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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    Garland got wrecked and all he could is smile smugly.
  2. I doubt Fitz was worried about himself getting hurt and getting hurt being dirty doesn't excuse him. Posting a biased opinion from a Steeler commentator no matter who he has on doesn't mean much. He didn't just go low, he went straight at his knees while he was carrying a load, huge difference compared to going low on a speeding back coming at you in an open field.
  3. It's not just about missed passes, he looked lost every time he scrambled and when it looked like he was about to run for a first down he made an awkward throw into the ground. Just wondering, knowing Pittsburgh with Watt will be in our backfield all day, did anyone see a game plan for that? Something like a quick check down, screens, anything? Those passes to the sidelines, I'm hoping that's something they've been working on and they just need to dial it in. I'm still holding out Watson gets in his groove, but he's just not looking good right now. As far as Baker goes, a lot of fans have every right to be upset. Watson wasn't only given the Kings ransom, we gave away 1st round picks. He damn well better prove his worth and if people doubt him they have every right and so far they have good reason. We have to sit here and wait for Watson to catch on even though he's been in the league and played at a high level for how long?? Yet maybe Baker just needed some time and he not only had that shoulder injury he should have been benched for, he had drama he had to deal with. Replacing a decent qb that had potential with a qb that's proven but has his own drama and been out for a while that came with a steep price tag is worth debating. How can you not question this move? I personally moved on as we deal with what we have. Though tell me no one is at least interested in seeing what dtr can do(it's Browns tradition after all to keep rotating QBs). That's Watsons fault this time, he needs to play better and I hope he does.
  4. I thought it was dirty. I don't play football for a career and I can tell you I know better than to launch myself into the front of someones knees while he's dragging weight like that. He could have easily went mid section. I'm not sure when but a couple possessions later Watson threw over the middle, our receiver missed it but again Fitz flew in for a cheap shot while the receiver was extended and vulnerable(defenseless). I didn't hear anyone else mention but I noticed. I know things happen but it looked intentional. Did Fitz offer a public apology that seemed sincere?
  5. Jax


    Trump Accomplishments as of November 2020: Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000. Gasoline is $1.70-2.10 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.65% for a 30yr mortgage. GDP growth for the 3rd quarter was 33%. Inflation is below 2%. Best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. No new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea under control and no missile tests. ISIS defeated The housing market is the strongest in over 20 years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate Homes sell the fastest in history Minority groups led the way in poverty alleviation. Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8 percentage points Asian poverty fell by 2.8 percentage points. Lowest child poverty rate since 1958 Lowest poverty rate on record in 2019 Abraham accords. Manufacturing returns to America China pays $400B in taxes Made America energy independent with gas prices averaging $2.25/gallon. Built the world’s most prosperous economy with Inflation at only 1.4% Shut down illegal immigration with border wall and stay in Mexico policy. Had a policy to stand up to China and Russia. Historic trade deals that were actually fair and protected the United States Workers. Destroyed ISIS. Started no new wars. Ended 1 war and wound down Afghanistan. Passed $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief and reformed the tax code. Massive Deregulation -- Ended the regulatory assault on American Businesses and Workers. Ended the Obama Individual Mandate Penalty and saved those without insurance a $600 dollar penalty. Stock Markets into all time highs.
  6. I would have mine for back up as well. Still, you avoid the context of the post, they did not use said weapons in the great "insurrection", what kind of national terrorist mount a hostile gov't take over and leave their weapons behind. It's all garbage.
  7. https://www.cultureamp.com/blog/40-hour-work-week The history of the 40-hour work week Believe it or not, the makings of the 40-hour work week started in the 19th century. Below is a timeline of the key dates that led to the work standards we’re familiar with today. 1817: After the Industrial Revolution, activists, and labor union groups advocated for better working conditions. People were working 80 to 100-hour weeks during this time. 1866: The National Labor Union, comprised of skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, and reformers, asked Congress to pass a law mandating the eight-hour workday. While the law wasn’t passed, it increased public support for the change. 1869: President Ulysses S. Grant issued a proclamation to guarantee eight-hour workdays for government employees. Grant's decision encouraged private-sector workers to push for the same rights. 1886: The Illinois Legislature passed a law mandating eight-hour workdays. Many employers refused to cooperate, which led to a massive worker strike in Chicago, where there was a bomb that killed at least 12 people. The aftermath is known as the Haymarket Riot and is now commemorated on May 1 as a public holiday in many countries. 1926: Henry Ford popularized the 40-hour work week after he discovered through his research that working more yielded only a small increase in productivity that lasted a short period of time. Ford announced he would pay each worker $5 per eight-hour day, which was nearly double what the average auto worker was making that time. Manufacturers and companies soon followed Henry Ford’s lead after seeing how this new policy boosted productivity and fostered loyalty and pride among Ford’s employees. 1938: Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which required employers to pay overtime to all employees who worked more than 44 hours a week. They amended the act two years later to reduce the work week to 40 hours. 1940: The 40-hour work week became U.S. law.
  8. I think in the old days people fared better because owners cared about employees and the community. Nowadays, it's all about max profit at any cost and share holders. Each important of course but it's gotten too far out of whack. Worst of all are the CEOs that feel entitled to rape a business to no benefit of employees or customers.
  9. "It is not the job of a news network to hide the truth from the American people. Your network continues to interfere in the presidential election by not covering Biden family corruption, including reliable evidence now emerging showing then Vice President Biden accepting bribes from foreign adversaries. But this isn’t the first time. This is a continuation. A poll from the Media Research Center following the 2020 presidential election showed that 45 percent of Biden voters in seven swing states were not aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story and evidence linking Joe Biden to corrupt financial dealings with China through his son Hunter, due in part to the refusal of your network to cover substantial evidence before the election. The impact: 9.4 percent of these voters said that had they been aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story, they would not have voted for Joe Biden. This would have changed the results of the election. Trump would have won - by a landslide. If you expect your network to be taken seriously as a news operation instead of a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, it is high time your network starts covering Joe Biden’s scandals. Your lack of coverage is tantamount to election interference." The trouble with lefties is they gobble up CNN like it's gospel. At least we know certain news media have certain biases. Most like GP make sure you know they are conservative. CNN tries to pretend they are fair and partial all the while promoting lies and cover ups for the left.
  10. I love unions, and yes there is absolutely a place for them today. Unfortunately, just like anywhere else, corruption can take a toll. Not all unions are corrupt, some are good and some are just poorly run. I worked at GM for 7 years, they absolutely need a union. For me the problem lies in management. You have record profits and yet you keep increasing the price of your product. The union wouldn't have much leg to stand on if this wasn't the case and management was fair and honest. But they are greedy so why wouldn't the people who put in some sweat want their share? After the pandemic it was GMs ceo that said they liked keeping dealership inventory low so they could charge a higher price. Fair enough until people start becoming loyal customers somewhere else. I know the rumors of GM workers and while there might be some outliers, they work hard. They give you a minute to do your job and they time out exactly how long it takes when they plan out these jobs so it takes you almost the full minute to get your car done, at least at my old plant, 60 cars/hour. Not all jobs are the same but that's the bulk of it. I think it's in everyone's best interest to be supportive because it was the unions that got us a 40 hr work week and weekends and most of your job perks. If they got 4 days maybe that will extend across the job market to other places that can also support it, not everything can however but that's how it goes. I feel they're asking a lot but these union guys hopefully know why they're asking for. Personally, I'd rather see the cost of a vehicle go down, but make no mistake, you could fire all the workers and hire in new at a third of the rate and prices would still not go down. GM uses the media to put consumers on their side but it's crap. I love GM cars, it's usually easy picking one out.
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