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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Inflation: https://datavisualizations.heritage.org/markets-and-finance/the-biden-inflation-tracker/ Since President Biden took office in January 2021, Americans have faced increasingly higher prices for food, gasoline, and other common household items. And while prices have been going up, wages have been going down, placing additional stress on family finances. Just because you're in denial, and it shows, doesn't mean it's fact. Gas Prices: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-falling-gas-prices-show-program-working/story?id=86318473 Biden says falling gas prices show his 'program is working' I thought the President wasn't in control? We all know the president can only do so much, but to say he can't control it is disingenuous if not out right lying. He has the power to do all kinds of things to alleviate prices and he hasn't. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/03/13/how-much-of-the-gasoline-price-surge-is-president-bidens-fault/?sh=30755f4c7c8b The Putin Effect But now let’s discuss something that President Biden did impact. I often point out that a President has few handles for impacting gasoline prices in the short term. Those handles are primarily 1). Releases of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; 2). Changing the gasoline tax; or 3). Involvement in a war with a major oil producer. All of these things can have a rapid impact on gasoline prices. Many people believe that cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline by President Biden has impacted gasoline prices. But that’s a potential long-term impact. The Keystone XL decision doesn’t impact prices today, but its absence may very well result in higher prices in the future. Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil, on the other hand, has an immediate impact on prices. I believe there are options for Biden to do something. Jared: We haven't heard too much about this, but what I found seems to make sense. See if more comes out. The Saudis invested $2bil in Kushner's private equity fund. It's not an extraordinary investment in the world of private equity funds, but it does represent the bulk of this fund and while Kushner does have a fair amount of experience buying/selling billions worth of real estate, he does not have experience running a fund. So it did raise eyebrows. Interestingly the fund's stated objective is funding startups in Israel so, in effect, this is the Saudi's national wealth fund being used to fund Israeli businesses. Something that could never happen directly (Saudi Arabia doesn't even recognize Israel's existence). Some argue the equity fund deal is the Saudi and Israeli governments tightening relations, without the inevitable public outcry if done directly, with Kushner playing middle-man. Joe: I run out of time. Yes, Joe is a huge criminal. Whether or not Trump is guilty or whatever, does not change the fact Biden is a corrupt piece of shit that hurts this country and it's citizens.
  2. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/judge-timothy-kelly-sentences-proud-boy-leader-ethan/ Judge Timothy Kelly Sentences Proud Boy Leader Ethan Nordean To 18 Years In Prison for Using a Bullhorn and Walking Through Capitol Building For A Few Minutes I know you guys like to have your fun but this is the truth of what their doing to a lot of normal people and it's not just wrong it's treasonous to American citizens. There probably are a number of protesters that deserve locked up but I doubt they need to be treated like actual terrorists, or worse in most cases from what I read. We were warned after 9/11 they would use the Patriot act against it's own citizens, being able to label anyone terrorists that suits their needs, now you combine that with a corrupt and biased media and people are found guilty before they even know what hit them. Maybe there's proof of this guy showing he earned his punishment but from what I see in the video above I see no proof. So why not make all the footage available? Why not be transparent? Because they are truly behaving as dictators. There's ton of video of people acting like it's a tour and tons of law enforcement just standing by. Like I said, there's definitely some that went over board and on both sides that should be held accountable. What would clear this up is coverage and transparency. Does the media not think this is a hot topic? They must because all they talk about is Trump and jan 6th, but they don't actually cover anything or do any deep dive reporting. We seen better coverage on an empty Al Capone vault.
  3. I knew you would miss the point that it's about the media being all over Trump yet they don't say anything when it comes to Biden.
  4. I don't care about the little feminism liberal term. Why do you think everything revolves around everything you say? There's more than one liberal whack job here.
  5. Could we borrow one of yours, which one aren't you using, the climate safe space?
  6. I simply meant the president you geniuses voted for and praise, stop trying to be drama queens about everything. Of course we all have the same president, feel better? Still, whataboutism is the only defense liberal whack jobs have cuase they get crushed when comparing parties these days.
  7. inflation could drop by half and it'd still be twice as high as when trump was in office. My priorities? Is with the country, yours is playing word games and playing stupid about how bad Biden is.
  8. I don't think anyone likes McConnell, but it's amusing you ignore all the dems with worse conditions then try to throw mitch in our face. Pretty stupid and childish stuff. In other news, inflation is still rising, gas prices are climbing, our border is wide open, crime is out of hand, racism in form of crt is taught in schools, they are threatening new covid lock downs for no reason other than to control us and groceries are are over double than what they cost a few years ago. What has your president done to fix any of this? You wouldn't know because he can't even name his bills honestly, the inflation reduction act, what a crook.
  9. First off we're debating chain of custody, follow along. Chain of custody starts once law enforcement collects evidence, there is no chain of custody before that. Second, computer data has all kinds of check sums and can easily be verified or not, but that is something for investigators to decide and you can't play morning detective to disqualify that info before hand. The laptop didn't become evidence until he notified police and they collected it, now it's up to them to process that evidence. You can't corrupt the info on there without it being obvious not to mention the videos themselves are a dead give away. You can photoshop an image and they can certainly tell, so whatever the shop keeper looked at or copied doesn't mean shit. He's not law enforcement and doesn't follow any chain of custody protocols. The evidence is there whether they do anything with it is a different story.
  10. https://legaldictionary.net/chain-of-custody/#google_vignette Chain of Digital Evidence As technology has advanced, digital evidence has become a more common part of legal proceedings. This includes text messages, social media conversations, photographs, videos, information stored on hard drives, and more. Just as with physical evidence, law enforcement must maintain a chain of digital evidence. This is especially important as someone could easily erase or manipulate the data. The following example of chain of custody steps can help preserve the reliability and relevancy of evidence. After law enforcement collects digital evidence, a computer forensics technician analyzes the data before making a copy. The technician may install “a write blocker” or password to reduce the risk of altering the data. Some even use digital hashing to secure the evidence. The hash uses an algorithm to create a unique impression of the digital content. If anyone alters the data, the algorithm creates a new hash making the tampering apparent. After securing the data, the technician will tag the hardware or device and lock it up. To maintain the chain of digital evidence, anyone that accesses the hardware must log it in and out. Comprenda?
  11. I was hoping for someone that has a little intelligence. You're confusing Biden with Trump.
  12. He has a strong leg so I hope he sticks around on the practice squad and fights his way back. Can we make Dawson a offer?
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't chain of custody begin after law enforcement obtains such evidence? It has nothing to do with the events prior, such as when how or what went on with it while the shop keeper held it. Once submitted to authorities then it follows a chain, are you guys trying to say the chain was broken before or after law enforcement received the laptop? You guys seem hard at work to discredit the evidence while pretending it's not just to piss in our cheerios, so apply your own logic and deductive reasoning to dismantle the case against Trump. They are indicting him on phony charges just like all the past times they tried indicting him. Is the third time a charm? So you guys want to jump on this band wagon even after all their prior failed attempts because this time they really did find something and are being honest about it. 91 counts sounds like they hit him with everything they could imagine to see what sticks. You guys hate Trump so much (for no valid reason I've seen yet) that you ignore all the technicalities that you seem to gloat about in the Hunter case and I don't even think you sleuths got that right.
  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/nevada-rangers-ram-through-climate-protest-blockade-point/ Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade, Point Gun at Activists, Slam Them to the Ground I thought I was going to get a good laugh at some activists finally being put in their place but instead I watched Barney Fife act out of line. That girl was sitting on that trailer when he rammed it and could have easily mauled or killed her and for what? He could have easily just pulled up and not rammed the blockade pretending to be a badass.
  15. When I was at GM my plant voted for Trump against the unions wishes.
  16. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/robert-kennedy-jr-slams-tone-deaf-republican-candidates/ So I have overlapping bases with a lot of the guys that you saw debating last night, and I’m not hearing any of those concerns. Even I have strong opinions on Ukraine, but the public is not really focused on that. They’re focused on how to pay for food, gasoline costs, how to pay for care, how to get their kids out of the house, into their own houses, which is completely out of reach for children today, how to pay for pharmaceutical drugs and health care to keep themselves healthy. If he would have brought up illegal immigration he would have nailed it.
  17. No little cccp, why do you like to cherry pick and take things out of context? He is a criminal and a slimy one. Go research laptop contents and his being involved in selling his fathers chair. You're the one that wants to indict Trump because you don't like him for no good reason.
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