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Everything posted by Jax

  1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/hawaii-democrat-governor-josh-green-says-climate-change/ "Governor Green told “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan that climate change amplified the cost of human error with the wildfire response. “Are you saying that climate change amplified the cost of human error?” Margaret Brennan asked governor Green. “Yes, it did,” Green said." Ignore the fact it was actually amplified, if by anything, by an incompetent deputy director that wanted to dictate how the water used for fighting the fire was being distributed. In which case he sat on his hands for hours. It's plain to see here that climate change had zero to do with this fire in any way. Yet, here's a Democrat stooge towing the line of a lie out in plain sight for the world to see. What's interesting are the other climate and lefty sheep following right in line, how embarrassing.
  2. You lefties always accuse others for your very own actions. You have yet to detail how climate change could have impacted this tragedy. Links to charts about how the weather warmed up one day doesn't have shit to do with this.
  3. I hope there's no war with China, look what we have running the military these days. Of course you have Biden at the top, then you have all the people put in place because of gender, color, and sexualism.
  4. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/joe-rogan-blasts-lefts-obsession-climate-change-youre/ Joe Rogan Blasts the Left’s Obsession With Climate Change: ‘You’re Not Saving Jack Sh*t!’ During the August 16 edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe Rogan and former CIA officer Mike Baker drew attention to the climate radicalism roiling the West. Rogan did not mince his words when referring to “climate change” alarmism. “You’re not saving jack sh*t,” Rogan bluntly said, referring to “climate change” activists.
  5. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/los-angeles-man-robbed-elderly-woman-who-had/
  6. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/just-time-election-biden-regime-reinstate-covid-19/ The Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars first to report. A high-level TSA official reached out to Infowars, detailing a Tuesday meeting where TSA managers were informed of new memorandums and policies that would reimplement mask-wearing. These policies will reinstate the mask mandate for TSA and airport employees starting in mid-September. According to the TSA official, further details on how the policy will escalate will be provided next week.
  7. He seems like someone who is working hard to improve. My main concern is Watson, mainly because we invested everything in him.
  8. Don't be stupid now and deflect about lasers. No one is blaming Obama directly, but it appears he did have a hand in promoting or hiring incompetent people in places that get people hurt because of their ideology. He did more damage than the climate wackos theory of global warming.
  9. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/joe-biden-america-first-polices-make-united-states/ At one point, Joe Biden insulted a Japanese reporter who asked him a few questions: “I’m glad I didn’t have you as my law professor!” Biden took the opportunity to trash Trump and his “America first policies.” “His America first policy…has made us weaker, not stronger,” Biden said. It's not difficult to understand is it?
  10. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/bidens-third-world-america-maryland-reports-locally-acquired/ The Maryland case involves a strain that is different from the strain seen so far in Florida and Texas, and can be more severe, said Dr. David Blythe, director of the Maryland Department of Health’s Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Outbreak Response Bureau, in a Friday afternoon news conference. Allowing an invasion is so virtuous.
  11. The apocalypse is coming!! A hurricane is going to hit CA...proof!
  12. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/this-is-story-there-was-trump-boom-there/ “This Is the Story, There Was a Trump Boom and There is a Bidenomics Bust” – Larry Kudlow Interviews Trump, Brings the Receipts You lack any intelligence voting for Biden over Trump.
  13. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/water-requires-conversations-around-equity-meet-radical-obama/ The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Wednesday there was an official request made to divert the water and it was ignored for several hours by Deputy Director M. Kaleo Manuel of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM). We are also learning some infuriating details about Manuel’s background. There’s a dark but hard TRUTH to the Maui catastrophe that has led to over 110 tragic deaths. As wildfires raged, desperate residents petitioned state officials to send more water for firefighting & to help protect their properties from fire. That request went unanswered for hours, withholding critical aid to islanders. Now we’re learning that the official who delayed the approval is an Obama Foundation “Asia Pacific Leader” & a climate activist who believes water should be “revered” first and foremost. Climate wacko, activist and talk of equity, all signs of incompetence and stupidity. No wonder things like this happen and is made worse.
  14. It's relevant little ccp, deal with it. That's all the left does is dox. I don't agree with it most times in any case.
  15. Hey little cccp, stay on topic. If you have nothing credible to add then go away. This was your chance to come in and give an intelligent and grown up response and you blew it. The only thing I know about Nixon is what I've watched on history channel. I always assumed he was guilty and never knew there might be more to it.
  16. Again, there are conservative voters in college as well so removing the polling stations affects both equally. You don't think there are conservatives because you don't hear them cry and protest everything like their lefty counterparts doing everything except studying. Either case, as I said before, yawn, a college student is more than capable of getting to a normal polling station just like everyone else has to do. I suppose next you lefty whackos will want a participation trophy when they cast their vote.
  17. You don't? I thought you wanted college loan forgiveness? All those little programs you're in favor of is free stuff.
  18. All double talk. "No one is arguing more frequently "than ever before". But we have data that says they're getting a hell of a lot more frequent" You want everyone to bow down to climate change but then say individuals don't make a difference, it's only industries. So a bunch of individuals choosing a gas or electric car all of the sudden is small potatoes? You want gov't to do something but they are busy banning gas stoves and ac units, that guess what, us small potato people use.
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