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Everything posted by Jax

  1. The photos are out, I'd rather not post them here but if you want more proof just say so. In fact, I will not post them, go look them up if you doubt it.
  2. At this point it doesn't matter. Our local libs are brainwashed, gullible and ignorant. They cry about name calling but go off the deep end after their sarcasm one liners gets called out. I love debating but they lack the intelligence and understanding of the world. They're basically trolls that pretty much say anything opposite us to get a reaction. Hell, they're not even smart enough to do that correctly.
  3. Jax


    Climate whackos, nice group to belong to.
  4. twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/17122 1dfsg3351101591907?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1712213351101591907%7Ctwgr%5E5c55161b80bcf7e06172bbb9a2bdea57f913d8e5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2023%2F10%2Fbiden-confirms-he-has-seen-photos-beheaded-israeli%2FWas decapitated babies part of the misinformation you were referring to Woody?
  5. Don't act dumb. Your brainwashed by white supremacy rhetoric.
  6. They just don't think like us. There's no reasoning or explaining or morals or ethics. They have their religion and beliefs that we simply can't understand even though we can surmise. They are driven by something you can't make peace with.
  7. Their fanatic religion beliefs? Why don't you spell it out?
  8. So what could he have a field day with exactly? Please enlighten us with your woke buzzwords.
  9. Please explain to me how a news agency reporting the news, unlike CNN that injects a narrative, is propaganda? Are you saying what's reported in this clip isn't real or accurate?
  10. Rofl, and Vapor calls me a cheerleader.
  11. Woody and his woke indoctrination brainwashing lol. It's always nice to have comedic relief.
  12. Another thought, is it a good idea to leave terrorists on your doorstep that continually & indiscriminately murder your citizens? If not, what do you think they should do about it?
  13. Vapor isn't making much sense, did he actually come out with his opinion on the matter? He talks about the killing of innocent citizens, does he mean the Israeli victims? Does he agree that those numbers don't matter much since he confirmed we killed much more? I'm not sure what he keeps insinuating. So, do you support the terrorists actions or not? I'm going to assume no, then tell me why you don't support Israel in defeating terrorists living on their door steps continually killing citizens? If you're not up to speed, the theory is Iran doesn't want peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia so they used the gullible Hamas to draw Israel into conflict knowing this would sour SA peace talks. Hamas doesn't care much as they want to murder, kidnap and rape anyways, that's what terrorists do. It has nothing to do with your view on poor Palestine being in some imaginary cage being oppressed by Israel. They are terrorist that continually commit terrorist actions, I'm not even going to post the videos of most of their actions because I won't even watch what they did, it's that bad. It's mind blowing you keep talking about innocent civilians and people making excuses for Israel killing but you think it's acceptable to make excuses for terrorists committing atrocities that no one should have to witness let alone live through. This is why I'm confused on your stance or what your trying to say. The Palestine people have been harboring terrorists and celebrating with them through every atrocity, again slaughtering citizens and parading their twisted and maimed bodies around town. I feel bad for the peaceful Palestinians but to be honest I haven't seen too many of them but I'm sure they are in hiding despite Hamas telling them to stay put as to be targets.
  14. Hahaha, thanks for proving us right, it's not as if no one knows though.
  15. We've been depleting our munitions cache for Ukraine and now Israel, where does that leave Taiwan? Not to mention, the whole Arab world is lurking around Israel. Also, our recruitment numbers have been down, though I have no doubt people will enlist if a situation arises, it's just that they'll be fresh off recruitment with little training. There's little faith in our leaders like Biden and Milly though he left at least, but he still leaves behind his mess. We have our own country that needs secured with a flood of unknowns.
  16. NEO, do you have anything useful to say about illegal immigration or the invasion? Or are you just concerned that Trump might get credit for being smart and caring enough to begin this process that your lefty whackos didn't allow him to finish?
  17. Hamas are carrying out terrorist actions, how is the word gymnastics? Do you refute that? Do you refute during our war 200,000+ Iraqi citizens were killed? Our causality rate was low compared to that number. You're the one playing word gymnastics trying to show death tolls being out of balance with no context behind the numbers. So if we use your logic, then you must have been against your own nation in most of the wars we've been in. We entered Vietnam, supposedly, because of an attack against one of our ships. We went to war with the Taliban because they flew planes into our buildings. You've been ok with that I assume because you've never ranted about it which means you accept all the collateral damage that came with it. The problem with your argument is that you just try to paint people into a corner that if we accept this war then we must like all the killing. Things aren't that simple, I support Israel with what I know but I do not care for all the collateral damage. That's what happens when hamas hides behind the citizens to use as meatshields, and by the reactions in the streets as they parade dead bodies around, it looks like they themselves support the violence. In an age where we had suicide bombers fly planes into our buildings I have no sympathy for terrorists or their sympathizers. In our world over here, we try to respect life and live peacefully, it's a different world over there. That's why it's discerning when people here think it's a great humanitarian accomplishment to allow the invasion of illegal aliens, especially with no regard to background checks.
  18. We declared war on the Taliban, could you point out their country on a map?
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