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Everything posted by Jax

  1. No need, go dig it up yourself. You can tell me it's nothing after he gets impeached.
  2. That's great little cccp, the liberal whack jobs are outraged over something stupid like gas furnaces
  3. Are you sure that wasn't just Hillary checking her email?
  4. Oh we're talking about Trump I see, yeah eventually they'd find something even if it was jaywalking. Even if they had to make new laws.
  5. All the lefties are getting triggered over this lol. They only want accountability, or made up bullshit, when it's Trump.
  6. Fear mongering as in Trump having nuke codes that dumbass mily had to intervene to save the planet?? hahaha Woke is already being rooted out, do you still defend it?
  7. Illegal aliens Illegal immigration Invaders they are anything but migrants and yes I am worried about those 3 things, you gotta be stupid not to be
  8. Compared to what Biden has done, you might as well ring him up for jaywalking. Who gives a shit, he's not the only one that dances around his taxes.
  9. It's more than that as well, just wait. Hopefully impeachment first then being tried for treason.
  10. That's asinine to assume and that 4% number if accurate doesn't mean real unemployment numbers it just means those out of work have stopped looking. Bidens employment numbers are horrific. Not to mention any jump up in numbers are also people returning to jobs after liberals shut down the economy during covid. Illegal immigration is a great threat to this nation, it has nothing to do with race. Don't undermine the importance of securing our borders and our freedom because you need to apply liberal woke bullshit.
  11. Everything is wrong with that. Unions prop up the economy if anything. As Ford once said, I need to pay my workers enough money so they can afford the product they build. You have no idea if the jobs are demanding or not. I can tell you, they are very much demanding. At my plant, you have less than 1 minute to do your job as the car rolls by. After it rolls by, you immediately walk up to the next car and do it again. You stand and walk all day, sometimes bending over into the engine compartment, sometimes hunched over backwards trying to get under the steering wheel section and sometimes your under the car with both hands over your head trying to to use a gun to drive in a dozen screws along with other parts as you wear an apron to hold a few pounds of parts. If I went on vacation, all the people that work after me would throw a party when I returned because most people couldn't even do my job and it affects everyone there after. A literal party for themselves in their group. That's my side but there's plenty more. You have iron worker unions and more, have you ever worked or know anything about their trade? Look it up, they do all sorts of things, from bridges to gutting out factories to remodel and update. You pay them good money not just for the crap work conditions they go through and the dangers and risks but because of their knowledge in doing the job properly to code so that it's safe and lasts. Driving up the costs of goods is company misinformation. When union members strike such as UAW is doing now, companies like GM will put out garbage reports to the news because they want to gain the favor of the public. I read an old news article that was in my grandmas basement, it was late 70s and it talked about GM and pensions/healthcare. It went into detail how the company not only plans but has the funds to cover their expenses for the next 10+ years. This is a billion dollar + company, they know what they're doing and have things laid out years in advance, they don't get caught off guard. These expenses don't just creep up on them, everything is accounted for years down the road. At my closed plant, they made all kinds of deals with local gov't to gain all kinds of tax advantages but they didn't holds up their end because part of it was they had to keep the plant open. They don't care, not only that but they are wasteful, they have no problem dropping millions when they don't have to for all kinds of things because they merely did not plan correctly. Who are you or anyone to say ridiculous high wages? Do you want me to come into your business and argue you and all your counterparts make too much money? Even if you make below poverty wages, you sure the hell don't want anyone coming in and doing that. That's what I call worker cannibalism, workers need to support each other not eat each other. Unless you're part of the companies upper management teams. Those guys take all they want with every perk but somehow it's the rest of the workers fault who put in their blood and sweat as well, and often times have more loyalty to the companies they work for. The people all around me at GM cared for the product we made for the customers and not only did we do our jobs best we could, we kept an eye out for anything that was wrong with the car as it went by. Sometimes I wouldn't have time to say or write something up I'd pass it along to the next guy and he'd do it for me. Sometimes we caught engine bolts missing from the engine and usually something went wrong up the line and the foreman(management) would just send the car to keep the line moving as they would send someone to fix it elsewhere but that car was about to hit the high line where everyone stands under it so we'd always make them come fix it before that. We'd add pieces of tape for paint defects, I'd catch a bolt missing from the seat belt, whatever we noticed we flagged, and we paid attention so we could help and catch things. Not only that, but I learned the jobs around me on my own so when new people came over and shut the line down and could walk over and help get things moving again, I'm not really supposed to do that because management takes advantage of everything you do for them. Of course the cost of employees is added into everything we consume, the cost is about 5% into a car. I know how many cars we build and I doubt it's even that. As I said, let's say all of the sudden you pay the workers half, you will not see the price in cars drop by any amount. In other words, no they do not affect the price of this product going up in price. We need more jobs like this in America, we don't need to start losing them. Now can a place like McDonalds say the same? Can they pay workers more without raising prices? I don't know but from what I understand it's not as easy as a company like GM can afford. What's the point in buying American or saving these jobs from going over seas if you can't make a living at them with a fair wage? That fair wage isn't determined by a worker at McDonalds but by the very company people work at. Only workers at GM can determine what is fair, not you or I. Personally, the 40% raise seems super high but hopefully they know what they're doing. I no longer have a stake in it, if I did I'd be happy at 20%. Make no mistake, no one and nothing is forcing any company or industry into automation. Not only that but GMs been automating what it could since forever, it has nothing to do with any strike or anything the workers prompt and it's nothing new. We had some robotics on the other side of the line from me and they were always down, engineers were always over there fiddling around. There were some automation that were very much needed, I'm not against it. We had a robot that applied the caulking around the windshield before the next robot picked up the windshield and set it in place. I think precision points like that benefited more from a robot. As I said, me and all the workers I ran into and know all had the customer in mind first. I know union talk is a political party divide but it shouldn't be any longer. Unions should be supported by all. If we look at teachers unions, I can tell you absolutely there is a need for those unions because those positions become political. People at the top could fire at will and hire in their buddies anytime they felt like it if not for a union. They do it to sports coaches all the time, seen it first hand and they fired this awesome coach who was winning all so they could replace him so their daughter would get 100% playtime with the new coach in, who loses horribly now btw. The downside obviously is that teachers that deserve to be fired are protected, as the same with any union. There were a few members that needed let go at the plant but our union protected. It's just that you don't punish those guys by punishing the rest of the good people. Something needs done though. There are bad parts of the union and they need addressed just as we need to address the corruption in gov't. Penalizing the people or members though is not a solution, neither is blaming unions randomly because they make more than you(in general not saying towards anyone in particular) or they have better job security or better healthcare. I'm guilty of some this talk as well however as I feel we pay professional sports players too much money. I always say lower food prices, tickets and merchandise. But the fact is they draw in money from different places. Still, cost of these things are crazy. Maybe instead of blaming the workers for the price of the car, why not look at managements dealings? Look at politicians and their policies that may be driving up the price of metal? Blame the engineers that can't design anything right the first time and have no concept of how things work other than it looks good on paper or in program. Don't blame your fellow workers just because it's easier and you're a bit envious. Hell yeah I'm envious too but good for them, I wish I still had my job at the plant, mostly for all the friends I had. You could literally walk to the other side of the plant, 10+ minute walk and run into people you've never met and carry on friendly conversations like you've known them for years. It was a great place, I could even walk into the front offices and carry on pleasant conversations with everyone. I love where I'm at now but I miss the mass of people that were around.
  12. Very true but being a Browns fan, you learn to celebrate early before the wheels come off. The deciding factor in the game could be in disputes as the fumbles can easily claim that title.
  13. I'm not sticking up for Fain in any way as I know nothing about him, but I support unions. How can you not? This is the working class, this is my class. I hope they get a fair deal and secure better job security. Trump came to the valley, Lordstown and told everyone not to sell their homes, GM isn't going anywhere. Sure it's mostly out of his control but when they announced the first wave of lay offs before announcing the shut down, he really wasn't anywhere to be found. GM packed up and left, though the car we were making was still making profits, just not as much as GM wanted, I guess. Whether you're for or against unions, you expect the politicians to support jobs period. GM makes their billions and without unions it wouldn't be a job worth keeping, you have no idea how management works in these factories. Middle class workers deserve to earn a good living when the company they work for generate tremendous profits. I and just about everyone around me, a lot of people, supported and voted for him. After he gave his speech and GM shutdown without a peep from him, I was done with him. Unfortunately, I started keeping tabs on politics again. Was away for a good spell because it mostly doesn't affect me, so I thought. I was wrong, just the issue of illegals pouring in and changing the landscape into a 3rd world perspective is reason to stay informed. Illegals invading and supporting the 2nd amendment were my 2 main issues, of course a few others right behind but these 2 can do irreversible damage to our country and the freedoms we enjoy. I know some people who are good intentioned think falsely that banning guns will save lives or end violence, but it will do the opposite on top of eroding more rights the gov't has no right to mess with. Anyways, I had to bury my feelings over the love of my old job and all the friends I had because Trump didn't do too bad as president and somehow the person I considered to be the comical sidekick got nominated for president before eventually stealing it. Maybe it wasn't stolen but the votes he received were merely because the biased media fed the gullible misinformation and the votes were against Trump not for Biden. As predicted, look where it got us. The unions usually come out and support Democrats no matter what and we receive flyers while working with a list of all democrats to vote for when elections come, and even get the day off for elections. They don't care what they represent, what their background is or what policies they support, they vote straight down the democratic line. I don't blame them to some extent as Republicans have always been against unions and supported the upper management, not sure if it's still that way but I believe it is for the most part. Though some have wisened up and at least pretend to support unions for votes. The political field is crazy, it's gone too long without anyone or anything held to accountability. It's all becoming a clown show and it's us citizens that pay for it. Things Trump did weren't issues he took advantage of while in office,if he did do anything. Politicians like Biden made their fortunes because of their office seat. There's a huge difference between the two. Maybe Trump has come around after some time, maybe not fully but I bet he actually does care more than Biden does.
  14. He already had the nuke codes - what happened chicken little??
  15. He's just trying to talk now because he knows when it's over Trump will be fine and running our country again. They got nothing, just like all the past times they tried him.
  16. If you apply to a bank for a loan, the bank/insurance will establish a value for the property, independent of what you value it at. The suit was filed by the AG, not the banks, insurers or investors.
  17. Not only that but he's crying about someone we'd like to see punished as well lol. Is Santos even Trump supported or is woody being woody again? Can't have a debate without talking about his idol.
  18. Jax


    I guess they wiped out a few stores.
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