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Everything posted by Jax

  1. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2023/10/todd-monken-created-a-blueprint-others-may-follow-for-attacking-the-browns-defense-film-review.html CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Browns defense went into the Baltimore game with some good numbers. Before getting thumped by the Ravens, this defensive unit allowed just 94 yards to a Titans team that posted 400 yards in their 27-3 beatdown of the Bengals the very next Sunday. So, what happened to the Browns defense? Todd Monken is what happened. The Ravens’ new offensive coordinator and longtime college and NFL coach, including time with the Browns, came into the season off back-to-back college national championships with the Georgia. Monken is an offensive version of Browns defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz. He does an incredible job of exploiting favorable matchups and creating easy schemes. This simplicity allows his players to play fast with confidence.
  2. Taliban and Iran aren't the only ones getting involved, now Saudi is getting involved, way to go dipshit Biden.
  3. Remember how dipshit Biden left $80 billion dollars worth of our military equipment in his botched retreat?
  4. Trump is the center of cpps life, he talks about him more than all of us put together.
  5. Oh I'm sure you'll find something stupid to whine about, then bring up old memories of Trump in between all the tears.
  6. He's an idiot. I'm embarrassed to have him as our president.
  7. If Trump wasn't around you libidiots wouldn't have a life. You should thank him.
  8. Jax


    Libidiots fell for the illegal invasion now how long before they catch on to climate change?
  9. It's all a circus to try and keep Trump from running and winning re election, good thing they have all you clowns running around being stupid actually thinking this is going anywhere than stalling. Naive little libidiots
  10. Now the libidiots are in favor of a wall? Little late or did your cult already bring in enough votes? Trump was ahead of his time, building the wall while there was no invasion and the libidiots were melting down over cages Obama built. Now Biden can use all the wall sections Trump already had built, well the ones those dumbass libs didn't already sell in a fire sale. Man you guys are criminal and dumb.
  11. Jax


    I'm sure the local libidiots are ok screwing our vets for illegals.
  12. Jax


    We need more people like this filming. Seriously, who do these people think they are?
  13. I wonder if somehow it's now ok to build a wall that libidiots want to. (after the country got wrecked)
  14. That's about 72000 each. When did we determine student loan was a problem and that free hand outs was the answer? I guess he wasn't satisfied with the record inflation numbers. I'm all for better rates or lowering costs and such for students, but there's better ways to help. Going to college is not a necessity to better yourself.
  15. Funny like Biden hiding in his basement instead of protecting our borders?
  16. Take Millys word for it, the guy that betrayed us to China. A top 5 star general giving war secrets to China, that's who you worship?
  17. All things horrible for this country. Here's a buck, go buy a clue at the dollar store.
  18. LOl, his infaltion reduction act was all about spending for green energy which is not only a bust but a burden on everyone that accomplishes nothing. These libs are so dumb it's almost comical. hahaha one idiot thinks Biden did anything good, ffs man.
  19. It wasn't an attack, it's blatant they are not impartial. Glad you support this.
  20. “Why are we trying a case that the appellate division of New York state has just ruled recently that we won 80% of our case and this judge refuses to acknowledge the ruling, which is plain for all to see,” Trump said.
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