like to tell lies and mis-inform the public in an attempt to make others feel that the folks who participate are a crazy or something. Hoping that others who are interested will not join in.


In their book they wouldv'e called our founding fathers and patriots crazy people for having a voice and an opinion over tyrants.


Good luck with your falsehoods heck.




You say that but I've seen nothing on the news that shows otherwise. Here, CNN is pointing out that a guy from Springboro, Ohio, who was going to lead a tea-party protest, is a bigoted racist. T, as it appears to me, there are a bunch of tea partiers that I feel are complete idiots (calling a congressman a N***** after healthcare passed, not knowing the difference between fascism and communism, and people like that idiot I mentioned above). The other side, Fox, portrays these people as arrogant, self-righteous assholes. I have nothing to go by except from news sources and the fact that these tea partiers are supported by the likes of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh (two of the most frightening characters in political movements, IMO). Cal, is your offer still open for me to come meet with you at one of these events, I'd like to make an informed decision.

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You mean that some of the boorish/racist/unhinged behavior or ridiculous/embarrassing signs are actually left-wingers posing as right-wing nuts?


I like that. Let's not address the actual behavior and what it means. Let's instead imagine that it's actually the left-wingers doing this. Unreal.


The problem with it is that not one of these embarrassing people or signs has ever proven to be the work of a left-wing plant, has it? This from the guy who supposedly hates spin.


Honestly, Steve. You've been on this board for years. Imagine some of these guys making their own signs and heading out to a party surrounded by their like-minded friends, feeling the strength in numbers. You don't think Cal's signs would be a public embarrassment? If someone stuck a microphone in T's or DieHard's face, how do you think that would go?


Maybe you imagine that they're the only people in the movement who think (using that term loosely) and act and froth like this, but that's highly unlikely.


Nice try, though. Hahaha. Even when it's the right-wing, it's the lefties again!!


A new low.

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Aside from that who here would bet a lot that lefties don't infiltrate these things? WSS



Tea party leaders anxious about extremists



JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Organizers of tax-day tea parties are preparing for their biggest day of the year Thursday, as thousands of demonstrators participate in local rallies against high taxes and big government spending. But the leaders are striving to keep the rallies from presenting another image: one of fringe groups, extremists or infiltrators obsessed with hateful messages.


Sensitive that poor public perception could sink their movement, some rally planners have uninvited controversial speakers, beefed up security and urged participants to pack cameras to capture evidence of any disrupters. Organizers want to project a peaceful image of people upset by what they consider to be a growing and burdensome federal government.


"We don't want to be misrepresented, whether it's by someone who is not part of the group and has their own agenda, or whether it's by some fringe extremist who may actually be a racist," said Jim Hoft, a political blogger and tea party activist who is one of the speakers for a rally in suburban St. Louis.


The National Tea Party Federation, a newly formed coalition of regional tea party groups, estimates that between 1,700 and 2,000 tax-day rallies are occurring Thursday in communities across the country.


"What's at stake is showing various government officials of both parties that people are concerned," said Tim Hagle, an associate political science professor at the University of Iowa. "That's why it's important that you don't have distractions from people who are interlopers of one sort or another."


The tea party took a recent publicity hit when three black Democratic congressmen said they heard racial slurs as they walked through thousands of health care protesters — many of them tea party activists — outside the U.S. Capitol on March 20. Some conservatives and tea party leaders insist it never happened.


But it's not the only racially charged incident. A photo posted on Flickr, which has attracted Internet chatter, shows a white man carrying a sign that says: "Obama's Plan White Slavery." The photo claims to have been shot at a tea party rally last year in Madison, Wis.


At a tea party rally Tuesday in Jefferson City, a couple of people wore T-shirts depicting President Barack Obama in white face paint above the word "Joker" — a reference to the villain in a Batman movie.


Some tea party organizers have taken steps to distance themselves from those espousing potentially controversial views.


The Waco, Texas, tea party started hiring off-duty police officers and renting their venues so that they could keep extremists out of their main events. The change happened after a group showed up with racist signs in a gathering in a public park.


"They tried to insist they were tea party members," said Toby Marie Walker, president of the Waco Tea Party. But she added: "Our tea party people would not hold signs like that."


At least two local tea party groups have shunned speakers who originally were scheduled for Thursday's rallies.


Alabama attorney John Eidsmoe, who has spoken previously to white supremacists, withdrew from a tea party rally in Wausau, Wis., after organizers questioned his views. Coordinators of a tax-day rally in Pleasanton, Calif., rescinded the speaking invitation of Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed lawsuits claiming Obama was not born in the U.S. and is ineligible to be president.


Tea party leaders also are concerned that opponents may pose as tea party participants and cause a ruckus to damage the reputation of the movement. A Web site has urged people to "crash the tea party" to draw attention to the party's least appealing qualities.


The National Tea Party Federation is urging rally participants to point cameras at anyone acting obnoxious or hateful. The intent is to reprimand true tea party activists, disavow fringe followers or reveal the people as plants by opponents.


Cindy Maves, who put together a tea party rally at a park in Rochester, Minn., said organizers have brought in more security and put local police on alert. "We just want to make sure the press isn't covering these people thinking they're us," she said.




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You mean that some of the boorish/racist/unhinged behavior or ridiculous/embarrassing signs are actually left-wingers posing as right-wing nuts?



Good eye Heck.

I'd bet dollars to dogturds that it happens.

Like the jerkoffs who call CSpan on the "other" line to make the opposition sound like crackpots.



I like that.



I'm not surprised. ;) You probably helped write the playbook.


Let's not address the actual behavior and what it means. Let's instead imagine that it's actually the left-wingers doing this. Unreal.


Address the behavior?

Hmm, well you guys made up the spit thing and have no evidence (You used to demand that, remember) of much else.

But let's say you do have proof.

Send it to Sean Hannity and he'll pay you for it!!!!


Along that line, I know a guy who was jumped and severely beaten by blacks.

I think we need an investigation into the Negro race.

You with me?




A new low.


And kudos for being at the forefront!! (aftrear?)


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Cal, is your offer still open for me to come meet with you at one of these events, I'd like to make an informed decision. Vapor



Dude, you would be welcome to come with me. I want to go to the Medina one, there's one in Ravenna this evening at seven, Medina is at 4, I think. The Canton one, closest to us, was at noon, was out, because a friend called...

I'm having my knee scoped tomorrow morning. I found out earlier in the week, she is having her knee scoped tomorrow morning - same surgeon. So, we will double date at the clinic tomorrow with our spouses. She is nervous about it.


I don't think telling her "well, they pump water into your knee" helped much... @@


I went to the tea party in Canton last fall... and let me tell you, there was no sign, nor any activity, that wasn't completely

patriotic, friendly, and fun.


Just concerned, everyday American folks who finally feel like they need to be heard, they want a voice,

they don't want the higher taxes, the greater, dangerous debt, and they don't want the "hope and change"

that Obamao is maneuvering to apply to our country.


Not just Republicans, not just Independents, not just Democrats. Old folks, old veterans, young veterans,

teens, children, middle aged, ...


some folks in wheelchairs, even a few with walkers. They used their walkers to get to the tea party.


All because they care, and they are genuinely worried, and very concerned about the high taxes and the

insurmountable debt.


To characterize every single tea party, by finding ONE nutjob who is involved... is just so dishonest,

surely there has to be some libs somewhere who are repulsed by the stupidity.


When people didn't respect blacks, all they needed was one lie, one exaggeration, one bad apple, to apply

to ALL blacks.


That was morally reprensible then, why is exactly the same thing okay now? To refer to the tea partiers, in terms

of the worst, even contrived, bad apple?


All I've seen is the BEST of America at tea parties. Honestly, go to one. See for yourself.


If some nutjob does something wrong, it's just a nutjob. Or, someone from the left who is pretending to be a nutjob,

to facilitate more discrediting of the tea party movement.



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There's a video where James Clyburn seems to be spit on. You haven't seen it?


You've got four Congressmen, including Health Shuler, who is hardly a left-winger, saying they heard people shouting "N*****." You think they're all lying simply because no one recorded the incident? You've got the Te aParty organizers themselves trying to distance themselves from the fringe elements in their own group. You've got Fox News reporting on fringe elements in the Tea Party.


And yet somehow you'd like to imagine that these are Democratic plants instead. Are you shitting me?


I've got relatives and their friends who still tell "N*****" jokes, and still don't like blacks. Why would you imagine this type of thing could never happen? What world are you living in? You hate the mention of it more than the fact that it exists.


Again, if you find me evidence that any of these embarrassing outbursts in the past have actually been Democratic plants posing as Tea Baggers, let me know. We can throw those incidents out. But there is no such evidence. No one has come forward with any. The Tea Baggers have been plenty embarrassing on their own. No need to help them along.


And if people are going to go into the Tax Day protests today and make light of these people, good.



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There's a video where James Clyburn seems to be spit on. You haven't seen it?



If you were on a jury would you convict on that video?


You've got four Congressmen, including Health Shuler, who is hardly a left-winger, saying they heard people shouting "N*****." You think they're all lying simply because no one recorded the incident?


Or mistaken. Or it might have happened.


You've got the Te aParty organizers themselves trying to distance themselves from the fringe elements in their own group. You've got Fox News reporting on fringe elements in the Tea Party.


So what? Obama and you don't distance yourselves from the left wing of your party?



And yet somehow you'd like to imagine that these are Democratic plants instead. Are you shitting me?


Are you saing it never happens?


I've got relatives and their friends who still tell "N*****" jokes, and still don't like blacks.


And there's not a day goes by one cant find anti white humor on TV.

Or blacks that still don't like whites.


Why would you imagine this type of thing could never happen? What world are you living in? You hate the mention of it more than the fact that it exists.


Tawanna Brawley never happened?

That horseshit happens all the time.

As I'd bet it does from both sides of the crackpot jungle.


You, however, pretend that no one on your side has intentions short of pure altruism while only the evil right wingers are conniving and racist.


You, I and everyone else knows that's bullshit.

But you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Too easy to label somebody racist.




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I wouldn't be down for it until June or July. I'm in Dayton now, and have classes til end of april and no car. I'm going to Daytona for a week, then spending the rest of May in Costa Rica to study abroad. After that, I should have a car. If I come up to C-town I'll pm you or something.

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Steve, all I can say is, holy xxxx.


Yes, Tawana Brawley vs. slavery/lynchings/beatings/Jim Crow/racism.


Yep, we're about even. It's all the same. Both sides do it. Holy xxxx.


Every time I want to give you some credit, you show me just how you're just another resentful white guy cheering for the white team. That's all you do, ever. Not one word otherwise that I can recall. Not even a mention. Not once.


Keep on keeping on.

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Heck, you are talkin out your backside.


You don't know anything, never been to a tea party, never seen video of


any racial catcalls.


In a crowd like that, and a "visitor" hears all that noise, he/she is going


to be able to KNOW that the n-word was used instead of the teabagger word was used?


without proof, you got nothin, but WANTING to believe the worst out of political




One stupid guy emphatically saying something, and some spit flies, and you condemn


the ENTIRE TEA PARTY movement over it.


That is so ignorant, I will give you the boftd that you at slightly smarter than that, and should know better.

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I wouldn't be down for it until June or July. I'm in Dayton now, and have classes til end of april and no car. I'm going to Daytona for a week, then spending the rest of May in Costa Rica to study abroad. After that, I should have a car. If I come up to C-town I'll pm you or something. Vapor



That would be cool ! I lived in Fairborn most of the time I was stationed at Wright-Pat.



didn't like Dayton. I did take some biology and genetics classes at Wright State here and there. Thought

about being a biologist or physician assistant.



Decided neither was a career maker... Let me know !

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Yes, when four people testify to all hearing the same thing in court, that's called evidence, and the court admits it as such. It wins cases.


When four people claim to have all heard the same thing in real life, I guess that means nothing at all.


The point isn't, and has never been, that everyone in that crowd is racist, or a lunatic. The point is that far too many of them are.

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I wouldn't be down for it until June or July. I'm in Dayton now, and have classes til end of april and no car. I'm going to Daytona for a week, then spending the rest of May in Costa Rica to study a broad. After that, I should have a car. If I come up to C-town I'll pm you or something.



Which broad will you be "studying" in Costa Rica? One of my old friends from the Navy lives in Costa Rica. He loves it down there.

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It's hardly a surprise, John. It's not like we don't know those people exist. Some of us talk to them every day.


Look at what Cal writes. Look at what T writes. Look at some of the stuff a few people have written over the years in here. Now put it on a sign and bring it out in public.


Obama is like Mao. Obama is like Hitler. Paranoid conspiracy about microchips. Paranoid conspiracy about Obama's domestic security forces. The constant fear. The animosity towards black and immigrants and gays.


Just think of this stuff written on a sign where everyone can see it, or spoken in an interview.


There you go.


You think the Tea Party fringe surprises me? How could it? I read it all in here every day.

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You think the Tea Party fringe surprises me? How could it? I read it all in here every day.


Well, you know I was just having some fun with my response - actually 1 racist is too many, ragardless of creed.


I am happy to see that your focus is on the Tea Party fringe, not the rank and file. No broad brush.


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You mean like when you posted about how the health care bill meant the government was going to implant microchips in everyone's body, and then I told you what it really said since you can't read, and then you pretended that you never believed that stuff about microchips in the first place, called me a liar, and then suddenly closed down the thread to ward off any further embarrassment?


I know. What a liar I am.

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