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Everything posted by Jax

  1. How exactly do you come to that conclusion? So you must think he broke the law, tell me exactly which laws.
  2. "No, you haven't. You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier."(sniff sniff) - Biden
  3. Tell me why we need to defend the greatest President ever again?
  4. Jax


    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/al-sharpton-can-you-imagine-if-james-madison/ Hahaha, what an uneducated buffoon. People actually listen to his ignorant rhetoric. Let's follow him down to some more statues cause he knows his history...🤣
  5. Did genius just post a meme after crying about ours??
  6. Oh the irony. And to be certain, no one here on the right denies science.
  7. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/huge-devon-archer-testifies-joe-biden-met-moscow/ LAST YEAR: Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say why Biden didn’t sanction Russian billionaire Elena Baturina — nor if Biden met with her in Georgetown while he was Vice President. Today Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate, Devon Archer, testified that Joe Biden met with Russia’s Yelena Baturina who later invested into $40 million into Hunter Biden’s real estate ventures. And she also paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million in consulting fees. Yelena Baturina, the billionaire widow of a corrupt Moscow mayor, was left off of Biden’s Sanctions list. The only economy doing good under Joe Biden is his families economy.
  8. The economy is the worst it's ever been under Biden, which proves your stats and charts don't add up to shit.
  9. Would you trust any of them pulling your daughter over and putting her in handcuffs?
  10. You are literally stupid is you think Biden is good for economics. And just as FY56 said, you gotta be dumb to listen to these articles over what you yourself experience.
  11. You're like a little kid, Barr roasted you little weenies get over it. I'm sure your lefty whackos will back you up....isn't that your weenie club pledge?
  12. That's a tough one, this whole debate can be seen from both sides. One thing is certain, no one wants anyone that differs from their beliefs to have control. Is that what this comes down to? Do we trust in the constitution enough that any change would need to be sweeping? I believe people need to base this vote on what is good for 'the people', not worry about whether the Democrats or Republicans come out on top. The constitution limits gov't and in my opinion, if you allow changes then you give gov't the chance to gain power while stripping our rights. No hot topic of the day is worth eroding our rights.
  13. I don't have a problem with updating our infrastructures, especially electric. I just don't think we're in a position to do it on any kind of massive scale until we make better advancements in technology. From the way we produce energy to carrying and delivering it to what and how things are being powered. On the other hand, people pay $300/month or more for electricity? I think our 1st step is to make it affordable by reducing the costs it takes to produce and deliver it before pillaging the people. Also, did they share their exact plans and provide complete transparency of where the money is being spent? How are they going to reach their goals and what are their goals? They must know in exact detail if they already have the rate adjustment and dollar cost. I don't believe in man made climate change, at least not the way politicians try to use it to stuff their pockets or control the masses, but I do believe in updating and advancing our technologies and being environmentally friendly is one of the good reasons. These things take time and should be done methodically, the only reason to rush this, and risk blundering everything, is because they want to abuse it while certain people are still in power, be it gov't or business.
  14. He's obviously a Russian spreading misinformation that is working for the oil companies that helped Trump win the election. It's the only thing that makes sense(for the lefties).
  15. Didn't Al Gore go from a couple million in his bank account to over 300 million after he suckered everyone with his inconvenient speech? But it's the gas companies....🤣 But science! Scientist have proof if we send them tax money that they can save the world. Just don't mention science when talking about what a woman is. It's exactly as that Russian defector said in the 80s, once these poor suckers have been subverted, you can't even show them real proof of what the truth is, they will never believe it. But scientist!! Never mind they lied all throughout the pandemic, climate suckers.
  16. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/eight-important-facts-not-opinions-that-totally-debunk/ Blaming methane and nitrous oxide for contributing to climate change is now being used as an excuse to steal farms from their owners and otherwise (under ESG mandates) destroy agriculture. Yet the truth is that the incidence of methane is just TWO parts per million, totally insignificant. This graph shows the small effect of carbon dioxide and the truly minuscule effect of methane and nitrous oxide compared to water vapor.
  17. What it's about is the corporations need to push agendas on everyone. If you sell beer, focus on that.
  18. Just watched a documentary on Putin, one of the first things he did to keep control was take over the media. Looks like our crooks learned the same lesson.
  19. These climate whackos are something else. No wonder they fall for all crazy propaganda the media feeds them.
  20. Helps to put it in perspective for the hard of understanding.
  21. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/bloomberg-film-critic-sound-freedom-movie-is-leftist/ Reporter Andy Ngo later pointed out that Noah Berlatsky was the spokesperson for M.A.P. (minor-attracted person) advocacy group, Prostasia. How does a group like this even exist today? https://etactics.com/blog/human-trafficking-statistics-ohio As of June 2022, Ohio ranks fifth in the nation for human trafficking cases. However, Ohio’s rate of human trafficking is 3.84 victims per 100,000 state residents, putting Ohio at the fourth worst ratio in the nation. This victim-to-population ratio translated to 450 human trafficking cases in Ohio during the same year. To make matters worse, Columbus ranked ninth as one of the worst cities in the United States for human trafficking. Ohio’s ratio is significantly higher than the national average of 2.82 victims per 100,000 citizens.
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