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Everything posted by Jax

  1. https://libertydispatch.com/debunked-trump-did-not-attack-veterans-as-losers/article19027 Trump’s former press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, also took to Twitter to deny the Atlantic’s claims: “The Atlantic story on [Trump] is total BS. I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion – this never happened. I have sat in the room when our President called family members after their sons were killed in action and it was heart-wrenching,” she wrote. “These were some of the moments I witnessed the President show his heart and demonstrate how much he respects the selfless and courageous men and women of our military. I am disgusted by this false attack,” she added. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also went on Fox News to dismiss the story. “I’ve been with this president now for coming on four years,” Pompeo said. “I’ve never heard the president use the language that assertively is said in that article about him calling military suckers and losers. I’ve never seen that — indeed, just the contrary. He has always had the deepest respect.” But the most notable support comes from former National Security Adviser John Bolton, who also admitted it never happened. Bolton and Trump famously had a falling out, with Bolton later penning a scathing memoir about his time in the White House. Bolton’s book, released earlier this year, actually discusses the canceled visit–and says canceling was a “straightforward decision” due to weather and security issues. In a book chock full of anti-Trump smears, Bolton makes no mention of Trump disparaging the troops. In his book, Bolton wrote: “The weather was bad, and [General] Kelly and I spoke about whether to travel as planned to the Chateau Thierry Belleau Wood monuments and nearby American Cemeteries, where many US World War I dead were buried.” “Marine One’s crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery,” he continued. “If a motorcade was necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in an emergency.” “It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit,” Bolton concluded. Bolton, in a recent interview, reiterated his side of the story, saying it was “a straight weather call” to cancel the visit.
  2. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/100-survivors-rescued-160-arrests-made-north-east/ Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced Monday the sweeping success of a week long statewide human trafficking operation, aptly named ‘Operation Buyer’s Remorse.’ The operation aimed to arrest individuals attempting to purchase sex and identify survivors of human trafficking. “Operation Buyer’s Remorse” is a week long statewide human trafficking crackdown in Ohio. The operation was led by the Southeastern Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force and local law enforcement agencies. “Law enforcement across Ohio teamed up in a concerted effort to stem the demand that fuels human trafficking,” Yost said in a press release. “The success of this operation is measured not only by the number of arrests but also by the resources offered to survivors of human trafficking and the intelligence gathered that will propel long-term investigations forward.”
  3. What now brainwashed lefty? What makes you think generals are anything different than any other political hack? Look at Milly...
  4. Tell me these crooked judges and prosecutors didn't already know about the statute of limitations, total witch hunt and political assassination. Wasting our time and money.
  5. Biden would never lie and the media would never cover for him.
  6. The "Right to Shelter" has existed in New York City for more than 40 years and requires sheltering for the homeless. New York is an asylum city. "They come here, and we’re supposed to shelter people who can’t get work permits for six months. We need to change that," he said, noting that migrants have a right to begin "paying their way" in American society. "They ought to work," Clinton said. "They need to begin working, paying taxes and paying their way. Most of these people have no interest in being on welfare." The former president said that America's low birth rate requires that the economy be shored up by either "immigrants or machines." Unfortunately the Democrats way of fixing it is by making it easier to come here and get jobs. We need to stop them from coming here altogether and deport the ones that came here illegally. All of them.
  7. Jax


    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/mi-sheriff-warns-residents-wealthy-majority-democrat-voting/ For decades, a majority of Oakland County, MI. residents have been voting for Democrats. Up and down the streets of affluent neighborhoods, signs reading, “No person is illegal” and “In this house, we believe…”NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL,” can be found in front of several million-dollar homes. Nothing says “I’m a better person than my neighbor” than a virtue-signaling sign that celebrates illegal aliens in America—until, of course, the local sheriff warns that YOU are about to become their next victim—and no amount of virtue-signaling will stop them. Unfortunately, liberal elites living in Oakland County, MI, who’ve proudly supported Democrats for decades, are about to see first-hand what happens when you elect Democrats with no regard for our national security. On Friday, Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard warned Oakland County, MI residents that he’s working with the FBI and Homeland Security to combat the serious threat of violent “transnational gangs” who are breaking into homes in exclusive areas and stealing millions of dollars in high-end items. The Detroit News reports – The sheriff detailed at a press conference what officials have learned about the burglaries that have ravaged Michigan’s second most populous county, resulting in what Bouchard described as the loss of “hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars” worth of merchandise. He did not detail how many arrests have been made or other details authorities have complied in connection with incidents but said “there are specific threads” officials are aware of. “These are transnational gangs that are involved in this that come from South America, looking to do burglaries and violate our communities, not just in Oakland County but across America,” Bouchard said. “It’s criminality at its organized crime best in terms of that’s how it functions. They work together, and they’re here for a specific purpose.” According to Bouchard, gang members have been cited from countries such as Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, and Venezuela. I suppose local lefty liberal hacks will ignore this to cherry pick lame non issues and go into complete denial and twist the facts mode. Just migrants right?
  8. We needed to crush the Ravens, probably our biggest division threat. The Browns have to win these division games more than any other. Until we do that, it will always be the same old Browns.
  9. https://www.wkbn.com/sports/why-the-cleveland-browns-wont-be-on-tv-in-youngstown-this-week/ Due to the NFL contract with CBS, WKBN must show the 1 p.m. game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Houston Texans this Sunday, October 1, and cannot show the 1 p.m. game between the Baltimore Ravens and Cleveland Browns. Under the NFL/CBS contract terms, both the Steelers and Browns claim Youngstown as a “secondary” home market. The team that plays “away” automatically becomes the mandatory team. If they are both away or both at home, CBS would be able to pick whichever game is believed to deliver the largest audience. Airing the Steelers game and not the Browns game is ultimately fulfilling that contract and was not a decision made on any level at WKBN.
  10. Clowny is having a good year, hopefully they have a plan for him unlike Watt.
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