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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Intelligent thing to say, I'm just tired of constantly trying to debate things while you morons do nothing but play word games and ignore issues. Glad you have no real reply though, called out and had nothing to contribute as usual.
  2. Those numbers exist because Israel was forced to defend themselves. Is it bad if we look at the 200,000+ Iraqi citizens that were killed during that war? It happens, I'm not saying it's good, but it's war. So you agree with the terrorist actions of hamas?
  3. Don't waste my time if you just want to play word games. I've posted plenty of videos and talked about it enough already. But ffs let's walk you through this and I'll try not to leave any room fthat you can twist my words or act dumb. At first you said you gave Trump full credit for the wall even though it was incomplete Who else would you give credit to? Everyone was against him and tried stopping him at every chance. It's incomplete because as I said it's a process. He has come up with a plan, go over paper work, submit said paperwork, wait for reply on said paper work, talk with lawyers, find a factory, handle logistics, hire companies, those companies have to come up with a plan, obtain the materials, build the wall sections, whatever else I left out. Do you think the wall is the only thing on his plate as well? The wall was well on it's way by the end of his term, then incompetent libs and lefties halted it full stop, even sold wall sections for a fraction of a penny on the dollar. Then you say it's a "process" which I interprete as something that couldn't be finished during his 4 year term, which means "somebody" else had to finish it. Unfortunately he only had one term but considering his short time to get this done, he did what he could. Now your telling me you won't give Biden credit for finishing the wall. Sounds like you don't want to give him credit for ANYTING. Am I wrong? Help me out here. Why does he deserve credit? I already stated he's forced to build a section of the wall. He;s not finishing it and he's not doing it to protect us, he's doing it because he's forced to. There's no credit to give for anything and above all, Trump already had everything in place, all he had to do was sign off, except for when he did the opposite and halted construction. It also sounds like even if he did decide to finish building it from the get go you wouldn't give him any kind of praise even though he gave you something you want. He's an idiot who can't find the exit off a stage and is corrupt as hell, he doesn't know what's going on until he reads it off the prompter and half the time he can't even handle that. Trump started it, everything was in place so why would I give Biden any credit other than for not being a douchebag for stopping it, that's all the credit I'd give him. Reality is, that's not what happened so why waste my time over shit?? So are you all of the sudden for the wall? Why would you give Biden dipshit any credit?
  4. I'm not a cheerleader, I openly said why I don't agree with hamas and posted actual videos of the atrocities, but I never said I agree with Israel either, though it appears to me they have every right to defend themselves. At this time I really don't know enough to say Israel is wrong in any way as all I see so far is they are protecting themselves from terrorists. Whatever you do though, Israels actions are nothing like what the hamas are doing, which is nothing short of criminal, terrorist and considered war crimes if nothing else. War will always bring collateral damage.
  5. It's reported they gave warning, that's all I can tell you. There's not 2 million people in one building. We don't know why they chose that target other than what was reported. We don't have military intel, they are at war with hamas and they must have their reasons for that target and to condemn or praise them for that is not possible. I do know hamas constantly sends rockets into Israel without any thought of it's target or who is being hit.
  6. We don't have the actual intel on that, none of us can comment on that. How does murdering, raping and kidnapping kids at a concert any good?
  7. Israel gave warning to the citizens in the building they were about to strike that was storing the arms. I find it disingenuous people keep talking about Palestine backed into a corner yet ignore the terrorist acts they are committing.
  8. He already stated he is only doing it because he's forced to. He doesn't even want credit, but make no mistake, there's not much credit to give if you mean he's finishing it cause trump couldn't. That wouldn't be accurate. Protecting our borders is a no brainer, but I would be very pleased with whoever does something to secure this country.
  9. All your elected democrat lefties are flipping out too, you are behind the times. And don't be an ass and put words in my mouth, it has nothing to do with them being different. I get my sources from all over not just GP, though I notice you always spit out dumb lefty talking points so it's no wonder your projecting as usual. Climate change stooge.
  10. They are doing the same things muslims did in Iraq, they murder everyone, kids, women, they kidnap the women and kids, they parade the dead bodies through town where everyone including their kids run up and spit on them. If I had to choose a side, I think I'll take the other and ignore the media spin about poor Palestinians stuck in a cage. I'll leave that for the lefties who fall for everything.
  11. It's really not an age thing, your maturity level is that of a 10 year old. Wouldn't matter if you were 70, you are just full of ignorance.
  12. Hahaha, thanks for confirming, try making fun of us and look at you foam at the mouth over climate change.
  13. It's funny watching people flip out over fake climate change too. We don't fear, it's a reality little one, illegal aliens are bad.
  14. I guess this does affect Americans.
  15. Doesn't seem very trippy to me dude, idk.
  16. Coming from the group that hates Trump no matter the cost.
  17. It was very brave of those terrorists to drop in on paragliders to kill a bunch of kids partying at a rave.
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