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Everything posted by Jax

  1. If you listen to the right 'journalist', they'll preach about dangerous precedents and most don't know what they're parroting.
  2. We debunked your experts and scientists. We have our own experts and scientists. We can see and have seen with our own eyes all the empty panic induced speeches from from grifters making a pretty penny on your obedience. Also, you keep crying about people denying climate change years ago but I'm sure that's totally out of context from people telling you the climate isn't being changed by man as you and your scientists say. Furthermore, if it's been years where is all the proof? Don't link garbage claims of boiling when they only check a certain tiny spot at the right time. So if you have to cry about something silly taken out of context years ago, then shut up and admit you and your scientists are full of shit. You and the rest of the climate loonies wanting to ban gas stoves got taken hook line and sinker. Look around your climate circle, you're all a bunch of loonies.
  3. In other news, the temps are going back down next week, prepare for the next ice age by sending the gov't cash.
  4. What a bunch of dumb things to say. Who the hell didn't think the climate changes? You really do say whatever.
  5. The same ones that thought it was a good idea to put sick patients in nursing homes?
  6. And man doesn't make a hurricane but we do make climate circles if you need one.
  7. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/overwhelming-consensus-climate-change-crisis-is-manufactured-says/ While the scientific community widely accepts that the Earth’s climate is changing and humans are playing a significant role, Judith A. Curry, a prominent American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, questions the prevailing narrative. In a recent interview with New York Post‘s John Stossel, Curry presents her perspective that the “overwhelming consensus” is largely “manufactured.” “It’s a manufactured consensus,” Curry told Stossel. She points to a system where scientists gain more recognition, and subsequently, more funding by promoting catastrophic scenarios. This ‘alarmism,’ she asserted, plays a pivotal role in shaping their careers.
  8. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rose-unplugged/episodes/Climate-PSYOPS-Have-Begun-e27ui8a/a-aa7jgi3 Climate PSYOPS Have Begun
  9. What hot garbage is this? It literally talks about nothing but higher temps. What is this proof of? You don't think some years are hotter than others? Do we have to hear about the sky falling every time the temp fluctuates half a degree higher? By all means, if you think sending Biden some cash will save us from gas stoves and farting cows, send him your paychecks.
  10. Notice boy wonder, it doesn't give proof or even state in any way this is related to man made climate change. What exactly are you trying to say or prove? You become too generalized in trying to prove what? Are cars bad? Is it just co2 emissions? Deforestation? Oh wait..."driven largely by rising global temperatures and other climatic changes, according to a new report from the United Nations." Such in depth studies - other climatic changes? That is the case, here they state it again. "Much of this increase, the report notes, can be attributed to climate change." No shit. however, climate change does not mean man made. Climate change is mother nature. Here is a clue in your own story, see if you can decipher it. "The authors of the report said the findings show a critical need to invest in disaster prevention and preparedness."
  11. Is it a hard concept that if you represent the United States, you also support the United States? It's an honor and a privilege to participate in these games, show some love and stop spreading hate and violence.
  12. Well you're just being disingenuous, there's been plenty we posted, linked to and talked about. Anyways, this is about Trumps trial, you got nothing.
  13. I didn't follow this at all other than seeing reports of her being a stalker and crazy. What exactly was the damning evidence?
  14. Let me know how the conviction goes skippy, go tell the court you believe and they'll definitely lock him up for good.
  15. I'm saying anyone in gov't politicizes it for control and money, you're too busy being worried about left and right. It's not scientists that the right uses, you lefty simpleton, it's any scientist that goes along with the thought that cows create global warming, etc. Are you trying to say scientists don't skew numbers or manipulate stats to show what they want or have no interest in gaining funds for further 'research'? How many climate disaster predictions have to come and go before you catch on? At least they kept the term more general now from ice age or global warming to climate change. Who can debate the climate doesn't change? You make a good cult follower.
  16. You may be right woody, no doubt oil companies are protecting their interests, but so are the scientists. There's also no doubt climate change in the political environment is all about control and grabbing money. Yes, a good number of scientists are lying and falsifying or skewing data to further their own career or agendas and ideology. Who listens to a bunch of 'scientists' that blames global warming on cow farts? These days a kid falls off his surf board and everyone starts blaming climate change. That's how stupid ridiculous it has gotten. Like we said before, we're all for protecting the environment. Just keep the bullshit politics out of it but you can't because there's too much money to be had, just ask Gore. If you just want to tow the line for a political party, go find a climate circle.
  17. That's part of the reason they can't list their own opinion or reasons of what makes him guilty of said charges.
  18. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/pbs-newshour-rolls-climate-psychology-therapist-help-calm/ “Well, from the emerging field of climate psychology, one thing that’s really important to understand is we view distress, upset, sadness, grief, anger about climate change to be a really reasonable, even healthy reaction. Because it’s built into us as people that if we feel risks, threats, experience losses, there’s going to be upset. So it’s really important to acknowledge that if you’re feeling that on any level of intensity, it really means you’re paying attention, you care, you’re empathetic to what’s happening to our world,” Davenport said. Davenport went on to tell viewers to find ‘climate circles’ to express their feelings. This is a good thing for all the climate loonies, just relax and find yourself a climate circle. It'll all be ok.
  19. I want to hear what you guys think because I don't see anything there he's guilty of. Show me, is it really that hard?
  20. If you read my post when I first joined you'd know. No alias, but a silly thing to ponder.
  21. But, he didn't actually do any of those things. If you think he did, please explain.
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